Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 389

Chapter 389

In recent years, the weather is chilly, even Tiangong is not beautiful. Suddenly, a winter rain comes, leaving the whole city shrouded in a layer of wet rain.

In such a weather, Tang Siyu is not relaxed at all. Today, she gets up very early. Standing in front of Xing liehan's floor to floor window, she looks at the obscure city in the distance, and her eyes flash a firm light.

She clenched her fist gently, as if there was a backlog of strength waiting for the outbreak.

At this time, behind her, a pair of arms embrace, full of a sense of security chest, making her mouth light.

"Why do you get up so early today?" A deep voice was heard.

"I can't sleep." Tang Siyu sighed, his slender body tightened like a string.

Xing liehan reached out his hand and gently rubbed the back of her head. He comforted her and said, "relax, it's OK. I have everything."

This sentence, deep, charming, with a power.

Tang Siyu's heart was really relaxed because of this sentence. She turned around, stretched out her slender arm around the back of his neck, put a small face gently on his chest, closed her eyes and listened to his strong heart beat. She felt full of courage.

Xing liehan can't help but reach out and lift her chin gently, trying to take advantage of her red lips. Tang Siyu's mobile phone rings.

Tang Siyu pulls out with a smile. Xing lie's eyes flash a little bit of unhappiness. However, he still poses in a handsome and charming position, encircling his arms, squinting his eyes and watching her answer the phone.

Tang Siyu picked up his cell phone from the wake-up counter and said, "Hello!"

"When will you come to the company, Miss Tang?" That end is Han Yang's voice.

"I'll be right there."

"OK! I'm in line. "

"OK, thank you Han Yang." Tang Siyu hangs up his cell phone, looks up, and the man is still very domineering. She smiles and hugs his neck. She greets him with a good morning kiss. As she kisses, she coquettishly says, "OK It's time we went out... "

"Not in a hurry for this minute." Xing liehan still took advantage of her for a while, so she let go of her and went out together.

In the same way, Qiu Lin got up early in the morning and arranged all kinds of things. Her assistant sent the information she wanted to her in the early morning. Qiu Lin took the loss report and asked the assistant, "have you printed it all? I'd like to have a copy of this report in a moment. "

"Mr. Qiu is assured that it has been printed. In a moment, each shareholder will issue a copy at the meeting."

"Very good!" Qiu Lin nodded with satisfaction, but in her heart, she imagined the scene of driving Tang Siyu out of the company today. At that time, all the shareholders would fight against her and make her hard to rely on. What else could Tang Siyu do to hinder her eyes?

"Mr. Qiu, it's time for us to start."

Qiu Lin sat in her car and looked at the loss report carefully. It's better not to have any extraneous things happen. Even if Tang Siyu has the company's financial expenditure in his hand, now she has figured out how to cover up and explain it.

As long as there is a perfect excuse for those expenditures, Tang Siyu has no way to deal with her, and she has been echoing in front of shareholders, so this time, she can also turn the risk into peak.

"Mr. Qiu, do you really have to sign a contract termination letter with Mr. Xing in private? Will this affect the future development of the company? "

Qiu Lin thought of this, and she felt very worried. She was not stupid. Xing Yan would marry her, just looking at the company in her hand. Now, seeing that the trend is wrong, he immediately drew the line.

"Well, it's a good thing that the two companies don't tie up. In the future, they won't drag it down." Qiu Lin can only comfort herself like this. In fact, she is very angry.

In the hall of Tang's group, Tang Siyu is dressed as usual, but today she is dressed more formally and neatly. She wears a long hair on the back of her head, a small suit with a skirt, and a khaki windbreaker outside is taken off by her when she just enters the door.

Although she is a major shareholder of Tang Group, she has no airs or cold breath. She is kind and easy-going to her employees.

Therefore, Tang Siyu has never dared to talk about her in the company.

Tang Siyu gets into the elevator and goes straight up to her office floor. It's just nine o'clock when she gets to the office.

Han Yang knocks on the door and comes in. "Miss Tang, everything is ready. I'll come to the meeting with you."

"Well, thank you."

"Unfortunately, it's my pleasure to work for you." Han Yang smiled and put the organized materials in her hands in front of her. "Miss Tang, then look at the conference materials again!"

"Good!" Tang Siyu sat down and opened the meeting materials. On the materials, Han Yang found out the problematic accounts of the financial expenditure of the whole year, including up to twelve. In addition, the corresponding information of shell companies, the operators, the final capital inflow accounts, the signers, all these evidences were collected.And all the operators of the expenditure have Qiu Lin's autograph. This time, Qiu Lin escaped again. josei

An invisible war of gunpowder and smoke started in the office building of Tang Group.

After 9:30, successive shareholders of Tang's group appeared in the hall. These shareholders have been following the old shareholders of Tang's group, most of them are not in charge. They only appear in the annual dividend division and regular shareholders' meeting.

Today, they all arrived at the company on time, and, tacitly, walked into the meeting room in silence.

Qiu Lin sat in the chief position. She asked her assistants to make a cup of tea for herself, and also asked them to prepare tea for this group of shareholders. The service was very considerate.

Qiu Lin looked down at the wristwatch, then snorted coldly, "how can there be another absent one?"

"No absence, just in time." At this time, a beautiful female voice came from the door of the conference room. It was Tang Siyu. Beside her, Han Yang and her assistant Xiao Chen followed.

Qiu Lin pretended to smile, "just come, this kind of meeting can't be late."

"Of course I won't be late." Tang Siyu calmed down and sat down next to Qiu Lin.

The shareholders on one side have heard a strong smell of war. The two women sitting on the main seat, this time, they all stand by one person, that is, Tang Siyu.

"Well, even if everyone is here, let's start today's meeting! First of all, I'd like to announce to you the news of Shaoxing. Our profit is still at a loss this month, which is the most serious loss this year. " Qiu Lin's eyes swept over the ugly shareholders. "I feel the same anxiety as you do."

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