Tyrannical Wang's Beloved Wife

Chapter 99.1

Chapter 99.1: The Dust Has Settled

Chapter 99.1: The Dust Has Settled


T/N: This chapter is going to be in six parts, it’s by far one of the longest chapters up to date, with around 12k chinese chara rip me. Also I divide all the chapters by 2k chinese characters because that’s how long the full chapters were in the beginning. So even though the chapters are in parts now, they are the same length as the full chapters in the beginning. Don’t ask me how 600 chapters will end up being divided, I really don’t know ;;;v;;; I divide the chapters as I translate.

It was true that the Grand Elder Princess didn’t mind others causing some mischief during the banquet, but the premise being to someone unrelated to her. Right now, she had already considered Jing Wan as a genuine guest, her guest! Regardless whether it was someone from her manor or an outsider, to dare act up under her eyelids, once she finds out, just watch her have that person skinned alive.

That’s why, even if the Grand Elder Princess’s temper was pretty good, for someone who grew up in the imperial palace, that oppressive place, how could she really be that simple.

Speaking of this qin, Jing Wan also had to admit it was a good qin. Regardless whether it was the materials used, or the craftsmanship, it was all first class. The only place that can be considered a problem was probably just the overly tightened strings. Anyone who didn’t have the least bit of finger strength simply wouldn’t even be able to pluck the strings, and even if one manages to, it would still be considerably taxing. And it would also be very difficult to complete an entire piece.

But the greatest advantage in this kind of qin lies in playing those majestic and grandeur pieces, the effect will greatly increase.

Jing Wan lifted her head and calmly looked to Luo Jing Ying. She was smiling, smiling smugly, smiling provocatively, and further smiling to see Jing Wan make a fool of herself. She had already spread this good older sister’s reputation out, better not betray her good intentions.

Jing Wan suddenly smiled too. Indeed, this good younger sister of hers had already created the opportunity for her, so she naturally can’t let her down.

Jing Wan’s smile made Luo Jing Ying’s heart jump, suddenly getting a bad premonition.

Seeing the girl on the stage still not moving, some of the people on the male guest side even began jeering, letting her either hurry up and play, or come down and receive the punishment. However, because the male seats were a distance away, and moreover the closer one got to the female side, the more noble the status, they naturally wouldn’t do anything too vulgar. Those youngsters that dared to make a ruckus didn’t dare to get too close to those high ranking personages, and they also didn’t dare to be too loud in their so called jeering either. Thus, Jing Wan could only hear sound coming from that side, but didn’t know what exactly they were saying.

“Shut up.” Li Hong Yuan held the wine cup, his eyes containing malice. The two words weren’t considered heavy, but its effect was considerably shocking. In nearly an instant, the male guest side went dead silent. That’s why, using the living Enma as a silencer was just too effective.

Li Hong Yuan moved his body, seemingly wanting to prop himself in a more comfortable position, and closed his eyes. The ones making a ruckus previously all patted their chest. Looks like they’d disturbed this living Enma’s rest. They couldn’t help but inwardly curse, if you want to sleep, why don’t you go back home to sleep! However, they could only curse in their hearts. It’s not like there weren’t people that once wet themselves because of the living Enma.

Was Li Hong Yuan really sleeping? Naturally no. He was just using this kind of method to cover up his violent anger. His anger could no longer be concealed when his eyes were open. It can be seen to what extent it has already reached.

Wan Wan wasn’t a person that liked showing off ostentatiously, but she wasn’t the type who would pretend to know or understand something she didn’t know or understand either. But at the same time, it was also clear that since she went up, she was capable of it. According to what he knew, three years ago, Wan Wan did indeed study the qin before, but the duration wasn’t very long, and moreover it was on and off. The people he’d sent to Qi’an Fu also didn’t know exactly to what level she’d reached either. Even in his past life, he also didn’t hear her having any fame in this regard. However, with his previous conjecture[1] as a foundation, regardless of how shocking her actions will be, Li Hong Yuan all wouldn’t be surprised.

Just, on this day in his past life, there wasn’t this incident. Although there was also Yu Yao’s game, it never once fell on Wan Wan’s head. Perhaps an unforeseen change happened somewhere again? This change, afraid, will also lead to other changes. However, even he borrowed the banquet this time to arrange some things, so for there to be other changes wasn’t all that strange either.

(T/N: Tbh this is actually a butterfly effect cause by him, starting from when he broke SYJ’s ‘engagement’ with Kang Wang, which caused SYJ and JW to become friends, and causing SYL to fall for her because they got to interact more, which leads to Li Ru Yu targeting her even more.)

What he was angry about was that Wan Wan had been schemed against, and was further angry that with just those tender fingers of hers, one song down, don’t know how much she’ll suffer. But under numerous eyes, he couldn’t directly go up and drag her down either.

Each and every one all very good. If one doesn’t properly repay you all, might really end up thinking his Wan Wan is easy to bully!

‘Zheng…..’ The qin sounded. Jing Wan’s hands finally began moving.

Perhaps because she hadn’t played in a long time, the first few notes weren’t very smooth, disjointly out of tune.

Luo Jing Ying let out a contemptuous smile. Originally was still thinking just how capable was she, but if you’ve never learned it, what are you pretending for? But this way was also good too. Pretending to understand when you don’t, this kind of thing, in contrast, was more hated than directly confessing that you don’t know.

The Grand Elder Princess softly sighed. As expected, it was too difficult. This qin was never intended for young ladies to play on.

However, not long after, something changed. The sound gradually became smooth and coherent. Jing Wan’s fingers rapidly slid across the strings, deeply concentrated and exceptionally serious. “Eh…” Quite a few people all let out a similar sound. Everyone who originally didn’t take this child’s game seriously all gradually became engrossed, erecting their ears to listen attentively.

A never heard before piece, powerfully resounding, vastly imposing, flooded with the somber sound of a powerful army, directly making those listening to it go numb in the head, and their blood boil. Even those calm and restrained old officials all can’t help but flush red. There was also a certain ‘normally cold and reserved, always handling matters efficiently, speaking concisely and comprehensively, and known as a qin fanatic’ Cabinet Minister who even overturned his chair in excitement, as he fixedly stare at Jing Wan playing the qin. That look was practically like an immature youngster having one’s first awakening of love.

When it reached the most intense part, Jing Wan’s two hands moved so fast that an afterimage appeared. And as she threw herself into it with all her heart and soul, her body moved along with her hands. Her movements were naturally somewhat big, but not only did it not make anyone feel she was lacking in propriety, following her movements, they seemingly were further able to feel that artistic spirit.

Only a small number of people didn’t get drawn in by the qin’s melody, and instead noticed Jing Wan’s abnormality. Her complexion was flushed with fine beads of sweat on her forehead. Although one couldn’t hear, but seeing her slightly parted red lips, and the rapidly moving wings of her nose, one could tell just now quickly she was breathing. And most importantly, her fingers were already seeped with blood. However, because the color of the bandage was relatively deep, it couldn’t be seen clearly. What one could make out was the qin’s strings, and only through the light’s reflection can one discover a hint of clue.

Li Hong Yuan forcibly restrained the urge to interrupt her several times. Such a dazzling Wan Wan, he wanted to hide away, but at the same time, he also wanted to let the world all bow down to her. This was such a good opportunity to become famous, though she herself didn’t seek this. But she’d already persist until now, and if her heart’s efforts were to become wasted because of him, even if she didn’t complain, she more or less would still feel somewhat regretful inside.

It’s not that Jing Wan wasn’t aware of her current state, but what she felt wasn’t the pain from her fingers, but rather the feeling of submerging into that heightened state. To say it more profoundly, she’d entered the ‘zone’. Her body perhaps was in a terrible state, but her spirit however was in an optimal state. If there’s to be a next time, Jing Wan may not necessarily be able to reach this state again. This kind of state was too hard to come by. She didn’t want to stop, and couldn’t stop either.

The surging tune entered the finale. Jing Wan’s finger plucked the strings one last time, and following this final pluck, one of the qin’s strings, unable to bear the burden, snapped with a ‘peng’ sound……….

However, it snapped at the very end, so naturally didn’t have any affect.

“Good—-” A certain cabinet minister somewhat frenziedly clapped his hands and praised, drawing in side glances from quite a few people. However, those that knew him just shook their heads and helplessly smiled. Can’t blame him for being like this. This piece was indeed good. Even those who didn’t understand music all felt it was good, including those rough men who were military officials. It was truly too stimulating to the heart.

[1] His guess that Jing Wan probably has memories of a previous life in a different world. See part 1 and 2 of chapter 98.

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