Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 781

Chapter 781

Ji Anxin was dizzy. She was standing, but she had to squat down in the street at the entrance of the busy restaurant. She squatted there like this.

The man in the car was so distressed that he immediately pushed the door recklessly towards her.

Ji Anxin holds his forehead and tries to suppress the pain in his stomach. Just then, she sees a pair of leather shoes standing in front of her. She immediately looks up along the shoes.

Under the dim yellow street light, she saw a face bent down and staring at her.

She blinked a few times. Is she really drunk? How can I see Huo Qiang here?

It must not be true. Ji Anshan is a little funny. He will take passers-by as him.

"How much did you drink?" A low male voice fell down, followed by Ji Anshan's waist and arms, and she was all helped up.

Ji Anxin suddenly realizes that this man is not a dream, not a mistake, but a real one.

"How are you? Let go of me. " Ji Anxin immediately instinctively rebelled against him.

However, Huo qi'ang tightly holds her waist and refuses to let her push away. Where can the woman who drinks wine push him away?

Ji Anxin's heart was bitter. She didn't want to let him see her worst appearance. She pushed him and said in a hurry, "you go."

Such she, even feel disgusted, but he still want to see her jokes?

"Peace of mind, stop. I'll take you home." Huo Qiang is biting her teeth. What's the nature of this woman at this time?

At this time, the female staff who took the bag rushed over immediately, "let go of my boss."

She thought that there was a man who wanted to be at ease. However, just then, a face turned around, and the female staff immediately said, "this man is very familiar and handsome, as if

Mr. vice president of the country!

Because Ji Anxin had an affair with him in the office, there was a lot of research on the handsome and low-key vice president's appearance in the office.

"Yes I'm sorry, Mr. vice president. " The female staff were so nervous that they stuttered.

"I'll take your boss home. Let's go first!" Hocheon said to the female clerk.

"Really? That's great. If you send Mr. Ji back, we'll be relieved. This is Mr. Ji's bag. " The female clerk handed it in at once.

Huo Qiang takes Ji Anxin's bag. At this time, Ji Anxin says to the female staff, "Xiaoshan, don't let him send me back. You let Xiaojiang drive the car, you send me." Ji Anxin can only lean on the man with some weakness, but the tone is refused.

Xiaoshan is stunned immediately. Is Ji always drunk? It was the vice president who sent her home! She felt it necessary to give them a chance.

"Mr. Ji, I've also had some wine, and Xiaojiang has. Although I'm not drunk, we dare not send you away. Let the vice president send you back! Goodbye. " With that, Xiaoshan hurriedly went to Xiaojiang's car, opened the door and sat in. The car left immediately.

Ji Anshan is speechless, but it's no wonder they don't know her and the man's past. So it's a great honor to think that she was sent by him.

God knows, she doesn't need him to send at all. Besides, she knows that she's not in a good condition. Alcohol has been interfering with her brain. She's not awake.

"Hocheon, you let me go. I'll take a taxi home." Ji Anxin still doesn't want him to send it.

"How dare you take a taxi alone when you are drunk like this? Where did you come from? " Huo qi'ang felt angry after hearing this. He took her and walked towards his car.

Ji Anxin's stomach was even worse because of his anger. Moreover, she didn't drink alcohol in some days. Now, her stomach is turning over, and she also feels vomiting.

After Ji Anxin had such an idea, she immediately wanted to push him away. "Huo Qiang, you let me go, don't care about me."

She was afraid that she would spit him out. How could Huo CHIONG understand that she was going to spit? Immediately reached for a hand, but also tightly to her own arms. "Oh..." Ji Anxin really vomited, and still can't stop that kind. She spat all over him, and she can't escape.

Huo Qiang's eyes are slightly gaping. What does this woman like to drink herself? After Ji Anxin vomited, don felt relaxed, and at the same time, he felt sleepy.

Poor vice president is now covered in her filth. All the high-grade shirts and suits have been put on. josei

Huo qi'ang sighed. It seems that she can't be sent home. Can her daughter see such a drunk mother?

That must have cast a shadow on her daughter's heart.

Ji Anxin was still taken back to the car by Huo Qiang. He asked the bodyguards to go to his private villa immediately. He bought it to marry Ji Anxin before. There were some very happy times for them. But after Ji Anxin left, he was empty all the time and didn't dare to go back to touch the scenery.

On weekends, he will take time to clean himself, which is also considered clean.As the car drove in, Huo Qiang asked the bodyguard to wash the car quickly. He helped Ji Anxin, who was already dizzy and sleepy, into the hall.

"Where is this?" Ji Anxin squints her eyes and sees some familiar scenes. She thinks she is dreaming again.

"My home." Said Hodgson in a low voice.

"What did you bring me to your house for?" Ji Anxin is a little annoyed. Didn't he say he would take her home? Is this man talking?

"Can you go home now? Do you want Xiaoxiao to see you like this? " Hocheon asked.

Ji'an thinks she can't, she's so embarrassed that even her parents can't let them worry.

"Take me to the hotel! I can handle it by myself. " Ji Anxin's confused eyes touch some familiar things, which makes her uncomfortable.

"Don't try to be brave. You can't go anywhere except here tonight." Huo qi'ang ordered her to take off her coat and come here with a clean towel to wipe the dirty spot on Ji'an's chest.

Ji Anxin's drunk eyes widened, and immediately pushed him, "where are you touching?"

In order to clean, Huo qi'ang naturally tried hard, which made her uncomfortable. Huo qi'ang took back his hand. Even if he had a feeling, he couldn't do anything to her at this moment.

"I'll clean it for you." Huo Qiang said, then he picked her up. "It's better to take a bath."

Ji Anxin was carried upstairs by him. She was soft and had no strength. Besides, the feeling of leaving the ground made her more dizzy, which was uncontrollable.

Ji Anxin was put on the sofa in his master bedroom, and he went to give her a bath.

Ji Anxin lies on the sofa, with his eyes closed, still very uncomfortable. He not only reaches out to pat his forehead, but also wants to wake himself up.

Otherwise, what is the man going to do next?

When Huo Qiang was waiting for the water to drain, he had taken off his shirt. There was a ferocious scar on his abdomen. In his strong and charming chest, it showed a masculine hardness.

Ji Anxin opened her eyes and looked at the man who was even naked. She immediately rebelled, "what are you going to do? Hocheon, I warn you I I don't want you to do anything. "

Finish saying, she body roll, soft fall from sofa, fortunately have carpet, also fall not hurt.

Huo Qiang saw it and immediately crouched down to reach for her. "Don't worry, I'm not a villain taking advantage of people's danger."

Ji Anxin is not relieved after listening. At this moment, when she smells the male hormone breath on him, her heart is in turmoil.

She is also a normal woman who has kept her body for five years. Is this man intentional?

Huo Qiang went back to see the water, and he said to her, "can't you go in and take a bath yourself?"

Ji Anxin's body is really enough. She can't bear it. She grins her teeth and says, "yes..."

Ji Anxin finishes saying, staggers toward the direction of the bathroom, and Huo qi'ang stretches out his hand several times behind her to help her who nearly falls.

Ji Anxin was so dizzy that she felt everything around her was spinning. She had to hold the wall and walk into the bathroom and close the door.

And here the door in the bathroom is not set inside the lock, so Ji Anxin is not sure to look outside the door, "don't peek."

Huo qi'ang's figure propped up the door frame and answered, "I'm a gentleman."

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