Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Sitting in Xing liehan's car, Tang Siyu still doesn't fight to cry. She is biting her lips to death, and her heart is occupied by anger and indignation.

Xing liehan reaches over and wipes the tears for her. He says in a low voice, "Siyu, stop crying. Even if Tang Group is really occupied by Qiu Lin, don't worry, I will take the whole Tang Group back and give it back to you sooner or later!"

Xing liehan's voice is solid and powerful, as if it were a promise.

Tang Siyu's tearful eyes slightly gaped at him, but he did not know how to speak.

"You only need to do one thing now, that is, stay with me and let me pet you, protect you and take care of you in the future!" Xing liehan's voice line is a little careful.

He can't guarantee that Tang Siyu will want to rely on him.

Tang Siyu was really speechless. She was moved by what he said just now. She never thought of being with him in order to get back what belongs to her.

"I'll give you time to think about it, but I want to know that even if you're not with me, I'll take Tang Group back for you." Xing liehan leans sideways, his lips are right beside her ears, the voice line is still firm as ice.

As soon as Tang Siyu's tears stopped, she turned around and threw herself into his arms without hesitation. She tightly hugged his waist and buried her face on his chest. The voice was a little hoarse and replied, "I'd like to be with you."

Xing liehan's chest immediately gushed out a touch of ecstasy, she would like to?

It's definitely something to be excited about.

Xing lie hugged the slender girl in his arms tightly. His thin lips fell on her hair. His great joy could only be suppressed in the bottom of his heart under such circumstances.

Tang Siyu's mood just now is still angry and helpless, but at this moment, he is in the arms of this man. Such negative energy mood, like running water, retreats. Xing liehan's body has a kind of power that she is not afraid of all.

"Now let's go back. I'll find my lawyer to study your legacy and see if there are any flaws."

Tang Siyu gently released his arms, pale face, with a few silk of normal pink, she nodded, "Well! Good! "

After Xing liehan's car drove away, Qiu Lin and Tang Yiyi had successfully signed it. Tang Yiyi looked at his mother proudly, "Mom, so the whole Tang Group is ours! That's great. We are in the tens of billions! "

Qiu Lin looks at her daughter and satisfies her vanity. "Yes, it's all ours. After that, you won't be short of money!"

"Mom, I love you!" Tang Yiyi immediately reached for Qiu Lin and walked to their car.

Qiu Lin's smile is still a little worried. Xing liehan took the contract just now and will definitely find his lawyer to check the loopholes. The lawyers of Xing's group are all the top teams at home and abroad. She hopes that nothing left will happen again.

Moreover, she is not so optimistic about the future of Tang's group. Xing Lihan is like a giant beast that will bite at any time behind Tang Siyu. In case he stares at Tang's group, the company is still very dangerous.

Like Xing liehan, Xing group buys and annex other companies every year. As long as he catches the opportunity, he will not let go of it.

Therefore, Qiu Lin is up. She still needs to grasp the future of Tang Group and will not be robbed by Xing liehan.

Qiu Lin was thinking, her assistant called in, she picked up, "hello."

"Mr. Qiu, there is a jewelry exchange meeting tonight. Do you have time to participate?"

"Of course there is. Please arrange for me! I will be here tonight. " Qiu Lin replied that she had been in the jewelry industry for several years and would not be absent from such occasions.

"Mom! I want to go too! " One side of Tang Yiyi just came to hear her. She tooted her red lips and pulled Qiu Lin's hand away.

"What are you going to do? They are all leaders in the jewelry industry. They are all old people. You certainly don't like them! " Qiu Lin doesn't want her daughter to participate.

"Can I go to the club tonight? I promise I won't play too long. "

"All right! You go play! Take two bodyguards. You can't do anything now. " Qiu Lin doesn't worry about her, but now they are orphans and widows. There are many people staring at them! josei

After Xing liehan returned home, his team of lawyers arrived. There were six people in his party, six of whom were excellent lawyers in the field of lawyers. Tang Siyu looked at the six lawyers who were carrying boxes and wearing suits. She could not help but hope.

Tang Siyu is sitting on the sofa, on the conference table beside him. Six lawyers are discussing this remarkable content together. Xing liehan's tall body is propping up the table to participate in their discussion.

Tang Siyu only knows the basic law. At the moment, she can do nothing but listen to their discussion attentively!

Only when the lawyer asked, she replied calmly.Several lawyers' faces were dignified. At last, one of the representatives began to make a conclusion.

"In theory, this attention is perfect. There is no loophole to be drilled. In addition, Chen Feng's reputation in the legal world and his friendship with Tang Xiong for more than ten years, even if he has made a fake, he is also in the ascendant in the court! Miss Tang said that you and your father had a conflict five years ago. They haven't returned home for five years and have no communication for five years. This matter will definitely make the other party make a big fuss in court. Therefore, it seems more reasonable to pay attention to the distribution of your property. As long as Chen Feng holds this point and adds some witness testimony, you can hardly win again. "

Tang Siyu's face paled. In front of the law, the family relationship has been calculated by weighing the weight. She has only regret and guilt at the moment.

"Is there no other way?" Xing liehan asked the lawyer with his sword brow twisted.

"We've found Tang Xiong's autograph, and we've made sure that the handwriting on it is 90% of his handwriting. We've made sure that he is correct. Even if it's signed by someone else, it's hard to overturn it in terms of evidence."

"No, it's not signed by my father. He was killed." Tang Siyu's eyes are red.

"There is doubt about your father's death. This will be another case. If you have evidence to prove that Qiu Lin did harm to your father, you can only show evidence. The law will not admit it."

"So the possibility that this legacy has not been overturned?" Xing liehan asked again.

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