Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 954

Chapter 954

LAN Chu didn't expect big brother to come back so soon. She said quickly, "big brother is also handsome."

Blue mother can't help but glance at him, "what a man! I want to boast. "

After listening, LAN Qianhao was embarrassed and took a picture of his second brother, "how is the road? Is it hard? "

"Fortunately, it's just that it's too long and boring to fly." Said LAN Qianchen.

"It's Xing liehan's team that sent you back! You are blessed. " LAN Qianhao said a word.

"My brother and I are good friends. After a few days, we will invite him to come home for dinner and let you see him."

"Good! When you go out, you need reliable friends to help you. " Blue mother is the first to promise.

LAN cunian also received her gift. Sure enough, the second brother used his big box to hold a big doll she liked best.

"Second brother, I have occupied so many places for you. Don't you bring a lot of things less?"

"Nothing! Your gift is the most important. " Blue thousand Chen says, reach out to pick up a necklace to come over, "attach this gift, you see to like."

"Necklace." Blue early read to take a look, is four leaf grass, she nodded, "like, I like."

"It's from my parents. I'll send it." LAN Qianchen finished, picked up the gift and went out.

Blue Qianhao is standing at the door of the room. Blue chunian is looking at the necklace he likes. He comes up and asks, "like this necklace? When you have time, go to the shop at home and choose one. "

"No! It's enough to have two brothers. " LAN Chu said, carefully put it into the box and went out with her doll.

LAN Qianhao's eyes are worried about her back. At this time, LAN Qianchen comes back and looks at brother standing at the door. He immediately says, "brother, I didn't bring you a gift. I don't know what you need."

"No, just come back." LAN Qianhao patted him on the shoulder.

Blue thousand Chen blinked slightly, although big brother didn't show anything, but why did he feel that big brother's heart was filled with something?

LAN Chu read to go back to the room, she reached out and untied the one on her neck, which was given to her by her eldest brother on his birthday this year. She planned to try on the one given by her second brother.

She reached out to untie the necklace and held it in her hand. She bent her lips and smiled sweetly. Then she carefully put the necklace in place. The meaning of the necklace to her was different.

No longer a birthday present, but a special wish from LAN Qianhao. However, she still wants to wear the clover, which must be her gift!

After wearing it, the mother's voice came out of the door, "first read, go downstairs to eat fruit."

"Well, I'll be right down." Blue Chu read a sentence. Looking at the four leaf grass Necklace in the mirror, it just landed at her clavicle. It was very beautiful. She touched it and thought to wear it for mom to see.

When LAN cunian came downstairs, he saw his father and two brothers sitting in the hall. LAN cunian walked through the hall with a smile, walked into the kitchen and said to his mother, "Mom, look, this is from the second brother."

Blue mother looked at, satisfied with the nod, "really good, very suitable for you."

The advantage of having a daughter is that she is considerate and clever, and has a lot of things to share, so that the life of blue mother is not boring!

But the son did not go round her like the daughter.

"To eat fruit, buy your favorite cherry, crisp and sweet." Blue mother said to her.

"Well!" When LAN Chu Nian came out, LAN Qianchen stopped her. "Chu Nian, come and sit down."

Blue first read to sit in the past, she bent over to pick up the cherry, suddenly the necklace on her neck fell down.

This makes the blue Qianhao holding a cup of tea look in his eyes. His hand is slightly tight. She even takes off the birthday gift he sent her and immediately changes into the necklace given by his second brother?

It seems that the gift he gave is also something she can throw in a flash.

Blue early read to eat cherry, then curiously asked blue thousand Chen some foreign things.

LAN Qianchen answers her and tells a lot of interesting stories about him, which makes LAN read and cackle at the beginning of the day. Even his father listened with interest, but everyone didn't find out. There was a man beside him who was not very good-looking all the time.

"Second brother, next time I have a chance, I want to visit you and play."

"Good! When you are free one day, you will come here. Second brother will take you to have fun. "

"Well! When I have more free time, I will go to you. " LAN Chu Nian also wants to go abroad to see something, but she doesn't go out much.

"Qianhao, what's the matter? Do you have any concerns? Is there something wrong with the company? " One side of the blue father found the older son's silent expression.

Blue thousand Hao immediately smiled, "nothing."

"Big brother, you're all alone in your family's business." Blue thousand Chen says, because his mind is not above the company in the home, so, he feels the burden in the home is on big brother's body, a little guilty."It's OK. You just do what you are good at and like." Blue thousand Hao comforts a sentence.

"First time, how are you doing in the music company? When will the concert be held again, I will definitely go back to China to win it. "

LAN Chu Nian shook his head helplessly. "Something happened, maybe our team will be disbanded."

This incident LAN cunian and Zhuang Nuan called last night. It seems that after the poisoning incident, their internal relationship has been solved, and the remedy is useless.

We can only face the possibility of dissolution.

"How could this happen? Isn't your women's League already very famous? " LAN Qianchen worries about her.

"It's not clear yet. I'm waiting for the news."

"For the first time, if you want to have a rest, you can stay at home and play!" Blue father said, he also does not want to let her a girl to wander about.

"Dad, I want to pursue my music career." LAN Chu Nian doesn't want to give up her dream.

"Good! You decide on your own. If you need help, let me help you. It doesn't matter how much. " Blue father nods, also by her.

After lunch, LAN Qianchen is still very emotional about his hometown. He asked LAN Qianhao to go to the nearby billiard hall, which they used to go to, and LAN chunian also came to watch.

Blue Chu Nian was wearing a mask and a sun hat, but no one recognized him.

The two brothers measured their skills in the ball. The handsome figure and excellent ball skills of LAN Qianhao attracted two girls from the next table to watch.

The two men of the blue family are charming.

"Handsome boy, can we play together?" One of them asked boldly.

As soon as blue Qianhao's club was closed, his eyes coldly refused, "I'm sorry, we're not interested."

The two girls immediately left with some chatting lines. At this time, LAN Qianchen went to buy water. LAN chunian picked up his club and was eager to try.

"Big brother, teach me how to hit the ball!" Blue Chu Nian asked him.

LAN Qianhao looks at her and looks down at a ball, but even the way out of the club is wrong. It's just a kid's way of playing. josei

"Wrong." Said blue Qianhao in a low voice.

"Then teach me!" Blue early read blinks an eye way, blue thousand Hao tall body immediately stands behind her, formed a strong sense of oppression.

Blue early read some nervous, breathing is big brother's breath, "bow down."

The deep words fell down from her ears, and LAN chunian immediately bent down, and with her body almost overlapped, was LAN Qianhao's tall body. His hand held her hand holding the pole, and the other hand was on the back of her hand, and his side face almost wanted to stick to her face.

"Lean down and aim."

"Oh!" Blue early reads nervous head to be confused, where can still aim at? All her thoughts were on the man close to her behind her.

"Hit the ball." Blue thousand white low sound.

Blue first read to feel his strength control, immediately hit, the ball into the hole.

Blue early read immediately dark wow, big brother's skill is not covered, so can also score.

LAN Qianchen came back with the water and handed it to the two of them. "First time, are you interested? Do you want my second brother to teach you some moves? "

Blue Qian Hao tightens his hand on the lid. Next to him, blue Chu Nian shakes his head and laughs, "I won't, forget it."

Finish saying, she twist and twist, can't open the cover, at this time, by the man around to take away, twist and then send back to her.

The blue early reads to take over, satisfied drank.

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