Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 1067

Chapter 1067

Bai Shize immediately nodded, "OK, elder brother, don't worry."

Ye Jiamei went to the bathroom just now. As soon as she came out, she saw a group of ladies chatting with a young man.

"Whose young master is that? It's so beautiful. I want to introduce my daughter to him. " Said a lady in her early fifties.

Ye Jiamei is also curious to see the direction of the buffet, only to see that under the soft yellow light, a young man is picking up food alone, with a long and even body, a straight back, a charming demeanor between hands and feet, which makes a group of men around look like soil.

"Who is that!" Ye Jiamei asked curiously.

"It seems to be Mr. Xie's distinguished guest."

Ye Jiamei can't help but look twice. At this time, she finds that Bai Xia and Xie Yiwei are having dinner. Her eyes cast a resentful look.

Bai Xia really has the means. He seduced young master Xie so quickly.

At the moment, Bai Xia has no mind at all. Moreover, her whole heart is beating, because Xing Yifan suddenly appears.

It seemed that every time she met him, she would never meet him.

For example, the elevator door where she just moved, or here, what a coincidence!

Xing Yifan is holding a plate and holding a glass of red wine in his hand as if he is looking for a place. Bai Xiaxin thinks, will he sit at her table? There's still room.

Just thinking about it, I saw Xing Yifan walking towards her side with a plate. Her heart beat faster immediately.

Xing Yifan's eyes are on this pair of men and women who are very emotional. He wants to make a huge bulb. Sure enough, his plate is on Bai Xia's table, facing Bai Xia, who is sitting in the front position, "give way to a position."

Bai Xia saw that he was sitting here, and her red lips could not hide a smile. She quickly asked for a seat for her, and she sat inside.

Xing Yifan sat down and looked at her. Bai Xia was concerned. "You haven't had dinner yet!"

"Well!" Xing Yifan replied.

Xie Yiwei on the other side was also embarrassed. In fact, he really hoped to chat with Bai Xia alone.

However, Xing Yifan's identity should be respected by his father. How can he say anything?

"Bai Xia, you know president Xing!" Xie Yiwei asked curiously.

White summer bent his lips to smile, happy to explain, "we are neighbors."

Xing Yifan's face suddenly looks ugly. There are so many ways to introduce her identity. She chooses a neighbor, so she can't be a friend?

Does she want to leave a chance for the young master of the Xie family?

Sure enough, I heard that it's just Xie Yiwei from my neighbor. I'm relieved. It seems that it's just a neighbor!

Xing Yifan looked up and asked her, "did you feed each flower when you came out?"

Bai Xia was shocked immediately. "You didn't prepare food for each flower!"

"I forgot." Xing Yifan hums.

Xie Yiwei on the opposite side was curious. "Who are the flowers?"

"It's our cat." Bai Xia explains.

Xing Yifan squinted, micro strip scolded, "I'm not forbidding you to enter my home, not recording my fingerprint code for you?"

It's a lot of information! They are neighbors, but they can enter each other's home at any time.

Xie Yiwei, on the opposite side, stared slightly. Of course, he could hear it.

White summer thought that so pitiful flower after flower, she even forgot to go to see her, immediately some guilt bit red lips, "I'm sorry, I really forgot."

Xing Yifan is to let the man opposite know that the relationship between them is not only that of their neighbors. He snorted, "go back and feed you."

"Good! I'll feed me Bai Xia is willing to agree!

At this time, Xie Yiwei was called by his father's assistant. "Thank you, master. Thank you for letting you go. Maybe it's time to cut the cake."

Xie Yiwei had to stand up and say to Bai Xia, "Bai Xia, let me go first."

"OK! You are busy. " Bai Xia nodded.

As soon as Xie Yiwei left the table, Xing Yifan didn't have any appetite at all. He had dinner before he came. He turned his eyes and looked at the women around him like a interrogator.

"It seems that you can make friends. You'll make good friends so soon?"

Bai Xiaming knows that he is sarcastic. She looks at him with a wry smile. "We are just chatting at will!"

"Talk? I think you're calling. " Xing Yifan could not help humming.

Bai Xia choked for a while and asked curiously, "you will come here even if you know I will come here. Why don't you say hello to me in advance?"

"Is it necessary?" Xing Yifan asked.

Bai Xia choked again, as if Xing Yifan ate dynamite tonight, or who offended him?

Isn't it a good time to chat tonight?

"Oh!" Bai Xia has a pair of cheeks. I don't know what to talk about.Suddenly, Bai Xia only felt that there was a kind of bloody smell in her nose. She thought it was wrong. She could not help sniffing again carefully. As expected, there was a strong bloody smell around them.

Bai Xia immediately thought that she didn't come to the good thing again. Where does the bloody smell come from!

Bai Xia can't help looking for the smell of blood, so unconsciously she approached Xing Yifan's arm with a face.

Xing Yifan looks at her and smells like a puppy in his arm, which is the one he hurt.

"What do you smell?" Xing Yifan's voice line is a little tight and doesn't want to be found by her.

"There's a smell in you." Bai Xia said.

"What's the taste?" Xing Yifan asked

"Bloody! It's very bloody! Are you hurt? " Bai Xia has a sensitive sense of smell, but there is no blood on his suit! He looks as if he is alone.

Xing Yifan didn't expect to be able to smell it out. He covered the wound lightly and didn't want to hide it. "I just had a fight with several people and got scratched."

"Eh? Then you didn't go to the hospital! " Bai Xia is shocked to ask, also heartache rises, "Hurt where?"? Serious? Hurry to the hospital! "

Xing Yifan looked at her small face and worried about him. He suddenly felt that it was time to leave.

"Good! You go with me. " Xing Yifan raised his eyebrows and said.

Bai Xia is in a hurry, because the smell of blood on his body is too heavy, so he must be hurt badly.

"OK, I'll go with you. Hurry up!" Bai Xia stood up and reached for his arm.

Just as Xing Yifan stood up, Bai Xia took him by the arm and walked towards the door regardless of anything.

It happened to be a scene that all the people in the banquet hall should see. Xie De, Bai Shize, ye Jiamei and Xie Yiwei all know Xing Yifan's identity, but at this moment, Bai Xia is holding his hand, so close!

Bai Xia is in a hurry to pull him out. Then he thinks of something. Turning back, he says to Bai Shize, "Dad, I'll go first."

When Xing Yifan turned his back to everyone, his smile was on the corner of his mouth, and the woman led his hand out.

Standing at the door of the elevator, Bai Xia asked anxiously, "why don't you go to the hospital! What else are you doing here? "

Xing Yifan would like to say, is not it for you? He could not bear to say.

"What's more important than dressing a wound?" Bai Xia was educated, "and how can you fight! Have you offended anyone? "

Bai Xia is really worried about the old lady's feeling. He thinks that Xing Yifan is injured and has come here. He is not responsible for himself.

But she doesn't know. There's only one reason why he will be here tonight. That's her.

Although Xing Yifan was read by her, his heart was inexplicably filled with a warm current.

She cares about him.

"It seems that master Xie is interested in you." Xing Yifan said a word when he stepped into the elevator.

Of course, Bai Xia can feel that Xie Yiwei is interested in her, but she hasn't thought about anything with him.

"Is it? How can I not know? " She pretended to be stupid.

"You like him?" Xing Yifan asked again.

Bai Xia shakes her head quickly. "No!"

"And what do you like?" Xing Yifan looks back at her.

Bai Xia looks at the ground with some shame. She wants to say that he is good.

But isn't that a direct confession? She doesn't have such a face!

"I don't know yet." Bai Xia replied with shame.

Xing Yifan got out of the elevator and handed her the car key. "My hand hurts when you drive."

"Now you know that your hand hurts! Then why don't you go to the hospital? " Bai Xia asked again. josei

Xing Yifan suddenly didn't get angry. He reached out and knocked on her head.

"Why do you hit me?" Bai Xia looks back at him puzzled.

Xing sipped his thin lips together.

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