Uchiha’s God of Muscle

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Just beat them all

Chapter 90 can only be beaten once

Early the next morning.

Although the Uchiha meat reform department has not yet been renovated and cannot provide training for the time being, this has not affected the fitness enthusiasm of the Uchiha people in the slightest.

After the Kyuubi incident, Konoha drove Uchiha to the edge of the village in the name of re-planning the village area.

For Uchiha, the only advantage is that he got a practice field adjacent to the family land as compensation.


Juan got up in the morning, and as soon as he went out, he found that Dao Huo and others were already waiting outside.

They invited Duan to the practice field, hoping that the curator could guide everyone and carry out outdoor fitness training.

"Yes." Duan nodded.

As long as someone wants to learn fitness from him, no matter who it is, even Danzo, Obito, etc. who have always wanted to kill him, he can consider it.

Because, this is preaching to the great muscle god.

As a devout muscle believer, the purpose of opening a gym was not to make money from the beginning, but to preach.

The way of muscle.

He hopes from the bottom of his heart that one day in the future, the world will be full of big muscle bullies, and everyone can enjoy the fun of body modification.

Juan even thought that if he had the ability to cast infinite monthly readings, then he must create a world where there is no war, only muscle and fitness competitions.

Such an ideal is not much bigger than the pattern with soil?

So, for the request of Daohuo and others, Duan readily agrees.

Uchiha's practice field is a circular area with a radius of five kilometers. There is a large forest, a hill more than 100 meters high, and the Nanga River flowing through it.

Beautiful scenery and fresh air.

Such a place is really suitable for outdoor fitness.

The Uchihas walked through the woods and climbed towards the top of the hill, because they could overlook the layout of the entire training ground and have a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery.

Morning mist filled the forest.

Duan walked in the front of the crowd, his body heaving together, he seemed to be walking in an ordinary way, nothing special.

But the sharp-eyed Daohuo discovered it.

Between walking, the momentum is constantly changing, sometimes it is as thick as a turtle, and sometimes it is as light as a crane.

"Have you seen that, the curator is indeed practicing even while walking. This is the highest state of a bodybuilder."

Dao Huo whispered to the group of people.

When everyone heard what was said, they all nodded in agreement, and their gazes at Duan's back became more and more admirable.

As expected of the curator.


They also subconsciously imitated Duan's walking posture, but they were all incapable of being godlike, and they all looked like they were limping, which looked extremely funny.

After a while, we reached the top of the mountain.

Unfortunately, the fog did not clear.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, the morning mist is like a white curtain, covering the entire exercise field. The woods and Nanhe River are permeated in the mist, and the outlines are looming.

Can't see anything clearly.

"It seems that the only way to dispel the fog is to wait for the sun to come out."

Daohuo looked at the thick fog around him, shook his head, and then asked Duan, "Curator, should we wait, or go down the mountain first."

"No need."

Duan only said two words, and as soon as the voice fell, the double "World" condensed into shape and appeared behind him.

"It's the curator's Susano." When Inahura and the others saw this, they couldn't help getting excited.

However, what is the curator trying to do by offering Susano at this time?

They get it right away.

I saw that Duan and the world's movements were completely synchronized. Facing the mountains and clouds in front of them, they opened their mouths at the same time and sucked in suddenly.


In an instant.

The mist all over the mountains and plains seems to be attracted by some powerful force, like a rolling tide, quickly gathering from all directions.

In the end, it was broken and the world was sucked into the belly.

With the hill as the center, the fog within a radius of several kilometers disappeared in an instant, leaving only a piece of clearness.



Duan was in sync with the world again, and when he pressed the lower abdomen, the gas inhaled into the abdominal cavity immediately turned into a long howling in unison, and went straight into the sky.

The howling sound echoed in the mountains and forests, startling countless birds.

It also spread to Konoha, passing over the village, causing many villagers and ninjas to stop and look in the direction of the Uchiha clan in surprise.

what happened? No one can guess.

At the top of the mountain, Daohuo and the others were dumbfounded.

At this time, in their eyes, Duan, who is full of clouds and mist and howls up to the sky, is no longer a human being, but a real immortal.

Even if the Sage of the Six Paths is reincarnated, he might not have such a demeanor, right?

Thinking in their hearts, everyone looked into Duan's eyes, and there were only four words left.

The mountains look up.

After a while.

A round of red sun rises, the brilliance spreads all over the earth, and a new day officially begins.

Under the guidance of Duan, everyone in the Uchiha carried out hundreds of catties of logs and carried out vigorous running, climbing and squatting training in the practice field.

Duan noticed.

After this period of fitness, some of the clan members who are talented and hardworking have already developed a pretty good muscle shape.

The so-called omnipotent power is Uchiha's Yin Dun and Senshou's Yang Dun.

A single yin does not grow, and a single yang does not grow. Only the harmony of yin and yang can all things grow.

Cultivating Yang Dun is actually exercising powerful physical strength.

As a descendant of the Sage of the Six Paths, the Uchiha definitely has a hidden talent for yang escape in his blood, but this family has always relied too much on the power of Sharingan.

Only practice yin but not yang.

So even if the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is turned on, without Yang Dun's recovery ability as a support, it can only overdraw the pupil power infinitely, and eventually the blindness of both eyes will inevitably end.

Of course, in addition to actively practicing Yang Dun.

It is also possible to solve this problem by successfully transplanting intercolumn cells like Obito did by hanging them directly.

Speaking of intercolumnar cells.

I don't know how Tsunade's research is going.

In addition, Duan is also looking forward to tonight's clan meeting.

If a fish really takes the bait at that time, maybe from the mouth of the other party, we can get more information about the cells between the columns.

One day passed without knowing it.


The main hall of Nanga Shrine, a secret room.

The brazier on the wall was crackling and burning, and the room was full of people. All the Uchihas in the clan who opened Sharingan were present.

Even the blind Zhishui attended with a bandage.

"I heard that the patriarch is going to announce a very important matter. If anyone of you has news, come and hear it."

"It should be about Uchiha's future livelihood. After we resigned collectively from the police department, we have to find a new way of living."


While everyone was discussing, Fu Yue and Duan arrived at the secret room.

"Is everything here?"

Fuyue asked, and after counting the number of people, he winked at Daohuo and Tiehuo and ordered them to block the only door of the secret room.



Kaleidoscopic Sharingan, open.

Sharp eyes swept towards the Uchihas in the secret room one by one.

"Patriarch, what are you doing?" Everyone was puzzled by this.

"Stand still."

Fuyue let out a low cry, walked into the crowd for a closer look, and explained in a deep voice, "Someone pretended to be a member of the Uchiha clan and sneaked into the clan association. I'm going to find him out now."

What, there is such a thing?

When everyone heard the words, they all looked panic-stricken, and looked at each other's clansmen around them.


Walking around in the crowd, Fu Yue found nothing. In the end, he could only frown tightly and shook his head at Xiang Duan.

Is the fish not hooked?

Or is it that the other party's transformation technique is so brilliant that they can't even see through the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?

"At this point, it seems that there is only one way to do it."

Duan said while walking towards the Uchiha people.

"What way?" Fu Yue asked.

"It's very simple, that is to beat everyone up once. As long as there are outsiders hiding among you, after being attacked by me, they will definitely show their flaws."

Duan clenched his fists loudly, and the stand-in "World" also appeared behind him, looking down at the Uchihas indifferently like a god.

When everyone heard the words, Qi Shuhua's expression changed, and they all panicked.

Da da.

Fuyue took three steps in parallel, and hurried over to stand beside Duan, for fear that his brother-in-law would beat him up too later.

"Uncle, I am real, there is no reason for the enemy to pretend to be me, the risk is too great."

Itachi said something hastily, and ran to Duan's side, desperate to survive.

He has already been beaten out of his psychological shadow by his uncle, and he doesn't want to be beaten for no reason anymore.

Zhishui hesitated to speak.

No one knows better than him how terrible the broken fist is, but he is too embarrassed to let Duanqiu go, so he can only hesitate in place.

"Curator, you are joking, not serious."

Uchiha Kenzo looked terrified, and asked the aspirations of the clansmen.

He took a decisive look at Xiansan, and his response to this was:

"Do you think I'm joking?"

The voice just fell.


A powerful air flow erupted from Duan's body, turning into a strong wind and sweeping all the clansmen in front of him, and the ground under his feet was cracked inch by inch, forming spider web cracks.


Just when Duan was about to make a move.

"What's going on, what is this thing?"

In the crowd, several clansmen uttered terrified screams at the same time.

I saw a white foam-like substance suddenly appeared on them, and it expanded rapidly, enveloping the Uchiha people.

"My chakra has been absorbed by this thing." Someone shouted in panic.


Following a cheap laugh, a white head popped out of the white foam on the man's body, opened his mouth wide and bit the former.


A clansman next to him reacted quickly, and chopped off the white head with a hand knife.

This is... the Spore Art.

It was confirmed at a glance that the one who sneaked into the Uchiha Clan was none other than Shiro Ze who served Obito.

Baijue can differentiate its own cells and parasitize the enemy. Its concealment is so high that even shadow-level characters cannot detect it before it is activated.

By using the spore technique, Bai Jue successfully created chaos in the secret room.

And at this moment.


Among the crowd, a Uchiha rushed to the door of the secret room at an extremely fast speed, and as soon as he raised his hand, several solid wood flew out of his sleeve.

boom! boom!

Not only repelled Daohuo and Tiehuo, but also knocked down the door of the secret room, and escaped successfully.

"catch him!"

Fugaku snarled, and was the first to catch up, followed by the other Uchihas, assisting the patriarch to catch the infiltrator.

Duan put away the aura that was exuding, and did not move.

He is still watching.

Sure enough.

While everyone's attention is being attracted, go catch the escaped person. On the edge of the crowd, a Uchiha smiled with a successful scheme.

As soon as his body sank, his whole body melted into the ground, trying to use the mayfly technique to escape.

The next moment.

Smashing~ Varudo!

Duan did not hesitate to start the time stop.

Thank you Xiyuanhua for the 500 starting coins! Thanks to Nobita's Doraemon and Counterattack y for their rewards!

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