Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 754

Chapter 754

Ji Xiaoxiao came out and had a good time. As soon as she came out, Ji Anxin crouched down and tried to persuade her to leave.

"No, no, Mommy, I have to play, I have to make cakes!" The little guy is addicted to playing, how can he leave now?

She has to go to the model hall and the nurse hall. When she came here, she wanted to play a lot.

"Shall we come next time? Mummy is in a hurry. " Ji Anxin wants to take her daughter away no matter what.

"No, Mommy let me play for a while! Please. " Ji Xiaoxiao looks at Mommy pleadingly.

Ji Anxin naturally doesn't want to take her away, but how can she rest assured that the man is here?

Just then, a low male voice appeared beside her, "you don't need to take her away, I won't disturb you."

It's Huo Qiang. He can see it from the side. Ji Anxin wants to take his daughter away because he hates him. Ji Xiaoxiao clearly wants to play.

If it's because of his presence, Ji Anxin doesn't have to leave, because even if he is here, he won't disturb their mother and daughter.

"Handsome uncle, why are you here?" The little guy is surprised. When she sees Huo Qiang, she feels like she wants to be close.

Huo Qiang has a kind of inexplicable kindness towards the little guy. He nods, smiles and says, "yes, I'm playing here with a little brother."

Ji Anxin only felt that her daughter and this man talked, her heart would thump a few times, she quickly pulled up her daughter and said, "OK, you have to play, hurry up! Hurry up. "

"OK! Mommy, I'll be obedient. " Ji Xiaoxiao doesn't forget to please his mother.

Immediately into a small nurse experience hall, Ji Anxin stood at the door, looking at her daughter through the glass.

Hodgson is on the other side, and his nephew is still in the room.

His eyes are turning a painful color at the moment. Ji Anshan's words hurt him heavily.

Did she indulge in the two months when she disappeared? Why does she have to be so abusive? A one night stand with a strange man is not something she would do.

But now, he really found that he didn't know her and couldn't see her. Huo Qiang's eyes looked at the woman who was full of defensive breath.

She is exquisite and perfect, as if covered with a layer of hard shell, which can not touch her real inner world.

As a successful strong woman, she has what she should have. It seems that there is nothing in the world that can attract her and bribe her.

She is not the simple girl, not the one. He said he loved her and she would believe in her.

At the moment, he saw the men passing by her, the eyes that showed on her, that was to like her, and that was not good.

But now, she has no right to care about anything about her, even the chance to protect her.

Ji Anxin's heart is also very complex. Although he is not in front of her, she can always feel his eyes looking at her. Just now, she said it deliberately.

It should be very exciting to him. This man once said that she can only be his own woman. Oh, now, she hit him hard in the face.

She can be a woman of any man, but in the future, she will not be alone with him.

Although, she is now a man, five years, no man has stepped into her world, she will never tell him this fact in her life.

Ji Anxin is looking at her daughter helping to take care of the fake baby. At this moment, she suddenly hands over a bottle of water in front of her. She is stunned and turns around. Huo Qiang stands behind her and hands her a bottle of mineral water.

Ji'an's mind was cold, but he didn't answer.

"Drink water!" Hocheon said in a low voice.

"Thank you. I don't need it." Ji Anxin's cold refusal.

Huo qi'ang had no choice but to take back the water. Looking at the way she didn't give any chance, he didn't know what to do.

After a while, his nephew ran to another district, and Huo Qiang could only leave with him. Ji Anxin waited for his daughter to play for a while, and took her to several pavilions. She could see Huo Qiang's figure, but it was a little far away.

She didn't have so many defenses, just looked at her daughter's happy appearance, and thought that the man was her daughter's father, in the heart, she could not help but feel sad and angry.

How could a daughter live such a life without what happened? She was born with a complete family, and that man should do his duty as a father.

Ji Anxin tries to coax her daughter out after her daughter plays what she is interested in.

Ji Anxin came out with her daughter, and she seemed to be relieved. She took her daughter to the shopping mall nearby. She thought that Huo Qiang would never meet her.After playing with his nephew for a while, Huo Qiang didn't meet Ji Anxin. He knew that she must have left. josei

In the evening, Ji Anxin brings her daughter back from the dinner outside, bathes the little guy and sends her to bed to play with her doll on the bed, while she works nearby. At this time, Qiaozhi, President of her company's national headquarters, called in.

"Hello, George." Ji Anxin answers the phone.

"Take it easy, there's something I need your help with."

"What is it?"

"I have a political party, but I can't be here. Go to it on my behalf! This also represents the honor of our company to be invited, you go to participate in the most appropriate. "

Ji Anxin has just entered the country and has dealt with politicians. This kind of scene cannot be avoided. He has to deal with it. "

"Yes, I will."

"It's very good. I'm sure you can do better and better."

"I will do my best to get the best interests for the company." Ji Anxin is also full of confidence.

Ji Anxin hung up the phone and sent an invitation letter in her email. She looked at the time and place. On this Friday night, it seems that she would ask Shen Rui to look after her children again.

Thinking of such a political banquet, she thought that Huo Qiang would not appear! Better not meet him.

Early morning.

Ji Anxin sent his daughter to school. When he came out, he saw Huo Qiang who had already sent his nephew in advance.

Ji Anxin saw his car parked beside her. She didn't want to see him, and she had to go to him.

"I see your name on the party list on Friday. Will you come?" Hocheon asked.

Ji Anxin is shocked. Unexpectedly, he knows in advance. She squints her eyes and doesn't want to answer her.

Huo Qiang watched her get in the car and leave. He already had the answer. Ji Anxin's company has just entered China. She can't push such a party, so she will definitely go that night.

Huo Qiang called an assistant and asked him to press the line. That night, he would also attend the party. His identity could not be dealt with in the past, but there must be some lower level officials to greet him.

However, if she did, he would never miss it.

Ji Anxin's heart is blocked along the way. Depending on the situation, he will surely pass. Ji Anshan arrives at the company and receives a phone call from the head of a cooperative company. It is a divorced bachelor. He happens to know that Ji Anshan will also attend the dinner party. He wants to have a company with Ji Anshan.

It's impossible to go to such a dinner party alone. If you can go to the right past in pairs, you will have face.

Ji Anxin has years of cooperation with the boss, and the relationship is good, so she agrees.

"Peace of mind, look forward to that night, beautiful and noble you." There was a happy male voice coming from that end.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin. I try not to let you down."

"You will not let me down. I will feel very honored to be with you." Lin Dong laughed.

Ji Anxin hung up the phone and went to the meeting.

In the vice president's office, Huo Qiang's cell phone rings. He picks it up and looks at it. It's his father.

"Hello! Dad. "

"Pray! I just asked your assistant. He said you would attend the exchange dinner on Friday, didn't he? "

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