Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 1015

Chapter 1015

In a swordsmanship Museum, two men with masks and wooden swords are fighting fiercely. You come and I go, and the two men are totally involved in the fight against each other.

And the librarians watching with arms around them were very surprised at the superb swordsmanship of these two people, as if they were masters.

However, after half an hour's decisive battle, one side finally won and stopped the other side's neck, forming a deadly hit form.

However, the attackers were well controlled and did not hurt anyone at all.

Just now, both of them stood up straight and released their masks one after another, showing their young and handsome faces.

And the winning side is a face cold, double sharp high cold man, and the opposite man, hook lips a smile, "you always win me, no energy."

"If you don't improve your level, these are the moves every day." Xing Yinuo's lips are thin, and he smiles happily.

"Wait for me. I'll study the attack skill next time. I'll defeat you." Blue thousand Chen does not have the good gas answer way.

"Well, I'll wait for you to challenge me."

Two people walked to the dressing room next to them. After a while, two men with the same figure and the same handsome but different temperament stepped out.

A warm sunshine, comfortable, a look cool, not close to strangers.

Two people strided calmly toward the direction of the door, but attracted a few young girls around to stop and look.

"It's my big brother's wedding right now. You promised me to go!" LAN Qianchen has to pull him together.

"Good! Of course. " Xing Yifan nodded, he seldom drank wedding wine, that is to say, it was a good brother's family, he certainly would not miss it.

"Ah! Do your family urge you to marry? " "Blue thousand Chen is teasing him," you are not young either

"I'm only twenty-five. How old am I?" Xing Yifan retorts not with reason.

LAN Qianchen patted him on the shoulder. "Like you, you are a late married man. Which woman can see you?"

Xing Yifan is indeed a female insulator since she was a child, probably because she had a quaking sister around her all the time! Which makes him want to stay away from women.

First of all, my sister fully shows what it means to be stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid, troublesome and troublesome. I'm glad that Wen Liangyao has contracted his sister's life. Otherwise, if she gets married a few years later, she doesn't know how to bomb him!

Who would have thought that the annoying little sister was about to give birth to his little niece. A month later, she was about to be born. She must be a little niece.

Xing Yifan only thinks that with Wen Liangyao's learning bully gene, this little niece grows up to be a learning bully.

"What are you thinking?"

"My parents asked me to move out and live in the villa. I have chosen all the villas." Xing Yifan said.

"Ha! It seems that uncle and aunt are giving you a hint! It suggests that you can take the girl home to fall in love now. " LAN Qianchen teases him.

Xing Yifan also had no choice but to smile, "maybe! It's boring for me to live alone. Let's go and choose a cat with me. I want to have a kitten to play with. "

LAN Qianchen can't help but smile. Xing Yifan is the most manly one in his eyes. Unexpectedly, he likes cat as a pet!

"All right! let's go! I know that there is a best cat house. There are all kinds of cats in it. You will like it. " LAN Qianchen and he went to the parking lot.

It's probably people who don't have girlfriends. So, every day, two men mingle privately, which is wild and turbulent. They don't go in and out of all kinds of fight halls, but go to the basketball court in high school and sweat like rain.

LAN Qianchen takes Xing Yifan to a cat house. He sees all kinds of delicate cages. Those cute kittens are resting. LAN Qianchen is interested in raising one to play. But he hasn't lived apart from his family. When he also buys his own house, he can buy another one!

Xing Yifan's slender figure is looking at the kittens. The kittens that have just been weaned are cute and cute, which makes his cool eyes with a kind of loving smile. Finally, he is attracted by a small group of short legged kittens with heart-shaped on his forehead.

This is a very beautiful silver gray kitten, with beautiful hair color, two big eyes looking at him, very cute.

The girl who sold cats looked at the guest, and her eyes were brighter than the cat's, and her heart was fluttering. She didn't expect that the male guest was so handsome. She was the perfect hero in the cartoon!

And men love cats, which is more for his charm points ah!

"Do you like this cat, sir? This is a kind of cat named manchuken. It's very beautiful, gentle and easy to raise The girl tried to introduce in a very sweet voice and also tried to attract the attention of the guest.

However, the man's eyes were just looking at the little guy in the cage who was looking at him. He had a very special hair and wanted to take it away."This one is very special. It has a heart-shaped white hair circle on its forehead, which is very noble." The girl is trying to sell her kitten.

However, needless to say more about this girl, the little guy in the cage has captured the hearts of men with his jewel like star color.

"Well, I want this one. I'll get all the cat things ready for me. I'll take them today."

"OK! Just a moment. I'll prepare it for you right now. You need a cat's nest, a cat's toilet and litter, as well as toys and so on. "

"Take it out." Xing Yifan asked.

The girl immediately opened the cage and carried the lucky one out to the clean arms of the man. Xing Yifan immediately held the kitten and smiled with thin lips. The cool temperament also changed and became gentle.

How the girl hopes that the man who bought her cat will also notice her! Do you have a chance to meet him in the future? Or do you make friends when you're done?

Now, however, she found that in the man's eyes, there was only the kitten in his arms. Where was she? josei

Xing Yifan's long fingers caressed the little guy's head, and the kitten immediately admitted to the Lord. He rubbed and rubbed in the palm of his hand, which was very popular.

"You have a good eye. This kitten is beautiful." LAN Qianchen squats down and praises.

Xing Yifan thought for a moment and said to the little guy in his arms, "later, you'll be called Ono!"

"Ono?" After hearing this, LAN Qianchen immediately chuckled, "your name is enough."

"Isn't it nice?" Xing Yifan looks at his good brother.

"That's good. It's just that it's a kitten with no eyes open. It's a bit out of place for you to give it such a wild name."

Xing Yifan raised the little guy with a smile and looked at him. He was just like looking at his own child. He firmly believed that "he will grow up and grow very strong in the future."

"This is a little female cat!" Blue Qianchen found out.

Xing Yifan didn't care, "as long as I like it."

Soon, the girl prepared all the tools for him to raise a cat. When she saw this man, she was the owner of no lack of money. So, she tried to give him the price of conscience as much as possible. What's more, he was so handsome and could make friends again in the future. Then, she could develop in the long run!

In the car, LAN Qianchen holds a kitten in his arms, and Xing Yifan drives to his new home.

It's a newly built villa group, not far from the urban area. It's a single villa, but the building spacing is not too far, about 200 meters. There are several villas, which is the best in this villa.

Now, it's hard to find a villa like his elder brother sitting on the hillside near the city.

Xing Yifan is only single now. It's enough to live in a 200 square meter villa. His most important thing is to stay away from the noise near the city, just be quiet.

He has a private swimming pool and gym. The decoration of the villa was designed by himself. It took him three months to finish the decoration, which is unique.

LAN Qianchen came to his new home for the first time and liked it very much. He got out of the car carrying the things in the car for him, and the kitten also carried them in. He locked them in the cage first. If such a small thing ran away, it would not come back.

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