Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 673

Chapter 673

"What can I do for Mrs. Xing?" Morita Misha looks at her with a little precaution.

Tang Siyu's eyes are full of sharp breath. "You just say what happened with my husband. As his wife, I think it's necessary to talk with you."

Morita Misha is shocked. Shouldn't Tang Siyu find a place to hate, wipe his tears and cry?

How could she talk to her so rationally and calmly? Morita Meisha looked up and saw that in the crowd not far away, Xing liehan's eyes looked at this side like a wild animal.

Looking at his beautiful appearance, she suddenly had an interest. She raised her eyebrows and said, "OK! Then talk! "

"There are few people on the balcony. Go there." Tang Siyu finished, took the lead to the direction of the balcony.

Behind her, Morita Mei Sha squints her eyes, interwoven with her still some vicious thoughts.

Tang Siyu stood by the column beside the balcony and looked at Morita Meisha who had come here.

"Miss Morita, as a businessman, I don't think your means are very bright."

"What do you want to say?" Morita mesa stares at her.

Tang Siyu looked at her with clear eyes. "It's like just now you were just talking and laughing with that gentleman. Did you notice his wife?"

"What?" Morita frowned. "I only talk to that gentleman. It has nothing to do with his wife."

Tang Siyu sneered, "that is to say, the wife can become his wife. I believe she definitely has a certain position in the family. You just ignored her and still showed off your amorous feelings to her husband in front of her. I think, as long as she said a few words to her husband, you have lost one third of your chance."

Morita immediately disagreed. "How do you know she has the right to speak?"

Tang Siyu really knows that this is some of the benefits she usually gets from her participation in the upper class society. She said calmly, "because as far as I know, this lady's family background is stronger than her husband's. in today's big family, most of the marriage relationships, you can't ignore the wife of any man who has a family."

"What do you want to say?" Morita's face turned red. Although Tang Siyu's words didn't fight against her, they were just teaching her a lesson and mocking her means.

"Then talk about you and my husband! Can you elaborate on what happened between your births? " Tang Siyu's eyes twinkled sharply.

Morita immediately hooked his lips and smiled, as if he found something to be proud of. "Don't you know that men like freshness? To you, I'm a fresh woman. Mr. Xing naturally wants to have something with me. "

"And what happened between you?" Tang Siyu asked.

"What we should have happened, it happened." Morita Misha doesn't mind saying the panic to the end.

Tang Siyu immediately pretended to be angry and asked, "does my husband have a red mole on his chest? On the third rib on his left? Very clear. " josei

Morita immediately smugly squints, "yes, there is one. What's the matter? I think men have a red mole. It's very sexy! "

Tang Siyu is suddenly in a very good mood, so good that she wants to laugh. This is the contest between women.

"Nothing, Miss Morita. That's the end of our conversation." Tang Siyu said, and turned to go.

But Morita Misha was puzzled by her words. She bit her teeth and called to her, "Mrs. Xing, aren't you angry at all? Not jealous? Or do you not love your husband at all? "

Tang Siyu looked back and replied earnestly, "no, I love my husband very much. I believe that my husband also loves me very much."

"Even if he loves you, why is he still with me? You can tell how much we lost that night. " Morita continued to stimulate her.

"Miss Morita, I think it's time for you to take medicine. If you have a serious delusion, it's better to treat it very early." Tang Siyu sneered.

Morita's face changed slightly. "I'm not sick. I'm telling the truth."

Tang Siyu doesn't want to talk about this topic with her anymore. She continues to sneer, "I'll give you a piece of advice. You'd better not mess with a man with a family and children, otherwise, a woman who is also a woman and loses her family happiness will be more ruthless than you."

Morita Meisha bit his lips, but still don't understand why don Siyu is not jealous? Why doesn't she get angry?

"Don't you hate me when you sleep with your husband?" Morita Misha clings to the glass and looks at her with a winner's expression.

Tang Siyu smiled better. "Hate you? I just said you have delusions. Now, you should have delusions. "

"What do you mean?"

"My husband doesn't have a mole on his chest, not a single one." Tang Siyu announces the answer.

Morita Mei Sha's face immediately rose red, some angry, but not attack, she was so easily seen through by Tang Siyu.


"My husband said that he wants you to pay the price, your family to pay the price, as his wife, I just want to persuade him, this matter will be overturned, but now, I don't want to persuade." The last sentence of Tang Siyu is equivalent to a knife to Morita.She gave her a hope and broke it.

"Mrs. Xing, I am wrong. Please forgive me. Would you please ask Mr. Xing for help? Mr. Xing and I are innocent. I know he loves you very much. Would you please say something for me? " Morita Misha's face has become very ugly and frightened.

Tang Siyu's eyes looked at her. "If you come to the party and ask me, I may think about it, because I don't want my husband to lose the company's benefits, but now it's too late."

Tang Siyu said, and went to the direction of Xing liehan. Behind her, Morita Meisha's eyes twinkled with panic and confusion. At the moment, she could not hate even if she had hatred.

Tang Siyu gives her the feeling that she is like a soft and harmless person, but just now, her words and deeds give her a kind of intelligent atmosphere. It turns out that Xing liehan loves her so much for a reason.

Morita Meisha is going back to look for the man who is interested in her company's investment, only to find that the man is accompanying his wife, bending down to listen to what her wife said, and he can't help nodding.

Morita Misha straightened out his mind and went straight to it again.

"Mr. Liu, I'm sorry just now. What else do you know about our company? I can explain it to you! "

"I'm sorry, I'm not going to invest for the time being." The man responded with a stiff smile.

At this time, the lady beside him gave her a cold horizontal look and left holding her husband.

Morita Misha bit red lips, she suddenly felt like a joke.

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