Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 348

Chapter 348

After dinner, Tang Siyu goes home with him. The best thing is to spend weekends with his children and family.

Today, the task of Xing Yinuo and Tang Yixi is to wash toys and tidy them up. There is a long table on the whole lawn, which is full of toys washed by two people.

Tang Siyu and Xing liehan came back and smiled when they saw this scene.

But it's worthy of praise.

Xing Zhengting and his wife didn't interfere. Xing liehan went to discuss with his father about the company, while Tang Siyu came out to help them clean up the toys.

Tang Siyu is now looking forward to Qiu Lin appearing in court a few days later to let the law come forward and take back her share.

After Wen lichen's identity was made public, his life was not disturbed. He was still low-key. There were several private elevators in the president's office of Tianmu group. Except for the required personnel, ordinary people were not allowed to come up.

Wen does not meet his company's artists in person, although all female artists and male artists are looking forward to meeting the big boss.

However, since Sushi's incident broke out briefly, the artists all know that some of them have been top of the list and are closer to the boss than they are.

In particular, Susie's two sworn enemies were even more furious and jealous.

I didn't expect that last time on the overseas red carpet show, what saved Susi was their big boss. They were handsome, stylish and rich. They couldn't be jealous any more.

When people thought sushi was climbing the top, they didn't expect that sushi himself was forbidden to stay at home, even wenlichen's face was gone.

Suxi stayed at home for five days. Her father didn't talk to her very much. Her sister Suqin flew abroad again. Only her mother accompanied her. She and Wen lichen were just in touch by phone.

But sushi can stand this kind of maintenance, but some man can hardly stand it.

Although on the phone, sushi was more obedient than when he met and cooperated to make him happy, he was still not satisfied.

Today is the last day of the weekend. Suxi got up early in the morning, dressed in a low-key way, and followed her mother to the supermarket to sell vegetables. Suxi actually enjoyed this kind of time. She had no time to spend time with her family when she was filming all day before. Now, with her mother, she is back at home again.

"Mom, I want to eat shrimp." Susie pointed to the fresh shrimp.

"OK, a Jin!"

"Mom! I think this This, and this... "

"You child, can you eat so much?" Li Qian read, but her face was a loving smile.

She has two daughters. One is busy with her career and the other is busy with filming. It's hard to enjoy her family life with her daughter at home. Of course, she is favored.

Just then, Susie's cell phone rang. She picked it up and immediately jumped. It was Wen lichen!

"Mom, I'll take a call!" With that, Susie ran away to answer the phone behind a row of snack cabinets.


"See you this afternoon." Wen lichen asked directly.

"No way! I can't leave now! " Today her father is at home. She is a little afraid to go out.

"Then I'll go to your house!"

"Even worse!"

"Two choices, you come to see me, I come to see you!" Wen lichen threatened.

"I can't see you."

"Then I will order you, as the boss, to appear before me today, or I will hide you." Wen lichen threatened her.

If someone with status said this to sushi, sushi would be worried, but she was not worried about what the man said.

"You love snow, but I'm not going to do any more! Hum! " Suzie is not afraid.

"You know I can't do anything to you, can you?" Wen Li Chen seemed to be very idle and had time to make fun of her.

"My mother and I are buying vegetables. Go back and tell you." With that, Susie wanted to hang up.

"Hold on, I ask you, why don't you see me! Your family stopped you from seeing me? " Asked Wen lichen suddenly.

Susie's hair went numb at once. How did he guess? josei

"No!" Suxi insisted.

"Annie has told me all about it. Your father is very exclusive of people in the entertainment circle, so your father saw you and me. He banned you from going out, didn't he?"

"Annie's big mouth." Susie reproached with a bitter face.

"She is one of my employees. Do you think she dare to hide it from me?" Wen lichen gave a light hum.

Suzy was speechless. "If you know it, you won't come to me for a while."

"Do you think evasion is the solution to the problem? Your father just doesn't know me or the industry. I'm also a serious businessman. " Wen lichen shouted softly.

"My father has been strongly opposed to him since I first acted. I've been against him for several years. He misunderstood the entertainment industry so much that he couldn't change his mind for a while." Suzy is not very Nai."If your father is against us being together, then you really have to decide not to associate with me?" Wen lichen asked.

Susie blinked, then wondered, "even if my dad didn't object, we wouldn't be dating!"

"How dare you say you haven't been in touch? Have you seen each other out, dare you say? "

Suzy's face was reddened, and she turned her head to look around, as if Wen lichen had said it out loud, which made her blush.

"You Keep your voice down! "

"I'll have a spare time in the afternoon and see you later."

"My father is at home!"

"Then I'll visit!"

"Come on, I'd better come out to see you! Where can I meet? " Susie chose the latter.

"In the cafe near your house!"

"OK, that's it. I'll see you later." Susie saw her mother coming. She hung up.

Su Xi and Li Qian go home. Su Boyan is reading a military newspaper. They are very old-fashioned. Su Xi comes to him and says in a consultative tone, "Dad, I have something to do this afternoon. I need to go out."

"I have to go home before six in the evening. Besides, I'm not allowed to take any work. I've been staying at home recently." Su Boyan also saw her bored for a few days and gave her a little freedom.

"Thank you, Dad. I'll be back soon."

"And don't go to see that man. Stay away from him."

"Dad Do you think so much of him? "

"Hum! The businessmen in this line are not good people. The industry is disorderly, which is also the fault of his leaders. " Su Boyan criticizes directly.

Su Xi is speechless, thinking about it, Wen lichen is very clean, because he seems to have a serious habit of cleanliness in this respect.

"I'll go to see my friend Siyu and her child and just relax." Suzy denied going to see Wen lichen.

Su Boyan sees Tang Siyu when he sees her. He has no problem. Tang Siyu has been at home several times. She is a cultured and sensible girl. He likes it very much.

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