Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 998

Chapter 998

LAN Qianhao is in his company's office at the moment. He thinks that although they didn't receive a phone call from the police, they immediately launched the arrest. It must be that Anzi has obtained the actual evidence.

"I I don't know, how could cloves have something to do with being carried away? " Of course, Yi Jinglong can't believe it.

"Uncle, let's believe in the police investigation! I'm sure they won't be wrong for taking your wife. "

"Qian Hao, do you have any evidence?" Yi Jinglong asked directly.

LAN Qianhao's voice said calmly, "I don't have any strong evidence in my hand. I just heard that a nanny who took care of the first time said that the person who paid for them might also be the woman who just gave birth."

"What? Really? " Yi Jinglong was shocked.

"Uncle, I'd like to ask you, if this thing is really done by your wife Zhang Xiang, will you choose to forgive her?" Blue Qianhao asked.

Yi Jinglong's body trembled. His inner mood at the moment almost collapsed. He was harmed to nothing, but he became his wife for more than ten years, and they had a daughter.

However, yijinglong was clear about his heart. He said with clenched teeth, "if it was really her, I would not forgive her."

Isaiah cried and walked to him. "Dad, you need to find a way to save mom. She must be innocent."

Yi Jinglong looks at another daughter who has grown up, and he begins to have some ideas. Zhang Dingxiang climbed into his bed when he was drunk. She is a woman with a mind and a means.

She broke up his daughter and family born to his ex-wife. She reappeared in front of him and married him with her daughter. She occupied the position of ex-wife and let her daughter enjoy the whole family.

However, his other daughter was abandoned in the orphanage. No, if the nanny had not pitied her three-month-old daughter, she would have been sunk in the cold water.

"It's a poisonous woman." Yi Jinglong suddenly clenched his fist angrily.

"Dad, who are you scolding?" Isaiah stepped back and looked at her father's anger. She was afraid.

"Siya, go back to your room!" Yijinglong said to her, and he strode to his car. He was going to the police station.

At the moment, Zhang Dingxiang is sitting in the police car, she is still pretending to be innocent.

"Comrade police, you must have caught the wrong person. I didn't do anything. Let me go home!"

"Have you done it? Your mind is clear." The policewoman replied.

Zhang Xiang can't answer at once. She has a sense of uneasiness. Did the police hold on to anything?

"And what evidence do you have of what I did?" Zhang Xiang asked.

"In the interrogation room, you will have a clear talk with you about how you bought the nanny and tried to murder Miss Yi, who was three months old."

Zhang Dingxiang's face turned white with fright. She didn't expect that she had covered a thing for so many years, and it was revealed so quickly?

Who is it? She thought that it must be LAN Chu who came back to avenge her. Damn it, if she had been thrown into the river, would anything happen today? She hates that timid nanny.

After LAN Qianhao answers Yi Jinglong's phone, he drives home. He wants to go home and discuss with LAN chunian.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhang Dingxiang sat in the interrogation room. A white light shone on her. Her face was as white as a ghost girl. She sat in silence and said nothing. At this time, Yi Jinglong, who arrived later, also sat in the police office, and asked to watch his wife's interrogation together.

The captain agreed to let him in to watch.

At the moment, Zhang Dingxiang, who was sitting in the interrogation room, looked around in panic. At this time, one of the police officers, a man and a woman, who were interrogating her, sat down and said to her, "Zhang Dingxiang, please tell me exactly how you bought the nanny 20 years ago and tried to kill the children born to yijinglong and his ex-wife."

After hearing this, Zhang Xiang immediately clenched his teeth and said, "what evidence do you have that I did it? I haven't seen the two nannies at all. "

"Haven't you seen it?" Female police officer asked.

"Of course I didn't see it. I was in the province with my daughter!" Zhang Dingxiang hummed.

"At the time of the incident, you just gave birth to your daughter for a month. Your daughter was born in a hospital in this city. Are you sure you are still in other provinces?"

"I I don't remember much time. It's too long. " Zhang Xiang answered vaguely.

"You don't remember having children. What do you remember? Do you remember how much you paid for two nannies? You spent a million yuan. At that time, each nanny was given 500000 yuan. All they had to do was to take the baby girl out and throw it into a nearby river to drown. "

Zhang Dingxiang's face became more and more ugly, even her whole body was shaking.

At this time, the captain's side, his men said to him, "Mr. blue and miss blue are here.""Invite them in!" The captain felt that when he was like this, as a victim, LAN chunian had the right to attend.

Yi Jinglong looks at his wife in the interrogation room. She has a fake look on her face. He really hasn't seen her and feels strange.

At this time, LAN cunian and LAN Qianhao come in together. When LAN cunian sees her father, she immediately sits next to him worried, "Dad, you are also there."

Yi Jinglong looked at his daughter, who was almost lost in those years. His eyes were hot. "At first, it was dad who hurt you and your mother. It was Dad's fault to meet such a vicious woman."

"Let's hear it!" The captain said, and said to his men, "continue to ask her if you are sure you don't know the two nannies."

The police officer immediately asked Zhang Dingxiang again, "Zhang Dingxiang, are you sure you don't know the two nannies who took care of Miss Yi?"

"I don't know them, of course," Zhang Dingxiang said, with her arms around her

At this time, the captain gave another instruction, "play the phone call she made in the afternoon, and let her listen to it."

At this time, the police officer took a tape recorder and put it in front of Zhang Xiang. "Zhang Xiang, how do you listen? Is this a phone call you made in the afternoon, or even someone you are trading with on the phone? The purpose of the transaction is still the same thing you have done before, buying murderers."

After that, the voice of the police echoed in the quiet interrogation room, and the conversation between Zhang Xiang in the recorder and the mysterious killer in the afternoon was so unreserved.

And among them, Zhang Dingxiang's mouth says a name, Qiu Yulian.

Zhang Dingxiang's eyes widened in horror. She almost fainted. She didn't expect that the phone call in the afternoon was recorded? Her whole body gasped to destroy the recorder.

And the people who listened outside the interrogation also saw the woman's insidiousness, listening to her very calm talk about how to kill a person, and regardless of money, as long as the result, even before tomorrow afternoon, it will take a person's life.

"How can you be a policeman to eavesdrop on my phone? It's against the law. You have no right to do so."

"We've got permission to monitor your phone. It's your own show. You just said you don't know the nanny. Why did you kill her when you were on the phone? Qiu Yulian was one of the nannies who took care of Miss Yi at that time. "

"You set up a bureau to deceive me. If you set me up, you You... " Zhang Xiang's mask was torn off at the moment. josei

"Why did you kill young miss Yi? Did you know that her mother died of severe depression because she lost her child?"

Zhang Xiang was silent, but she was trembling.

But outside the interrogation room, Yi Jinglong's chest was also tight with anger. He couldn't believe that he lived with his murderer these years. He hated and was even angrier.

LAN Chu read at Zhang Dingxiang who was Fufa, and her eyes were also angry. She hoped that she should be charged and pay the price.

Zhang Dingxiang, covering his face, gasped and asked, "is it because I have confessed everything? You can reduce my sentence."

"You'd better call up all the crimes." The police did not agree.

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