Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 595.2

Chapter 595.2: The Empress Governs the Country IV

Chapter 595.2: The Empress Governs the Country IV

The Empress Governs the Country IV (2)

Fortunately, no one started ‘retorting’ by quoting the classics. Otherwise, based on his Majesty’s temper, when time comes, don’t know who will actually be the one getting retorted.

Li Hong Yuan just looked over the top twenty exam papers of the court exam. The top three candidates of the first class for the most part wasn’t likely exceed this range. Even if afterwards an extremely outstanding essay were to suddenly appear, but if the performance previously wasn’t that good, then it will inevitably attract suspicion. In this case, even if the most outstanding one of this court exam, still won’t be able to rank in the first class.

In the end, Li Hong Yuan didn’t personally appoint either, instead just having the exam papers thrown to the court officials, “You all decide.”

Although it’s said as such, but based on his comments earlier, as well as his speed in reading through the essays, the court officials roughly had an idea inside. Setting aside their personal preferences and motives in regards to the essays, the final outcome in their mind was roughly the same as Li Hong Yuan’s thoughts. The only thing that was somewhat disputable was probably just the ranking of the essays.

Li Hong Yuan sat for a little while longer before finally leaving. Truthfully speaking, for him to be able to patiently sit until now, it was already not easy.

The matters afterwards, Jing Wan also no longer got involved in. This kind of thing, once or twice, it was still novel, but as the times increase, the feeling would just die down. Speaking of which, it was also just that.

Jing Wan just let the people below have a list of the unmarried passing candidates submitted up, and afterwards, find a time to have the princesses all summoned into the palace, arranging a tea party.

Among the princesses, the youngest was also around five years old, so some things, can already start learning.

Regardless how these princesses mess around in the ‘princess manor’, regardless whether or not it’s fighting with their foe from day to night, in front of Jing Wan, they still need to tuck their tails between their legs. After all, Jing Wan right now was their ‘provider’. One word from Jing Wan can just determine whether their days will be good or bad. If able to have good days, then probably no one would want to have miserable days.

Jing Wan also didn’t waste her breath, directly having the words laid out in front of them. All in all, it was just, their food and clothing won’t be lacking, and she will also have them properly educated as much as possible, but how much they can learn, and to what degree, she won’t impose. However, this will directly correlate with what kind of husband they can marry.

The younger ones perhaps still don’t understand Jing Wan’s meaning, but the older ones couldn’t be more clear, especially the oldest two, their bodies uncontrollably trembling a little. They were both excited, yet also anxious, because they’ve already reached the age, so there was no time for them to learn more. What level they were at, perhaps they weren’t that clear, also not knowing Jing Wan’s standards, but they were both very self-aware. If comparing with Jing Wan, they were still too far off. If possible, who doesn’t want an ideal husband, harmoniously living out the days.

“As for other matters, this empress won’t say more of, so why don’t you all go back. Later, the teachers will go over.” Jing Wan’s gaze landed on the sixth and seventh princess, “When you two go back, put in a bit more effort, and first study for a month or two. When time comes………” Jing Wan paused, “Raising you two for a year or two more also isn’t a problem. The imperial family isn’t so poor to the point of not being able to raise two princesses.”

Jing Wan’s words were still light and soft, but it still made these two sisters instantly lose color from their face.

Their ages were already a bit on the older side, and what kind of situation required them to stay for another year or two? Naturally, it was that they didn’t even reach the bare minimum standard. For an imperial princess, even if a bit older, especially under the circumstance where the fuma will no longer be affected, they certainly don’t need to worry about not being able to marry, but when time comes, even their younger sisters have married, yet they still haven’t, won’t they be mocked to death? In the future, when they arrive in their husband’s family, they certainly will get looked down on. Based on the situation, it goes without saying, don’t bother counting on the emperor. As for the empress, even if backing them, there was still a limit. At most, it would just be not letting them be wronged when they didn’t make a mistake. She absolutely won’t indulge their unruliness and willful nature.

That’s why, the most pressing matter right now wasn’t fighting with their archnemesis.

After sending them off, Jing Wan asked about those older and younger brother-in-laws, as well as the nephews’ situation. Sure enough, it was just as Jing Wan had guessed, still possible to nurse back.

Perhaps because there was hope, in a few days, a few more went to participate in the Ministry of Appointments’ evaluation.

TN: All

Having taken care of what she needed to handle, fulfilling her duty, Jing Wan also just tossed the matter aside. She still has a pile of governmental affairs that needed to be handle. Don’t look at how a certain someone has returned. The great majority of the matters was still being handled by Jing Wan alone. The people below can tell from just looking at the memorandums, how much hard work the empress has put in, and how much the emperor has slacked off.

As for the Luo family brothers, Luo Pei Shan has already made arrangements for them, all getting appointed to a post outside of the capital, even specifically picking relatively remote and poor areas. However, this starting point was also pretty high, all as the county head magistrate, even bluntly telling them, if unable to amass any accomplishments, then don’t bother coming back, so as to avoid embarrassing their younger sister.

The others very much wanted to say, Sir Luo, you really don’t need to be like this. His Majesty probably didn’t mean this either. You really can just appoint them to a place that’s wealthy and easy to gain achievements. And after coming back three years later, that performance record can be as pretty as you want, so why not? Others at most would just say a few sour words inside.

Unfortunately, Luo Pei Shan was unconcerned. His sons were actually all in the capital. In any case, towards his sons, he just had a nonchalant attitude. Even if right now his second son has gained accomplishments, and also the empress’s father, his path as an official swiftly rising upwards, he still didn’t express anything in the slightest.

All say ‘closer to the generation after the next’, but when it comes to him, it seemingly was the opposite. However, it was also possible that his affections were all used on his granddaughter.

The days just passed like this. He Shi Hai’s campaign towards Zhang, at first was very smooth, but afterwards, he just encountered trouble. Southern Qi came to assist.

This seemingly was within expectations, because although it wasn’t clearly stated, the various signs previously all showed that Li Hong Yuan had the intention of using troops, and based on the direction of where the army was deployed, one can roughly guess the target. And now, just as expected…….

There was someone that advocated for peace talk, but before the words even reached halfway, he just got coldly glared at by Li Hong Yuan. josei

Li Hong Yuan directly passed down the order to send troops. The Ministry of Revenue and the Ministry of War can already start moving.

Jing Wan however discovered something off about Li Hong Yuan, her brows furrowing a little, the air pressure a bit low.

Li Hong Yuan lightly sighed, reaching out to massage Jing Wan’s brows, “Whatever thoughts Wan Wan has, you can just directly ask me.”

“You plan on,” Jing Wan pursed her lips, “personally leading the troops into battle?”

“Yes.” Li Hong Yuan didn’t deny in the slightest.

Jing Wan’s brows creased more, but she was still very rational, not shouting to stop him, also not saying words such as ‘having an esteemed and honorable status, one should not put oneself in danger’, or ‘Qi Yuan doesn’t lack talented military generals, so no need for him to personally go into battle’, instead just, “Why?”

“Why?” Li Hong Yuan quietly stared at Jing Wan, “Because in my heart, the rage cannot easily extinguish. If one doesn’t vent out, don’t know what it will evolve into.” Actually, ever since his rebirth, in the early years, Li Hong Yuan all never thought that he would still need to go onto the battlefield again in this life. But, it was just as he’d said, not venting it out won’t do.

Jing Wan’s brows smoothed out a little, but her lips were somewhat trembling, “Because of me?”

“Right, some debts must be collected.” Li Hong Yuan still didn’t deny.

Jing Wan slightly lowered her head, not looking at Li Hong Yuan, staying silent for a long while, “Alright, I won’t stop you, but you must return perfectly intact, not allowed to get another scar, no matter how small. Even if just a scratch, still not allowed!”

“Alright, I promise you, I’ll promise you anything.” Li Hong Yuan had Jing Wan taken into his arms, directly kissing.

Ever since Jing Wan gave birth, this was actually their first time indulging in pleasure. After all, it wasn’t a smooth birth, so she needed more time to recover. Although the time had already passed, but because Jing Wan didn’t express anything, Li Hong Yuan also didn’t make any moves. Perhaps having held back for too long, and perhaps because of this relatively heavy topic, this night, the two of them were both very crazy.

The next day, there just happened to be a morning court session. Jing Wan didn’t go. Li Hong Yuan directly issued the decree to personally lead troops into battle, “The empress will supervise the country.”

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