Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 380

Chapter 380

Tang Siyu sat in the office, behind her, her assistant sent her a cup of coffee. After entering the company for a few days, she also found out the development rules of some companies. She didn't have so much difficulty in contacting documents. She suddenly regretted that if she had entered the company earlier to help her parents, she would not have given Qiu Lin a chance to poison her hands.

At noon, around two o'clock, a handsome man stepped out of the airport. Wen lichen's assistant gave him the car key. "President Wen, won't you go back to the company?"

"No! I have something important to do. " Wen Li Chen's eyes were sharp, and there was a trace of expectation. He raised his watch and looked at the time. The corner of his mouth raised a smile.

For her sake, he had to get some practical rewards when he got out of the meeting to catch the plane!

Wenlichen's sports car sped off in the street, heading straight for the direction of Suzhai.

Sushi can't stop painting a play today. She admires the heroine's acting skills. She brushes and eats with a little snack. She completely forgets the casual promise of last night.

Besides, she is sure that Wen lichen will not come back.

She giggled a few more times, attracted Li Qian to push the door to come in to hear, can't help but look at her a few eyes, however, the mother's love at the bottom of the eyes all shows.

"I've cut you fresh fruit. Don't eat it with snacks. Eat fruit!"

"Thank you mom. You're so kind to me."

"You're my daughter. I'm not good to you, to whom."

"That's very kind of you, sister. I'm not so lucky! How happy! " Susie smiled smugly. The next time she called her sister, she must show off her position at home.

Li Qian is amused by her ancient spirit, but her eldest daughter is too mature and steady, and she doesn't stick to her as she was when she was a child. Instead, her younger daughter has returned to the role of a child, and she depends on and sticks to her.

"Mom, you too." Sushi took a fork and put it into her mouth. Li Qian was also happy to be fed. Then she was worried. "Where is Li Chen, Sishi? Why don't you contact him? I don't think you're going to be divided! "

After learning Wen's identity, she is worried. Her daughter is just a small artist under his company, and he is a big boss. What if he doesn't see her?

Now even her husband has no problem with Wen lichen. She doesn't want such a good son-in-law to run away.

"Mom, he's on a business trip. Maybe he'll come back tonight!" Suzy is not sure.

"Heathy, you've got to get in touch."

"Mom, what are you worried about! Are you still worried that he doesn't want me? " Sue asked with a smile.

Li Qian was really worried about this. She nodded, "of course, to be honest, Li Chen's family background is so good, and he is handsome. How many women like him!"

"Mom, do you think your daughter is not beautiful enough to match him?" Suzy was speechless, how could she have arranged her daughter like this!

Li Qian looks at her and says, "you're not bad, but Li Chen is too good. I'm afraid of you! I can't catch him. "

"If you can't catch it, you can't! He doesn't want me, and I don't want him either. " Su Xi said with her cheeks bulging, but after that, although she was addicted to her mouth, her heart was a little stuffy, as if Wen lichen really would not want her.

Li Qian didn't want to say anything, and said to her, "don't eat too much, be careful to eat fat you."

I'm afraid that I'm fat, and I'm even more unworthy of it.

Suxi watched her mother go out with a silent face. She breathed a sigh, picked up the snack, just delivered it to her mouth and threw it back. No way, she can't become a woman who can't match Wen lichen.

She's going to give up snacks.

Just then, suddenly her cell phone on the desk rang. She picked it up and looked. Who is Wen lichen?

Her heart beat immediately thumped, and she quickly picked up, "Hello! Are you back? "

"Remember what you said last night?" josei

"What did I say last night?"

"If you can stand in front of you before 3pm, you will reward me!"

"But you Didn't you come back? " Susie squinted, feeling a bad foreboding.

"You stand at the window and look into the yard..."

Before he finished speaking, sushi had rushed to the window and pushed it open. Then she saw a handsome and slender body standing there, calling and smiling at her.

Susie covered her chest excitedly, and he really came back.

Li Qian also came out, "here comes Li Chen, come on, come on in, come on Heathy is upstairs. "

Wen lichen received the phone, smiled and said to her, "aunt, long time no see."

"It's been some days. I miss you so much. Have tea!"

"Let me see heathy first!" Wen lichen can't wait to see her.

"She's upstairs. Go up!" Li Qian is also happy and relieved.Wenlichen stepped upstairs step by step. Sushi had rushed back to her room and was washing her face in the bathroom. When she was just about to change a nice dress, there was a knock outside the door.

And she is still wearing a winter Pajama, bought by her mother, so, of course, it's not fashionable. For people at the level of mom, it's enough to keep warm.

Of course, keeping warm is a bar, so Susie has been wearing dark red pajamas since she got up in the morning.

"Wait..." Susie tried to save her image, and the gate was unscrewed.

She hurriedly covered the pieces that had just been untied, and hurried back. Outside the door, there was a man in a black suit, a pair of big boss figures just pulled out of an important meeting, which formed a contrast with her.

This makes Suxi really have a kind of resentment that will be abandoned by this man at any time.

"Why don't you let me change clothes and come in again." Suzy asked in silence.

Wen lichen looked up and down at her around her arm. "I think it's good. Why do I need to change it?"

Susie blinked, seriously doubting his appreciation, but her heart was sweet.

Wen lichen looked down at the time on the wristwatch. "It's ten minutes before three o'clock, so I did it. What about my reward?"

Sushi didn't expect a funny remark last night to make him take it seriously. She was at a loss immediately and didn't know how to award him.

"I haven't thought about that, or I'll treat you to dinner tonight." Susie felt that seeing him, she wanted to invite him to dinner.

Wen lichen shook his head and said with dissatisfaction, "please treat me to dinner every day. You're not tired. I'm tired. I'll have something fresh."

"Then I Please Sing. " Su Xiqiang squeezed out a word.

At this time, I saw Wen lichen close the door tightly, and his strong body oppressed him. "I'll ask for the prize myself!"

"You You have to Well Susie was drummed directly on the wall by the man.

Suxi is so regretful that she will never talk big again, because there seems to be nothing that this man can't do!

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