Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 837

Chapter 837

"Big companies? What's the size of the company? " The lawyer immediately took it seriously.

"I don't know if you've ever heard of Joe's international hotel group." Zhuang asked.

The lawyer was immediately surprised. "Are you going to sue anyone in the Joe group?"

"Joe muzer, the current president of their company." Zhuang wennuan said directly that his father retired, so the case of his parents fell on him. Because his father used to be an employee of the Qiao group, his death had something to do with the interests of the Qiao group company, so what she wanted to Sue was the executor of the company.

The lawyer's face changed and became very dignified. Then he got up and said, "Miss, I'm afraid it's a little difficult. Our company doesn't have such a force to send a lawyer's letter to the president of Johnson group. You can only go to a larger legal company for consultation. Best of all, if you have enough funds, you can hire a lawyer's group."

"The corporation?"

"Yes, because the lawyers of big companies like Joe's group are very top-level teams. It can be said that there is no lawsuit they can't win."

When Zhuang wennuan came out of the office, she didn't have the strength. The lawyer's words made her feel desperate. At the same time, they made her more discouraged. The more it was like this, the more she wanted to make money, and finally found a lawyer who could sue Joe muzer.

When Zhuang wennuan came home, Grandma had made dinner. After she finished eating, she chatted with grandma and watched TV. After sending grandma back to her room for rest, she listened to songs and wrote some lyrics in the room with her computer.

Although she joined the group, she didn't give up her music dream. She not only could sing, but also wanted to write and compose songs by herself.

After she finished writing for a while, she opened the news about them and found that Zhuang Nuan was very grateful to those pink thread groups who supported her and loved her. Because of her newsletter, all her works were organized by the company in line, she would not be close to her fans.

Zhuang warm warm is looking at, suddenly a headline above, noticed a name.

Qiao Muze, her eyes narrowed and opened. It turned out that this man had a ribbon cutting activity in a five-star hotel newly opened in foreign countries. Some media made an exclusive interview with him. Although there were only photos, he briefly said a few words in front of the camera, but the media could find a lot of words to praise him and praise him.

Of course, these praise, for this man, is worthy of the name.

Here's a description of his strong academic background, his proud achievements in taking over the company, and his appearance. He is called a diamond level single aristocrat, and he is the dream lover of young women now.

"Bah!" Zhuang warm after listening to this sentence, only feel cold, however, she turned the following cheap nearly 80000 comments.

From the beginning to the end, there are all female fans who express their love for this man. There is no message saying they don't like him. It's all a message calling for his husband, wanting to marry him, wanting to marry him.

Zhuang wennuan can't help getting a bellyful of gas. What's good about this man? Their company is not fair at all, for the sake of profit, but for the sake of human life.

This man is a devil.

Zhuang wennuan must sue him.

In the morning, Zhuang wennuan was still sleeping, her mobile phone rang, she picked up, "Hello!"

"Warm, there's something urgent to announce. You're going to have a program tonight. Come to the company immediately to prepare." The voice of Zhou Tao came from that end.

Zhuang warm can't help but be frightened, "what? Today? "

"Yes, you didn't hear me wrong. This evening, I received an artist who was going on the program. Later, he was admitted to the hospital because of illness. Now the program is on schedule, but the guests are changed. I won it for you."

Zhuang wennuan immediately put on his clothes and came out. When he arrived at the company, the other three were there.

When Zhou Tao came in, he told them the importance of tonight's program.

"Before your concert, I didn't plan to let you go on the program, but it's very difficult to go on this program. If you go on, it means your fame. So, you are ready to do this program well."

"To be on this program means that we are really angry. Don't worry! President Zhou, we will not let you down. " Yemeni can't wait to think about it.

Linxi is also looking forward to it. LAN Chu Nian is just a little nervous. Zhuang Nuan nods, "OK!"

"Let's talk about it now. I have their internal information now. For tonight's interview, I'll warm up for you first. Some words can be said, some words should be kept mysterious."

On this kind of program, they have had it before. They just have a good line in advance. After coming to the stage, they follow the line and play it freely.

"Your clothes are ready for the evening. After changing at three o'clock, our team will go out." Said Zhou Tao.

At 7:00 p.m., their group appeared on the screen on time. For the mysterious guest who changed suddenly, it attracted unprecedented praise and response from fans.In a luxurious private villa by the sea, this interesting interview is playing on a huge TV screen. Four beautiful girls with different personalities sitting on the sofa occupy the whole screen.

Each has its own characteristics.

At the moment, on the dark gray sofa, the man sticks to a glass of red wine in his hand, and his eyes fall on the screen. Among the four girls, his eyes are particularly deep to the third girl. She has long straight hair, long bangs in the middle, showing her pure oval face. Her features are on the screen, beautiful and charming. The smiling eyes are smart and charming. The host teases her At that time, she reached out to cover her lips, which was even more charming.

The man outside the screen, looking at the girl, squinted, and felt guilty.

Zhuang's father, who used to be the general manager of his company, died in an accident.

For him, Zhuang Fu was also an old generation. He remembered that he often spoke proudly of his daughter, saying that her daughter was very talented in music. He hoped to send her into the music circle and play her musical talent in the future.

However, the promise of zhuangfu did not come true before his death. Because of his sudden death and his accidental death, he gave his compensation to his daughter.

Invest in music, let her stand on the stage she loves. After three years, he has completed his compensation. Now, she has a reputation, and will have a place in the music circle in the future, which is also the spirit of heaven to comfort the Zhuang couple.

The man's eyes looked at the screen. The girl with smiling eyes was like an elf. He hoped that she would not become melancholy because of the departure of her parents. He hoped that she would continue to be so happy.

After finishing the program, Zhuang warm and his party are very tired. However, there is also a signature link. There are more than 20 lucky viewers who can enter the backstage to ask for their signatures.

"Warm, sign for me! I love you so much! You are beautiful. "

Half of the 20 male and female fans who poured in were warm around the villa, while the rest were around LAN chunian. There were only a few who couldn't squeeze into the warm side of the villa, so they turned to Yemeni for signature.

At the moment, ye Manni's signature is warm, while the light of resentment in her eyes sweeps towards Zhuang Nuan.

So is Lindsey.

As soon as LAN Chu Nian finished signing, her phone rang. She apologized to her fans and said, "I'll take a call first. I'm sorry."

LAN Chu Nian picked up her mobile phone and went into the next room. She took a look and quickly picked it up. "Hello! Big brother. "

"What time is it?" The male voice on that end is very unhappy.

"I'll be finished soon, and I'll be home soon." LAN Chu read some flattering smile.

"Go home now."

"Oh! OK, big brother, do you want to have a snack? I'll take it for you! "

"No." The man at that end doesn't give face.

"Oh! All right! " At the beginning of blue's thought, he turned the corner of his mouth, but the elder brother was just as stern and disrespectful.

When she came out, the luxury car of LAN chunian was waiting for her. Zhuang Nuan took the company's car back and waved goodbye to her. josei

LAN Chu reads to stretch his heart strings and goes to bed quickly, for fear that he will get a board if he goes back late.

"I'm afraid of her eldest brother for the first time." Said Lindsey, but she watched with envy as she left in a multimillion car.

If she can, she really wants to let LAN chunian introduce her to his elder brother. Maybe she can be her elder sister-in-law! Who makes her big brother handsome and rich?

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