Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 242

Chapter 242

Tang Siyu and Xing liehan's family have been here for a week unconsciously. Tang Siyu has had a very full and happy time. The most important thing is to watch the little guy have a good time. As her mother, she feels everything is going well.

Of course, there seems to be some subtle emotional change between her and Xing liehan, and the Xing family are very friendly to her.

Xing Yinuo calls her Siyu sister sweetly. It feels like she is the real big sister.

Tang Siyu really can't help but dislike Xing's family. She can also calculate the time difference. She calls her father in China to ask him about his health. Tang Xiong is in good health recently. Let her play to her heart's content. Don't worry.

In China, Tang Xiong's physical condition is not as good as before. Since he fainted that time, he often felt that his heart was not strong enough to deal with the company's affairs. His brain didn't work well. If he used his head a little to think about more complicated work, he would feel chest pain and poor breath. His medicine was also taken more and more frequently.

He can only rely on the medicine to maintain the continuous operation of his body. At the moment, his close aide, Lao Xu, is collecting the materials just approved for him. After sitting for more than an hour, Tang Xiong just stood up and felt dizzy. He quickly held the table top and rubbed his temples.

"Mr. Tang, what's the matter with you? Is there anything uncomfortable? "

"Nothing, just a little dizzy. I'll be fine after a rest!"

"Mr. Tang, you can't go on like this all the time. You should go to the hospital for a general examination."

"Do you know? The older people get! The more afraid I am of going to a place like the hospital, the more afraid I am of checking anything Tang Xiong sat down and rested with his eyes closed.

Old Xu sighed, "you are worried too much. Although madam is also a shareholder of the company, she is now focusing on the business of the diamond shop and can't help you."

"She still owes a lot of time for my business. She can manage the diamond business well." Tang Xiong replied with his eyes closed. josei

"President Tang, your health is also important! You can't always drag on like this. You should go to the hospital to have a look. Yesterday, when you were chatting with the eldest lady, you had just finished your medicine, but you lied to her and said, you are very good! Why do you suffer like this? "

"Siyu has a good time abroad, so I won't disturb her. Anyway, I have nothing to do with her. She seldom plays with her son. If she knows that I'm not in good health, she won't have a good time."

"At present, only the eldest lady often cares about you. It seems that the second lady has more fun." Lao Xu is Tang Xiong's close friend, so he also participates in some Tang family affairs.

Tang Xiong sighed heavily, "between my two daughters, only Siyu is a sensible person, depending on or not growing up. She only cares about playing. If she has no money, she asks for it from me or her mother. Siyu never asks for money from me! I think I owe her. "

"That's the eldest lady. She is considerate of your happiness and suffering."

"So! I intend to give her all the shares I hold, plus her mother's 30% shares, so that she can own half of the company's assets in the future, and I have such a good daughter. "

Xu nodded. "You're right!"

"Lao Xu, let's press the platoon! I have to go to the hospital in the afternoon. In order to think about the care of rain every day, I can't live with my own body. Go to the platoon and check it. "

"Is it the nearby hospital?"

"Yes, no long way."

At 4:30, Tang Xiong got on his special car and went to the nearby hospital. He was keeping his eyes closed and heard the old Xu saying, "yo! It seems that the car belongs to my wife. How could she Park in the hospital? "

After hearing this, Tang Xiong decided to have a look. Sure enough, in the parking lot, a white BMW car was parked there, which Qiu Lin usually drove.

"Isn't Arlene feeling well, too? I haven't heard of her. "

"Do you need to call madam?"

"Well, if she's having a physical examination, don't tell her first. Let's finish the examination first." Said Tang Xiong.

Xu finds a parking space to park the car. He opens the door of the back seat and helps Tang Xiong get off the car. Tang Xiong looks at his wife's car again, wondering what happened to her.

Old Xu mixed with Tang Xiong into the hospital, hung the expert clinic number of Li De in cardiology department, and went up.

As soon as Xu got out of the elevator, the phone rang. He said to Tang Xiong, "Mr. Tang, I'll take a call. It's my wife's."

"Take it! My wife's phone is still important. " Tang Xiong nodded. When Xu walked to the side to answer the phone, Tang Xiong took the initiative to find Li De's office.

He asked a passing nurse, and he went over, knocked on the door, and then, naturally, pushed the door in.

Tang Xiong just pushed the door, there was no one on the seat, but there was a voice coming from the room next to him.

Tang Xiong wondered if Li De was in it. He could not help but lean over to ask.However, when he saw it, his face changed. He saw his wife sitting on his lap on the sofa behind the door. They were hugging each other. His wife's front was open. The button of his shirt was untied to the third one, and Li Degang was just buried in it.

Tang Xiong shuddered suddenly and shouted angrily, "a Lin You... "

Qiu Lin, who was sitting on Li De's body, was so scared that she bounced away. She hurriedly buckled the button and said to Tang Xiong, "Old Tang Why are you here? "

Looking at his wife's front shirt, Tang Xiong thought of their intimacy just now. Suddenly, his brain fainted, his eyes darkened and he gave a hand to the wall, but he fainted on the ground.

"Old Tang What's the matter with you? " Qiu Lin was shocked.

And Li De is also full of panic. Tang Xiong is still the head of a big company. He and his wife were kissing me just now. He saw them. If he woke up again, where would he let him go?

He immediately calmly held Qiu Lin, "he was stimulated and passed out with a heart attack."

"Then what? Save it! "

"What are you doing to save him? He knows about both of us. Do you think he will let us go when he wakes up? " Li Deli said calmly.

Qiu Lin's eyes were shocked and she looked at Li De, though she turned pale with fear, but she nodded, "you are right. If you let him wake up and our affairs are exposed, then we are finished. Then I can't get anything in the Tang family. What should I do now?"

"Go and see if he has brought anyone here. I'm here. If I don't rescue him for the time being, let him faint! It's better to save it later. " Said reed coldly.

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