Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

After xuanyuanchen treated the wound, Li Sen and Zhang Jing were in the room with him. Suqin went back to the room. She washed her face and tried to wipe the water on her cheek with a towel. She was stunned for a few seconds. In her mind was xuanyuanchen's hug just in the presidential palace.

It caught her off guard. There was nothing in her mind at that moment.

Only in the tip of the nose that a thick smell of blood.

Beside Xuanyuan Chen, there are Li Sen and two men who have just arrived. They are the people who Xuanyuan Chen ordered to thoroughly investigate the shooting.

"Your Excellency, there has been some progress in this matter, but we are still targeting the target, which needs to be determined again."

"Who is it!" Xuanyuanchen's thin lips spit out two words coldly.

"At first, we suspected that this was an invasion, but after our careful investigation, we have ruled out this possibility. We have targeted your close aide Zhou Hao. You must be someone who knows your schedule very well, or even your people. Otherwise, who would know that you went to the cemetery? And there will be silence alone? "

Xuanyuanchen's eyes flashed a trace of cold and ferocious, and he did not speak. He was really careless about this trip.

"Sir, may I ask who you went to the cemetery alone to pay homage to this time?" josei

"Well, you are lucky this time. You only need to give the best explanation and result in this matter." Li Sen stops the men around him from asking questions.

"It's an old friend of mine." Xuanyuan Chen light should be one.

"OK, we are already interrogating Zhou Hao. Maybe we can get the result soon."

"This Zhou Hao really deserved to die, probably because two days ago, the president dismissed him for a mistake, which made him bear a grudge, and even gave birth to the idea of killing the president. It's disgusting." Li Sen shook his fist and said angrily.

"Mr. President's schedule is likely to change every minute. Why can Zhou Hao control his whereabouts? In the cemetery? "

"Zhou Hao has been with you for three years. On that day of every year, you will go to the cemetery alone to pay a memorial service. He must have expected that." Li Sen replied.

"Li te helps, do you know Zhou Hao well?"

Li Sen narrowed his eyes and recalled carefully, "I have had several in-depth contacts with him. He is a very face oriented person, and privately likes to show off his job in the presidential palace, which makes him highly respected in interpersonal relations. I heard that he went back to his hometown and even the mayor personally provided him with a good waiter on the table and made a high-profile manner. Maybe it is Don't want to lose the sense of honor brought by this job, he is still serious and responsible for his work, but on that day, he mistakenly sent documents and smelled of alcohol. It's not the first time for him to work and drink. Your excellency is very angry and directly dismissed his job. He probably has a grudge for it. "

Xuanyuanchen just passed through a bandage, his face was tired, he said in a deep voice, "this matter should be handled as soon as possible, and you should pay more attention to the security work in the future."

"Yes, sir, we will keep it very confidential." Finish saying, Li Sen greets him to go out, close the door gently, let Xuan Yuan Chen rest.

In the evening, Xuanyuan Chen didn't go downstairs, and ye Dong went up with the meal. Until the next morning, Xuanyuan Chen didn't go out.

Today, Suqin also received a dozen urgent documents waiting for him to deal with. She found Li Sen. Li Sen asked her not to disturb him. In the afternoon, she sent the documents to xuanyuanchen's bed. He was ordered by Zhang Jing. There was no important matter. He was not allowed to leave his bed.

Because his wound suffered several second tears, which made his head big. If it goes on like this, he still doesn't know when he will be able to recover.

Su Qin follows Li Sen, Li Sen pushes the door open, xuanyuanchen is leaning against the pillow, holding the iPad in his hand and watching people's livelihood news. Su Qin's eyes fall on his face. After last night, he looks weaker and paler.

"Sir, Xiaoqin has several documents here. Please have a look when you have time!" Li Sen said to him.

"Let Suqin stay. You can do it!" Xuanyuan Chen did not lift Mou to say.

Li Sen nodded and turned to Suqin. "Xiaoqin, you stay with you to deal with the documents. What can I do for you?"

"OK!" Suqin nodded.

When Li Sen left, he took the door with him. Suqin put the document on the bedside table and looked at the man on the bed. She said in a warm voice, "Mr. President, do you want to see the document now?"

Xuanyuanchen shut down the iPad and put it aside. He reached out to her and said, "give it to me."

Because his upper body can't move at will, he is almost half lying and half lying. Suqin hands a document to him. He opens his eyes and looks at it. Like this kind of complicated official report, Suqin sometimes looks big.

And this man, as if by nature, is an expert in this field. He can read documents very fast and handle them very well.Suqin stood aside, waiting for him to finish watching. Xuanyuanchen looked at her, turned to her and said, "sit down and wait!"

Suqin couldn't help but take a look. The sofa was a little far away. There were no chairs in his room. She smiled and said, "it doesn't matter."

"In bed." Xuanyuanchen's eyes did not leave the report.

Suqin's pretty face is slightly hot, sitting on his bed? She was stunned. The man's eyes looked at her twice, and insisted, "sit down!"

Suqin had to nod and sit gently on the edge of the bed beside him. The man had read a document and said to her, "give me a pen."

Suqin handed the pen to him, but his eyes did not leave the report, so he roughly reached for the pen. Suqin took the pen hand and was directly held by his big hand.

Suqin's heart was still beating, but he didn't respond. The man's hand released her hand, took away the pen in her hand, and pretended to sign.

Suqin took over the signed document he handed over, and his mind was blank for a few seconds. At this time, the man's hand had been held in the air for a few seconds. Xuanyuanchen looked at her dejected look, and couldn't help but chuckle, "what are you thinking?"

Suqin suddenly found that he was still waiting for her to hand over the second document. In a moment, a bright white face was red. She hurriedly picked up the second document and handed it to him.

When the man reached out to take it, his eyes were fixed in her flustered and twinkling eyes, and her white and red skin. He knew that the handshake just now scared her.

"When are you going to get married, too?" Xuanyuanchen in order to ease the atmosphere, a cordial question.

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