Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 925

Chapter 925

This evening, Qiao Muze was lying on the bed with his arms on his back, but he couldn't sleep for a long time.

She won't give up, and he doesn't want to let her down, but the source of one side's investigation is his father, and Qiao only feels that he is in a dilemma.

In the morning, Joe muzer was standing in the company. The financial manager had packed up all the bills six years ago, which were only domestic bills and foreign bills, and sent them to his computer in the form of electronic files. "Mr. Qiao, these are all the financial statements we keep in the warehouse. As for whether there are any omissions, we can't find out after so many years."

"I ask you, do you know that six years ago, the company had any problems in tax matters?" Chamuzer looked at him.

The financial manager's eyes were sharp. He was just an accountant director. He thought thoughtfully, "six years ago, I only remember that many large companies were facing financial crisis at that time. Even our company had serious layoffs in that year, and the profits of all its hotels had declined, which was a very difficult year. As for tax, I Our company has always been a big tax payer, there will be no problem. "

Qiao Muze's sword brow twisted a few points. "Are you sure that six years ago our company's tax had no problem?"

The financial manager looked back carefully, but shook his head. "I didn't know much about my position, but I know that although the company was difficult that year, there was absolutely no phenomenon of tax evasion."

Qiao Muze's eyes were still bright because of this sentence. He nodded, "OK, now I need you to sort out another complete tax record about six years ago."

"Mr. Qiao, has the company met with the tax bureau? I haven't received such a message! " The financial manager asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, our company doesn't have any problems at present," he said

"OK! Then I'll go down to get the record and send it to your mailbox later. "

After the financial manager went down, Joe Muze breathed a sigh and pulled through the internal line. "Yang Li, you can come up in line and take away the accounts. I want to know the result at most one week later."


In the financial office, Xu Muhua, the manager, walked towards his office. There was a director level one beside him. He immediately followed up and asked curiously, "manager, how many boxes of data did you just let someone carry from the warehouse

Xu Muhua's eyes swept at him sternly, "don't ask about things you shouldn't ask."

"Oh! OK. " The director left at once with a smile.

His figure immediately walked to a small smoking room. He picked up his cell phone and dialed a phone.

"Hello! How is it? "

"Secretary Li, I just inquired about the manager. He's very strict. I'm not allowed to ask. However, I just went in and checked. The suitcases that were removed were the account books of that year six years ago."

"Good, you did a great job." Li Da's voice expressed approval.

"It's my pleasure to work for Vice President Joe." The director showed a classic flattering smile.

"Well, it's good for you. You can look at Xu Muhua for me and see what else he does."

"Yes, I will certainly live up to your expectations."

Hang up the phone, at the moment, Li Da is right beside Qiao Huiyang to answer the phone, his eyes are worried to look at the young man sitting on the sofa smoking a cigar. "Mr. Qiao, as expected, Joe muzer began to check. It seems that he will be able to find out the accounts six years ago. Although it was difficult that year, your brother still has no record of tax evasion."

Qiao Huiyang's eyes were not as calm as before. He bit his teeth and said, "it's really hard to predict. At last, it was my nephew who grabbed me. I should have hated him and let him go."

"That matter, has been blocked by your eldest brother, did not let your elder sister-in-law know!"

"My big brother is kind-hearted. When my father gave the company full power to him, I didn't agree with him. Just because I was seven or eight years younger, I thought I was useless. But my good brother always felt that he owed me, so he kept his affection for me in many things, but I didn't appreciate him at all, because half of the Qiao group originally belonged to me. ”The more Qiao Huiyang said, the more excited he was. The last time he clapped the table, "sooner or later, I'll get back everything that belongs to me."

"President Joe, what should we do now? If he knew it wasn't his father but you, I think he would not hesitate to give you up! "

"My nephew didn't have any feelings for me, and he had some doubts about the kidnapping. I didn't expect him to show mercy to me. A woman is more important than an uncle."

"Now, the most urgent thing to solve is Zhuang wennuan. But now, Zhuang wennuan lives in his home. We want to do it, but it's not so easy."

"Then force her to move out. There's always a way for her to hate my nephew." Qiao Huiyang's eyes flickered with a sneer, "this girl, young and innocent, gives her any information, she will believe it.""Mr. Qiao, what can I do for you?"

"Send a man of some age to tell Zhuang Nuan that the father of Qiao Muze killed her parents. At this time, if Zhuang Nuan and my nephew confront each other, I don't think my nephew can speak clearly even if he has a bright tongue."

Li Da immediately understood and praised, "President Qiao, you have a brilliant plan! In this way, Zhuang Nuan hates Qiao Muze. At that time, she will be alone. Can't we start easily? "

Qiao Huiyang's eyes, as if to solve the problem, in front of the eyes, also showed a proud smile.

"Do it immediately. Before my nephew is still settling the accounts of six years ago, we must solve the problem of village warmth."

"Yes, I think it's up to me, but I just need a phone call to solve it." Said Li Da.

Qiao Huiyang is more and more fond of the efficiency of his staff. He nods, "OK, I'll leave it to you. I'll be relieved if you come to do it."

"Yes, Vice President Joe."

"At the end of this month, I will ask the financial department to give you another round of money."

The smile in Li Da's eyes is more obvious. He is in urgent need of money to rent a better apartment for his son abroad and let him go to school.

After Zhuang wennuan became a public figure, she seldom went shopping. If she had time, she would write songs and so on quietly. I don't know if she had a good time. Now she has written two lyrics in a flash, but there is no common song. In the main idea of the lyrics, sweet is full of deep feelings, and witty like first love. It's very suitable for making the current popular easy warm music.

After Zhuang wennuan finished writing, he first saved it on the computer and waited for the music to be composed in the future. josei

She likes to pick up a pen to draw some pictures when she is bored writing songs. Although she is not professional, she is also happy to pass the time and practice writing.

She drew, and the cell phone beside her rang. She picked it up and saw that it was a stranger who called in.

She can't help frowning. Zhou Tao strictly protects their personal information, so it's usually not paparazzi or media people to harass her.

Zhuang wennuan looks at it. If it's an advertisement, it may hang up in half, but the number is still on.

When Zhuang wants to pick it up, the bell stops, and she simply continues to draw.

But she just picked up the pen and drew a leaf, and the cell phone next to it rang again. She couldn't help but be shocked. Look again, it's still the phone number just now.

This time, Zhuang wennuan didn't hesitate because she wanted to know who the caller was.

"Hello! Hello. " Zhuang warms up politely.

"Is it miss Zhuang warm?" There was a low, hoarse, old voice.

"I'm Zhuang Nuan. Who are you?" Zhuang asked in surprise.

"Oh! I'm your father's friend. " Said the man at that end.

Zhuang warm immediately surprised, "are you my father's friend? What should I call you. "

Because over the years, she has been looking for her father's friends to inquire about that matter, but she has not found a person who knows that matter.

"You can call me uncle Liu! Your father and I have been close friends for many years. I have been living abroad all these years. I just heard your number. I know you are a famous singer. If your father knows something underground, he will be very happy. "

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