Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 778

Chapter 778

Ji Anxin knows that if he can't go on, this man will come up, because he has done a lot of willful things now.

Although Huo Yuan said he was injured in a car accident, who knows if he was injured because of other dangers? How dare this man run?

Ji Anxin doesn't know why. She still cares about him in her mind. It seems that she is really getting more and more ridiculous.

Ji Anxin steps out. At the gate of her company, a black car just stops at the door, which looks arrogant.

Ji Anxin gets down, a bodyguard opens the door for her, Ji Anxin sits in, and the man around her leans over to look at her.

Ji Anxin is surrounded by his arms, which is clearly a face of rejection.

"Drive." When hocheon finished, he pulled down the baffle and turned the back seat into a very private space.

Ji Anxin keeps his head out of the window and doesn't want to see him.

"Are you angry?" Asked Hodgson.

"You know what you're asking." Ji Anxin replied coldly.

"I'm sorry." The man apologized in a low voice.

Ji Anxin doesn't want to accept such an apology at all. What's his sincerity? It was him who forced her down. He apologized after finishing it. It was just ridiculous.

Huo qi'ang sighed, "I can pick up a life this time. Do you know what my most feeling is?"

Ji Anxin doesn't face and doesn't speak.

"My feeling is that in my limited life, I must be with my favorite woman." Hodgson's voice line is firm and powerful.

Ji An's face is expressionless, but her heart is still shaken by this sentence.

"Do you think you can do it? You don't ask if they want to. " Ji Anxin poured cold water on him.

Huo Qiang's eyes flashed a smile, "I will ask."

Ji Anxin is a little upset. Where did he come from? Before him, it wasn't like that.

"Then I'll ask you, do you want to?" Hocheon asked directly.

Ji Anxin was so angry that he wanted to laugh, but he could only bear it. He continued to have a small face and said, "No." She replied very clearly.

Huo Qiang said, "I'll ask again in a year. I can wait my whole life."

Ji Anxin gnaws his teeth. Does this man want to work hard? She didn't eat the set for a long time.

"Whatever you want, it's your business how you plan your life. I don't need your participation in my life."

"And who do you need to be involved?" There was a flash of jealousy in Huo's eyes.

Ji Anxin likes to make him nervous. She turns her head and hooks her lips. "Whoever I want to let in, let him participate. It has nothing to do with you."

Just as she said this, her arm was tightly clasped by a man's big palm.

Ji Anxin immediately struggled. "I'll get off if you move."

Huo qi'ang stopped his hand, and some of the wounded said, "OK, I won't interfere with you, but I hope you can choose carefully."

Ji Anxin thought of stabbing his words and hesitated to swallow them. She continued to look out of the window.

When other people are with this man, there will be pressure because of his identity, but she has no pressure at all.

When the restaurant arrived, it was very secretive. Only some important VIP came to the restaurant, and only those with important identity were invited to eat out.

Huo Qiang asked for a box, Ji Anxin sat down, Huo Qiang ordered, in fact, he didn't need to look at any menu, directly asked the waiter.

And all the tea he ordered was Jing'an's favorite. It was clear that he was ordering for her.

Ji Anxin is drinking tea with her chin on, listening to the man ordering all the things she likes, her heart is inexplicably flustered.

She was really afraid of this man, because everything he did was affecting her.

she was as like as two peas, and she was going to go back to the same road as she did five years ago. She didn't want to hurt her again. Besides, there was a child who wanted to protect her daughter.

And away from this man, she will live a more quiet life.

In this meal, Huo qi'ang will talk about some past things. Ji Anxin just eats her, and Huo qi'ang is not angry or bored. He likes to see her slightly changed expression and the expression of her eyebrows.

"I remember one time when we went to the seaside to play, your feet were cut, I walked the whole beach with you on my back, you played with the sea water, regardless of the foot injury, and also went to play in the sea, the wound was stimulated by the sea water, so you ran straight to my arms, hugged my neck and couldn't breathe." Hocheon recalled.

Where did he say that those things Ji Anxin thought he had forgotten were clear as if they were just yesterday. Their figures were clear in the eyes. She remembered that they really hurt. It was like the wound was soaked in heavy salt water. It hurt and hot. At last, her wound was cured for a week before scarring. Now there is a clear scar on her foot. Ji Anxin's heart is really going to be disturbed by this man. She looks up and interrupts coldly, "there's nothing to talk about in the past, I've forgotten."Huo Qiang looked at her deeply and stopped. He picked up the teapot and poured water into her cup.

"I will never forget everything about you." Huo Qiang opens his mouth in a low voice.

"Remember when you love it! But don't mention it to me again. I don't want to hear it. " Ji Anxin looks up, pretending to be cold.

Huo Qiang smiled. "OK, forget it. The past is the past. We can imagine the future."

"We have no future." Ji Anxin refutes him directly. josei

Huo Qiang chuckled again, "OK, let's talk now! If your company needs any help, I will help you

"Thank you. No more." Ji calmly replied.

Huo Qiang had to stop disturbing her to eat. He reached for a piece of beef and put it in her bowl. The beef was very tender and delicious, which she loved.

Ji Anxin looked at the extra piece of meat in the bowl, and she was stunned. She struggled to eat it or to open it.

Ji Anxin raised his head and said, "I can get the dishes myself. Don't worry about it."

Huo Qiang's heart hit him hard. What he was afraid of most was not Ji Anxin's anger at him. Even if he scolded him to hit him, he could. What he was afraid of was that the woman was polite to him and treated him as if he were a stranger, with no emotional color.

There was a flash of hurt in his eyes.

Because of his eyes, Ji Anxin's mind to open, what's wrong with her? Do you want to take care of his mood?

When Ji Anxin was in a trance, she ate the vegetables and ate the one he brought.

Huo Qiang's injured eyes flashed a bright color, as if he was in a good mood again. At the moment, Huo Zhai.

Huo Ming is chatting with one of his tax agents, and he is trying to let this person check Ji'an's company. Don't let go of any accounts of tax evasion. "After checking, report to me any abnormalities. It's better to find out what's wrong with this company."

"Don't worry! Mr. Huo, I will try my best to find out the tax aspect of this company and give you an explanation. "

"Very well, don't let her check it first, secretly." Huo Ming's eyes flashed a touch of ruthlessness. He knew that it was not so easy for Ji Anxin to leave his son.

Even if he let Dong Shiying get close to his son, he should keep Ji at ease. And chaji Anxin company is the best way. She is also one of the shareholders of the company. She will definitely not allow anything to happen to the company.

On the way to send Ji Anxin back to the company, Ji Anxin takes a nap at noon. At this moment, she feels sleepy when she gets in the car. In order to avoid chatting with Huo Qiang, she closes her eyes and takes a rest.

Huo Qiang didn't disturb her either. Knowing that she was supporting the domestic company business alone, she must be very tired. He couldn't help her. He just hoped that she could take good care of herself.

Ji Anxin's squint really made her go to sleep. She had already entered into a dream, dreaming of the past, the past that Huo Qiang had brought out and mentioned.

At the moment, she is clearly appearing in the dream, as if she had returned to the white beach, felt the pain in her feet, and lay on the broad back of the man.

From his back to turn around, the air is full of their laughter, noise.

Ji Anxin's sleeping red lips bend like a smile.

Huo qi'ang's car is parked at the door at the moment, but he didn't wake her up when he saw that she was still sleeping. He asked the bodyguard to get off and have a rest. He accompanied her in the car.

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