Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1019

Chapter 1019

Just as Ariana began to retract her hand, thinking the child would ignore the gesture entirely, Adele unexpectedly reached out and placed a small wrapped candy in Ariana’s palm. Surprised, Ariana looked down at the candy in her hand, her heart melting.

Adele's bright eyes, gazing up at her, conveyed that the little girl had recognized and accepted her presence. Ariana longed to embrace Adele warmly, but she restrained herself, mindful of Devin’s watchful presence.

Devin, too, appeared pleasantly shocked by Adele’s swift and open response to Ariana. A swell of hope filled him, suggesting that this new psychologist could truly be a positive, nurturing influence on the reserved young Miss.

Noticing Ariana was perspiring lightly beneath her mask and hat, Devin freshly brewed some cooling chamomile tea and kindly offered it to her.

“Please, remove those stifling things, Miss Edwards. Here, have some chilled tea to refresh yourself.” With Sadie now absent, Ariana gratefully removed her mask and hat, allowing her face to breathe freely.

As soon as Ariana’s face came into view, Devin’s composure faltered, and he stood there frozen, his normally steady demeanor shaken. His hand trembled slightly, almost causing him to spill the tea from his cup.

Ariana?! How had she returned to this city?

Devin was caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events. He vaguely recalled that the doctor’s surname was Edwards, and he hadn't thought much of it at the time. After all, it was a direct arrangement from Holden, so he hadn't delved deeper into it. Little did he expect that Doctor Edwards would turn out to be Ariana herself.

Not only had she returned, but she had also appeared by Holden’s side so swiftly.

Ariana noticed Devin’s surprise and found it somewhat puzzling. As Holden’s steward, he should have witnessed many grand occasions, so why was he so taken aback to see her?

She asked directly, “Is something amiss? Is there something on my face?” Devin was incredibly flustered and couldn’t conceal his astonished expression.

However, seeing Ariana’s puzzled look, he surmised that she might not have encountered Holden yet and probably remained unaware that Holden Fredrick was, in fact, Theodore Anderson from five years ago.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have arrived here so calmly.

Devin couldn’t help but recall Aldus’s dying wish.

Before his passing, what troubled Aldus the most was Theodore’s memories. Aldus knew that Theodore had harbored deep love for Ariana, which was why he had entrusted Devin with the solemn request never to mention Ariana in front of Holden.

He didn’t want Holden to be plagued by those painful memories should he ever recall them.

Therefore, Devin’s immediate instinct was that Holden must not cross paths with Ariana.

He attempted to regain his composure and said, “No, it’s nothing. | just remembered some personal matters. Miss Edwards, please don’t concern yourself.”

Devin casually handed the tea to Ariana and added, “Mr. Fredrick is likely to be occupied for a while. How about returning another time?”

Ariana found this situation increasingly perplexing and couldn’t resist asking, “But | came here to assess Adele’s condition.

Shouldn't | be tending to her illness rather than Mr. Fredrick?”


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