Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 784

Chapter 784

Huo Ming has a project case in hand, which is a very large fund project. He has been preparing for many years, and will only start when the fund is in place.

Of course, the bigger the project, the more oil and water there will be. Huo Ming needs some money to win over his staff. So he takes a fancy to the project and waits for the money to come down.

The signing project of this project will go through the hands of Huo Qiang. As long as he signs it, the project can be started.

Huo Ming has been very concerned about the trend of this document. Today, it should have been put into Huo's hands. Huo Ming is waiting for his son to sign it.

At the moment, Huo Qiang is sitting in the office, looking through all the project plans in this document. It's really a huge project, and his father is in charge.

Huo Qiang narrowed his eyes, pondered for a few seconds, and called Li Duan, his assistant. "Please come here."


"Well, now."

Fang Qirong is the same level with Huo Ming, but the relationship is not strong enough. It can be said that he has some hostility with Huo Ming, because Huo Ming puts those who are not friendly to him outside the party feather.

And as long as he made friends with people, will not buy Qi Rong's account, and Fang Qirong because of this, a few years did not show a trick.

But this man is Huo Qiang's young teacher. He respected him in those days. Even now, he still cares about him. He is a person who has responsibility and doesn't engage in relationships.

He was also the one who decided to hand over his father's project. josei

Half an hour later, a capable man in his early fifties came in, and Fang Qirong was invited to Hodgson's office.

Huo Qiang chatted with him about the recent situation and then said his thoughts.

Fang Qirong was not shocked when he heard that. He just asked lightly, "pray for ang, if you do this, you won't worry about becoming enemies with your father?"

"In front of the company, I don't care about my family." There is no worry in Huo's expression.

"If we talk about the vice president this time, I'll be afraid of who will be elected to sit here, but I'm very relieved that you are sitting here."

"Thanks for uncle Fang's praise, but I can't afford it." Huo Qiang said with a wry smile, "there are too many people who are more competent than me. I just can't help it."

Fang Qirong immediately comforted, "don't say that, you sit in this position, we all take it."

Huo Qiang's eyes firmly looked at him. "Uncle Fang, if this project is given to you, will you take it?"

Fang Qirong also pondered for a while. He happens to be a doctor in the engineering department, so he really wants to show his talent. However, he can't guarantee that he can do his best, but at least, he will make a career of conscience.

"I'll study the plan first. I'm confident, but I can't have no bottom at all. Give me a few days."

"Good! I'll give you all the plans, go back to study them, call me, I'll wait for your call. " Huo Qiang said, let Li Rui see off.

As soon as Huo Qiang's front foot saw Fang Qirong off, his father's phone rang in. He frowned and answered, "Hello! What's up with dad? "

"Don't you know if my document is in your hand, please sign it quickly! Projects are waiting! We have to be in a hurry. " In Huo Ming's tone, there is a hint of urging.

"Dad, I can't worry about it. I need a few days to see the project."

"This is your father's project. What else can you worry about? Hurry up. Don't worry about the time. I'll give you two days. Send it to Mr. President as soon as you sign it and persuade him to sign it as soon as possible. "

"Dad, I'm me. Mr. President is Mr. President. He has his ideas. I can't interfere." In Huo Qiang's tone, he was a little cold.

"You You're not going to help dad? Dad is so old, he's counting on his last contribution to the country's construction. You have to hurry up. " Huo Ming immediately hung up.

Huo Qiang's eyes flickered with firmness, and he would never waver. It was time for him to wake up his father and not allow him to continue to indulge in power. Playing with power would pay a price.

In the evening, Ji Anxin returns home, and Xiaoxiao, her daughter, comes and hugs her.

"Mommy, you're back!"

"Is Xiaoxiao good or not?" Ji Anxin squats down to hug her daughter and kisses her on her lovely little face.

"I'm good." The little guy said with a confident pout.

Ji Anxin kisses her little head again, "Mommy goes to take a bath and play with you."

"Back." Ji Mu came out laughing.

"Mom, I'm so hungry. I'll make delicious food for me later."

"It's all set, waiting for you to come back and start cooking." Ji said, and then asked worried, "where did you sleep last night?"

"Er! Hotel! Both my staff and I had a drink, we couldn't drive, and we had a late date, so we stayed in the hotel together. " Ji anxiously looks at his mother and explains it with a little guilty heart."Is it? Next time you have a drink, ask your father to drive it back for you. It's not safe to sleep in a hotel at a girl's house! "

"Well, I see. I will." Ji Anxin laughed, but her mother didn't find out that she was flustered.

Ji Anxin thought of last night's events. He was depressed by himself. After her, she could not drink like this again. He let the man see the joke in vain.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you that I just called Shen Rui to have dinner. "

"What?" Ji Anxin turns to look at his mother before closing the door.

"He hasn't come for some time. I miss him a bit." In Ji Mu's eyes, she is clearly looking forward to something.

Ji Anxin immediately sighed, went to the kitchen, leaned against the door, and said to his mother, "Mom, don't worry about our affairs, we have our own ideas."

"You are twenty-eight. If you don't take advantage of your youth to find a good man, you won't get married." Ji's mother said with a worried face that her daughter is still young and beautiful, and her career is good. It's nice to find a man like Shen Rui.

Not everyone will think Xiaoxiao is born, but Shen Rui is the most suitable person.

Ji Anxin wants to say something more. The doorbell rings. Even though she just got home, Shen Rui must have come from the company.

The little guy is already jumping up excitedly, "it's uncle Shen! Will uncle Shen bring me a present? "

"You know the gift. How much trouble have you made? Not enough? " With that, Ji Anxin reaches out and opens the door. Shen Rui enters from the outside with a smile. Isn't that a doll in his hand?

"Wow! Uncle Shen has brought me a present! " The little guy immediately ran to her happily. Shen Rui handed her the present. "Does Xiaoxiao like it?"

"Well! Like it! " Ji Xiaoxiao happily hugs the gift and turns a circle. It's naive, lovely and adorable.

Shen Rui smiled and touched her little head.

"Next time you come, don't buy her any more. You've made her form a habit. As soon as she hears that you come, she knows to ask for gifts. She can't change her bad habit." Ji Anxin said helplessly around his arm.

"Then don't change. I'll give her presents all my life." Shen Rui turns around and looks at it affectionately.

Ji Anxin's eyes can be touched, and he avoids.

Shen Rui looks at her for a while, when Ji Mu comes out of the kitchen, "little Rui! You're here. "

"Auntie, I smell the food." Shen Rui said with a smile.

"It's all your favorite food. Just sit down a little, and it'll be ready soon." Ji said happily.

"And uncle?"

"Let him down for some drinks. It's time to come back."

"I knew I would buy it! Let uncle run again. "

"No, you're a guest. Just sit down and chat with Xiaorui." Ji said, looking at the daughter and Shen Rui in the hall, she felt that they matched very well.

"Take it easy, I heard that your company has been checked by tax recently. Is that true?"

"Well! Now that our company has carried out internal self inspection, there should be no problem. " Ji Anxin said, "don't worry! It's all right. "

"Why check your family alone? Don't you think it's a little strange? " Shen Rui asked in a low voice, "do you think it has something to do with the Huo family?"

Ji Anxin bit his teeth and said, "even if the Huos are checking me, let them check it! Anyway, there is no problem with my company. I am confident. "

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