Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 509

Chapter 509


The name of the young president and the succession system of the state are hereditary. Therefore, xuanyuanchen is the seventh succeeding president of the country. He has been succeeding for five years with outstanding achievements and strong national stability.

At noon, Zhang Jing, a doctor, came to inspect him. Li Sen was in the room and Suqin was waiting at the door. About half an hour later, Zhang Jing, a doctor, came out. He took a look at Suqin and smiled, "you are the new Miss Su!"

"Yes." Suqin nodded and smiled.

"I just heard from your Excellency the president that you have good experience in massage and can help him sleep. In the next time, please continue to relieve his sleep pressure and massage him more."

Suqin's pretty face showed a trace of warmth, and she nodded her head seriously, "OK!"

At this time, the door opened, and Li Sen opened one side of the door. Beside him, the man buttoned his shirt collar and stepped out. Xuanyuanchen looked at Suqin at the door and said to her, "follow me to the study."


"Take all the papers today."

"Sir, you'd better take it easy! Don't overwork before you are well enough. It's not good for you. " Zhang Jing gave a serious warning, and he was just in his early thirties.

Xuanyuanchen side Mou leered at him one eye, "you only manage to do your doctor's business, manage so wide to do what?"

Zhang Jing immediately sighed in a kind of maternal voice, "yes! I'm your doctor, so do you want to listen to my words? "

"It's no use to me, I won't listen!" Xuanyuanchen chuckles and walks to the direction of the study.

"Xuanyuanchen, will you take what you don't want as your life? You should know that your life is related to the fate of the whole country. If you don't care, I dare not be careless. "

Suqin was shocked. Would the doctor dare to call the name of the president?

Looking aside, Li Sen seems to have been used to watching the two of them stumbling. In addition to being xuanyuanchen's doctor, Zhang Jing has another identity, that is, his classmate and distant cousin, Zhang Jing is older than xuanyuanchen for months. When they were children, they were the same people who grew up in the same pants.

So, at this time, Zhang Jingcai dare to call the name of this country's distinguished man.

Xuanyuanchen imitates not to hear, Suqin hurriedly follows him, behind Zhang Jing speechless looking at straight to the study man, shook his head, facing a workaholic man, he is also very helpless.

"Miss Su, look at him for me. Don't let him sit long," said Suqin

Suqin hurriedly turned around and said, "OK."

Xuanyuanchen is sitting in the office. The action of leaning down and sitting seems to oppress the wound where he just received the medicine. He subconsciously covers his chest and follows Suqin behind him. He is shocked immediately. He has to come to take his arm and help him to sit down.

The handsome face of the man was slightly shocked, and her side eyes fell on her face. When Su Qin was holding him, she realized that she had offended her too much. She hurriedly looked up, and her eyes were directly colliding with each other. Moreover, they were very close.

"I'm sorry!" Suqin took a step back in fright and drew his hand quickly.

Because the action of her hand drawing is quick and urgent, the long sword eyebrow of the man twisted again, which seems to involve his wound even more.

Suqin found out that he was at a loss looking at him and blurted out a word of sorry: "I'm sorry..."

Xuanyuanchen slightly hook lips, "nothing." After that, he sat down, and Suqin put the paper that was to be sorted out in the morning in front of him. He picked it up and began to read it one by one.

In the study, I calmed down directly. There was a cicada voice outside the window. In the early autumn, it was cool. Suqin stood by for a while. She was used to standing for a long time. Even if her legs were a little sour, she would not frown.

When the man looked up, he saw her standing aside with her eyes slightly drooping. He said to her, "go and sit by and wait for me."

Su Qin is slightly a startle, smiled to smile, "I am OK."

Xuanyuanchen's eyes fell on a sofa opposite him, "go to sit on the sofa." josei

This sentence is not only a sentence, but also an order.

Maybe this man has been distinguished since he was young! His tone is mostly affirmative, with a hint of command.

Suqin had to go to the sofa, folded her legs and sat down demurely. As soon as she sat down, she found that she could look up and see the man behind the opposite desk working.

He slightly twisted his eyebrows, his expression was serious, his eyes were fine and dark, showing a sense of wisdom. When he hung his eyes, the two sword eyebrows were extraordinarily delicate, and the bridge of his nose was very straight and charming.

Suqin swallowed her saliva secretly. She didn't know why she had such a dry mouth. She didn't drink water for about an hour!

Just thinking about this, he knocked at the door, and Li Sen came in with two glasses of water. First, he went to xuanyuanchen and put down a glass of water. Then, he went to Suqin and put down a glass of water on the table."Thank you, Uncle Li." Suqin's polite thanks.

"You're welcome." With that, Li Sen went out again with a smile and a tray.

Suqin took a small sip of water, as if in front of this man, she had a feeling of binding her hands and feet, as if she didn't dare to do any big action at will, only maintaining her most lady side.

In Suqin holding the cup, a face of mind to drink a small mouth, opposite a pair of deep eyes cast on her face, the opposite man elegant persistent cup, while drinking tea, while enjoying the opposite woman.

Suqin drank and felt a strong gaze staring at herself. Her long eyelashes lifted, and her clear eyes ran into the eyes of the man opposite.

Suqin's heart beat in vain, but on the surface, she smiled calmly, "has Mr. President finished reading it?"

"Not yet!" A low voice line replied that the man put down the cup as if nothing had happened, and continued to pick up the documents on the desktop to look like,

Suqin lowered her eyes, a row of fan like eyelashes covered her eyes reflecting a bit of panic, she continued to hold the cup, as if thinking about something.

And the man on the opposite table, with a profound and unpredictable eye, glanced at her for a few seconds from the document, and then continued to browse the document.

At 11:30 noon, Li Sen knocked on the door and came in. "Your Excellency President, Miss Su, lunch is ready. Please come downstairs for dinner!"

Suqin put down the cup and looked at the man at the table. "Mr. President, come back this afternoon! "You can't sit long," said Dr. Zhang

Xuanyuanchen narrowed his eyes and held the table with his hands. When he got up, there was a sense of pain in his chest wound, which made him frown. Suqin stood aside to help him and dared not touch him.

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