Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 661

Chapter 661

There are still a few days to get along with, and she has a chance to show her charm. At this time, there was news about what she told her assistant last night. "Miss mesa, I found what you asked me to check. It's in the mail."

Morita Misha immediately took the computer, opened it, opened her mailbox, and clicked on the top email.

When I opened it, I saw that there were several wedding photos. On the photos, it was the wedding photos of Xing liehan and Tang Siyu. Morita Meisha stared at a picture of two people looking at each other affectionately. Her heart was filled with jealousy.

I only saw this girl married with Xing liehan, who has a very flexible atmosphere, and she is a complete two kinds of women, she has a clean and pure atmosphere, unlike her, like heavy makeup.

"It's pretty, but I'm not bad either." Morita Meisha looks at the photo and mumbles.

Turns out, does he like the pure one? Morita's lips are hooked with a smile.

Looking at Xing liehan's eyes in the photo, the real tenderness and deep feeling in the eyes, even if not looking at her, also makes her feel intoxicated. If you can really get this man's eyes, how happy it is.

Morita Meisha put down the computer, and there was a kind of scheming light in her eyes. She got up and asked about her hair stylist. She wanted to change herself for Xing liehan.

This evening, Morita Meisha turned her long curly hair into the black and long straight hair of her lovely neighbor. Meanwhile, she also purchased some clothes and was ready to start the attraction mode for Xing liehan.

Early morning.

Morita Meisha is waiting for Xing liehan in the hall, because today they need to visit Morita family's technology factory.

When Xing liehan and his men came out, they all looked at the woman standing in front of the sofa waiting for them, because Morita Meisha had another beauty.

Morita Meisha has seen her amazing feeling from other men's eyes. However, when her eyes look at Xing liehan, Xing liehan's eyes are still clear and there is no fluctuation.

"Mr. Xing, this way, please. The car is ready. In the car, I can tell you something about the factory." Morita said to him that she had calculated the same car as Xing liehan.

"OK." Xing liehan is really interested in technology.

Sitting in the car, Morita asked with a smile, "Mr. Xing, do you think I'm different today?"

Xing liehan raised his eyebrows slightly and said in a low voice, "Miss Morita would like to introduce the situation of your factory! I'm more interested in this. "

Morita's pretty face was embarrassed, and she quickly smiled, "OK." Next, she handed Xing liehan a piece of information, and she began to show her eloquence.

Xing liehan looks at the data and looks into it.

Morita Misha explains all the way to her family's factory. When she enters, she needs to put on the anti bacteria clothes. Morita Misha takes over the anti bacteria clothes and naturally puts them on Xing liehan's body. "Mr. Xing, I'll help you put them on." Xing liehan reached for his clothes and said to her, "I'll come myself."

Han Yang at one side immediately came to dress for Xing liehan and arranged for him.

With the help of assistant, Morita Misha also dressed up. Her eyes fell on Xing liehan. Even if she was wearing a broad anti bacteria suit, the light on the man's body couldn't be covered, especially his handsome face, thin and sexy lips, which made the woman have a strong impulse to kiss. "Mr. Xing, this way, please." Morita Mi Sha made a gesture of invitation to him.

Xing liehan nodded. Along the way, Sennan Meisha found a technical expert, who talked about technical matters.

Xing liehan's eyes listened attentively, while Morita Meisha's eyes on one side spent more time on Xing liehan.

After visiting the factory, I visited another area in the afternoon. At noon, I had lunch in the restaurant near the factory.

After eating, Xing Lihan calls Tang Siyu at the railings outside the restaurant. He is calling Tang Siyu, because at this time in country m, she should receive the little guy to go home.

"Hello, what's the matter?" The sweet voice of Tang Siyu came.

"Have you received your son? How is he at school today? " Xing liehan asked with a smile.

"It's good. He said he made a new friend, and he asked his new friend to speak Chinese."

"Really?" Xing liehan has a sense of pride.

"Well! Your son has a good relationship. " Said Tang Siyu. josei

"Of course, this is my son." Xing liehan said proudly.

Tang Siyu couldn't help chuckling at that end. "I'm proud of you."

"How many hours did you practice today? Does your hand still hurt? " Xing liehan asked.

"It's OK. I'll put hot water on it later." Tang Siyu replied.

Beside Xing liehan's phone call, Morita Meisha has been listening for a while. She was just making a phone call behind the pillar. Unexpectedly, she just finished the call and heard Xing liehan's voice.She stood behind the pillar and listened. Although Xing liehan spoke Chinese, the voice line was also magnetic. Even if she could not understand it, his tone and smile were extremely gentle.

Seems to be talking to his wife! Morita's eyes flashed a deep light.

In the afternoon, Xing liehan did not sit in a car with her, but let Han Yang sit beside him.

Morita Misha has been a little embarrassed by his refusal. She is biting her lips and looking out of the window. She has a bold idea at the bottom of her heart.

If the contract is signed successfully, Xing liehan will leave here soon. She hopes to reach a relationship with Xing liehan, a relationship that she can see him at any time in the future.

And this is not convenient in the relationship, even in the cooperative relationship. If we can establish a more personal and intimate relationship, it is the best.

After visiting the factory in the afternoon, in the evening, Mr. Morita held a private banquet.

Xing liehan and his subordinates are on the list for the banquet, which is the first invitation from the Morita family. Xing liehan naturally did not refuse, and he promised to participate. Morita Misha didn't expect her father would make such a surprise for her. So she had better get close to Xing liehan tonight.

Tonight's dance, she must invite Xing liehan to have a dance. Dancing is a very easy opportunity to promote the occurrence of male and female hormones.

When Morita Meisha heard that Xing liehan would go, she couldn't help but look forward to it.

For tonight's party, Morita must show up in the most amazing way.

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