Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 518

Chapter 518

Xuanyuanchen's wound will not be inconvenient as long as he is recuperated, so it will be a matter of time before he returns to the office of the president's office.

In the evening, Suqin is picking up the dry cleaning clothes. Her door is knocked. She opens the door, and Li Sen looks at her with a smile. "Xiaoqin, are you busy?"

Suqin smiled and said, "I'm not busy. Is Uncle Li busy?"

"I have something to talk to you about."

Suqin's heart has a bottom, she nodded, "OK!"

Li Sen went to the sofa in Suqin's room and sat down. Looking at Suqin, he said directly, "Xiaoqin, you are going to move back to the presidential palace."

Suqin pretended to be surprised and smiled, "is that right?"

Li senlue looked at her apologetically and said, "yes, maybe I'll move back the day after tomorrow. Xiaoqin, you know, we transferred you here for a temporary job. Now, I've decided to transfer you back to the original unit. What's your opinion?"

"I have no opinion." Suqin shook his head and answered very frankly.

Li Sen appreciated her character very much. He got up and said, "OK, Xiaoqin, I hope you can go better in your political career. I look forward to meeting you again one day."

"Then when shall I leave?"

"There's a car coming to pick you up this afternoon. You've been away from home for half a month. It's time to go home and have a look."

"OK, thanks for Uncle Li's care these days."

"We should thank you for your selfless dedication."

"That's what I should do." Suqin said with a smile.

"Well, you pack up. I'll ask Ye Dong to bring the box to you later. You can prepare whatever you need to prepare."

At noon, Suqin had a meal alone. She did not see Li Sen and Xuan Yuanchen. She asked to Ye Dong curiously, "isn't Uncle Li and Mr. President in?"

"They're out."

"Will you be back in the afternoon?"

"Not necessarily. It should be dealing with the work."

Su Qin chuckled, "Oh!" Originally she also wanted to tell xuanyuanchen a person, it seems, even to say goodbye to this matter also saved.

It was Ye Dong who sent Suqin away. Suqin packed several sets of clothes and supplies here. In a simple half month, it was like a life journey, which made her meet some people who she could not meet in her life.

However, it was lucky for her.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Suqin arrived at home. Su Boyan and Li Qian were shocked to see her coming back suddenly. They didn't call for half a month. The eldest daughter came back suddenly.

"Xiaoqin, what are you doing these days?"

"I went to the training, which is more rigorous." Suqin explained with a smile. At home, she was very casual. She took a bath, put on a loose T-shirt, took out her favorite yogurt from the refrigerator and sat on the sofa.

"Oh, Dad, mom, I forgot to tell you that I will return to work in the original unit tomorrow, without transfer."

"What? Didn't that mean the transfer? "

"No, I didn't. It was just a kind of training."

"Well, at least you are a girl. You go to the administration class every day. It's better than your business trip every day before." Li Qian thinks her daughter's job is good and decent.

At the dinner table, Li Qian looks at her eldest daughter, who is still around her. She is worried and asks, "did you contact Cheng Yubin last time? Did he invite you out for dinner? "

Suqin knew her mother was going to worry about her marriage again. She shook her head and said, "no, maybe he is busy and I am busy."

"No matter how busy you are, don't you leave the marriage affairs aside. You know, it's not easy to have a child when you are old. It's easy to have an accident."

"Mom, I just had my 27th Birthday! I'm not old. " Suqin retorted.

"Anyway! You're going to have a snack on this, too. "

In the evening, when Suqin returned to the room, although the sense of oppression in his heart was relieved, the people he met in this half month were hard to forget for a while.

She turned on the computer, searched the name of xuanyuanchen, and what appeared on the screen immediately was the picture of him receiving leaders of various countries. He was the kind of man who stood in the middle of thousands of places and was full of glory.

In the dignified scenes, he is tall and noble, with a calm breath. This and his people in life have completely become two styles. They talk with high-level officials of various countries, shake hands, and act with the king's demeanor. Even the smile is just right to a good place.

Looking at these photos, Suqin couldn't imagine that he was a childish man in his life. He was upset by this in the middle of the night, and the way he and Zhang Jing stumbling and joking were different from the president of the country in the photos.

However, if you think about it, everyone has two sides. She also has. At work, she is serious and rigorous. But at home, she wants to be a man who is free from constraints.Suqin sighed a little. From now on, the only way she can see this man is in the news!

In a mysterious and safe house.

Xuanyuanchen is sitting in the study, beside him, accompanied by Li Sen. he reaches out his hand to sign the letter and asks in a light tone, "why don't you tell me in advance and let Suqin leave?" josei

Li Sen smiled. "Do you want to stay with Suqin?"

Xuanyuanchen twisted his eyebrows. "This time back to the presidential palace, you can see if there is any vacancy around me. Transfer her here!"

There was a flash of shock in Li Sen's heart. Did something really go beyond his control? Did the president have some good feelings for Suqin? This is not the original intention that he came to Suqin.

"OK! I will pay attention. " Li Sen answers.

In the middle of the night, xuanyuanchen saw that it was more than 12 a.m. when he saw the official document, he twisted his brow. In such a quiet night, he thought of Suqin's massage. Although her technique was not powerful enough, it could make him completely relaxed.

But now, she is no longer around. If Li Sen can't find a suitable position for her, she won't be seen in the next time.

Xuanyuanchen has his arms on his back. Although he is the president of a country, there are not many women he really touches. He was trained strictly to be the successor of the country in the future. His life is like an iron net. He firmly keeps things dangerous to him out of the net, even his interpersonal relationship.

After he succeeded to the president, there were indeed various women around him, but those people, either his subordinates or those who had a purpose to approach him, few people with simple purpose and simple mind, especially women.

There is no doubt that Suqin is a person who has no idea about him and only works for him. Therefore, Suqin still has a special influence in xuanyuanchen's heart.

At the moment, he clearly felt his heart, and he hoped that Suqin could still work beside him.

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