Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

Tang Siyu watched Xing liehan swim in the sea for two more times before he went ashore. He was only wearing a dark swimsuit. When he stepped over, Tang Siyu glanced at some place curiously. In a moment, when he turned his head, he felt hot.

Back in the villa, Jiang LAN cooked the first meal in person and made a very Chinese feast. Tang Siyu was very hungry. She didn't seem to have much consideration and restraint in the family at the moment.

There is a lively atmosphere between the little guy and Xing Yinuo. There is no lack of laughingstock in the whole dining room. Xing Yifan looks like a mature adult, dressed in clothes, and still retains the handsome and easygoing nature of the youth. However, he is very polite to Tang Siyu, and has a kind of respect for his elders.

He took extra care of the little guy. At the dinner table, he peeled the shrimp and the shrimp line for him personally. Tang Siyu was moved. Xing Yinuo also joined in to ask him to peel. Xing Yifan was not upset.

In the eyes of Xing Zhengting and his wife, the three people on the table, whether Xing liehan, 27, or a pair of 15-year-old sons and daughters of dragon and Phoenix, are children in their eyes.

But now, Tang Siyu also let them treat them as their own children and take good care of them in all aspects, which made Tang Siyu lose the warmth of his mother's love and family for a long time, especially moved, even his eyes were wet.

During the meal, her eyes also touched Xing liehan for a few times, which made her turn away her eyes a little embarrassed and didn't want him to see the mist of tears under her eyes.

However, Xing liehan saw it, and he also felt it. His mother's enthusiasm and warmth, like a ray of light, not only made their three children feel warm, he believed, but also moved Tang Siyu.

After dinner, Tang Siyu is ready to help clean up the table, and is stopped by Xing Zhengting and Jiang LAN. On the table, Xing Zhengting cleans up for his wife and takes the three children to have a rest. Both of them sing along with their husband. It seems like a kind of fun to clean up.

Looking at the couple, Tang Siyu finally believes that there is still love in the world.

She was really tired, jet lagged, and after playing at the beach for a while, Xing liehan went up to her and said, "I'll take care of my son. Go upstairs and have a rest first!"

"Well then! I'll go upstairs first. " Tang Siyu nodded, went to the little guy and kissed him. "Mommy is a little tired. Go to the room first and have a rest. Who do you sleep with at night?"

"I sleep with my little uncle." The little guy laughed and didn't want to sleep with her.

When Tang Siyu heard this, his son also chose to sleep with him. Now the whole family is surrounded by him. He can sleep with anyone he wants.

"I'll go up with you." Xing liehan sees that the little guy and his sister are working on a puzzle. He stands here and has nothing to do.

Tang Siyu blushed for a while, but did not refuse. She took the lead step by step up the stairs. Behind her, Xing liehan followed her.

Up to the door of her room on the fourth floor, the soft yellow crystal light spilled in every corner. Those warm decorations cast a beautiful shadow. The sound insulation effect of the room is super good. On the fourth floor, it is very quiet, and even the voice of the first floor kids can't be heard.

As if it had become a private world, Tang Siyu opened the door and wanted to say good night to the man behind her. How could he know that a strong body was pasted on her back? Next second, she was pushed to the door and the door was closed.

In the room with her back to the door and the lights on, the man breathed low breath, sexy and charming.

Tang Siyu's brain is buzzing for a while. What she wants to say, Weizhang's mouth, is blocked by men's bullying.

Tang Siyu's brain is blank in a moment. What does this man do? It's here! The children downstairs may run up at any time

However, under such intense and exciting senses, the man's kiss made her tremble, and she could not help reaching out to push him away. josei

However, the man pushed her to his chest hand, directly leading her to interweave on his neck, which became the situation of her holding his neck.

Tang Siyu's thoughts were very disordered. However, she didn't push him any more. Instead, she hugged his neck tightly for some reason.

In the dark, the kiss became extremely warm and passionate

Downstairs, the little guy and Xing Yinuo finished a very complicated puzzle, and they all clapped their hands excitedly. The little guy had such achievements. The first thing he wanted to tell was daddy and mummy. He picked up a pair of puzzles and said, "I'm going to see daddy and mummy."

"Good! Go! " Xing Yinuo immediately agreed.

While Xing Yifan's handsome face flashed a flash of urgency, he hurriedly pulled the little guy, "forget it, your mommy is tired, let her see tomorrow!"

"Did she sleep?"

"May be asleep!"

"Not so fast!" Xing Yinuo on one side was too stupid to interrupt.

Xing Yifan immediately insisted, "sleep, don't disturb your mommy, isn't there another pair? Hurry up to make another picture and show it to her tomorrow. "

The little guy was led, and immediately he was very confident and said, "Well! Auntie, let's have another pair! ""Good! Come on! I like puzzles best tonight! " Xing Yinuo is also interested.

Xing Yifan is relieved to see that the little guy is attracted. Although he doesn't know what elder brother and Tang Siyu are doing upstairs, he has a hunch that it's better not to disturb them.

Xing Yifan's decision is very wise and creates a private space for his eldest brother.

In the room, everything became a little hot and dangerous. Tang Siyu allowed the man to kiss himself, but she refused to move further.

Xing liehan did not dare to do anything to her except kiss, for fear that it would arouse her shadow to that night five years ago. He gently sucked her little mouth at the end and held it against her forehead and said, "good night."

Then he took her to one side. He opened the door and went out. When he left, his breath was still heavy.

Tang Siyu's breath was not steady, and her face was red in the dark room. When the door was closed, she stayed in the dark and didn't turn on the light for a long time.

On the contrary, in my mind, it's all the breath of the man just now. In my mind, I savor the kiss just now, and my heart beats faster again.

A few minutes later, she turned on the light, holding a small face, she came to the bathroom mirror and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was pink, her eyes were blurred, her red lips were swollen and more purples.

Tang Siyu sighed softly. She had to admit that she had no resistance to Xing Lihan. His figure was strong and domineering, occupying her heart. His every move deeply affected her.

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