Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201

Chapter 1201

After a while of playing, while the adults engaged in conversation downstairs, Melon seized a moment to sneak upstairs in search of his smartwatch.

Today was a day of unbridled joy, and he yearned to share it with his dad.

With nimble fingers, Melon dialed his father’s number, yet the call remained unanswered, concluding with an automatic disconnect.

Perplexed, he couldn't help but wonder.

His father had always been prompt in answering his calls before; why this silence now? Was he busy? Following a period of internal deliberation and hesitation, Melon decided to make one more attempt. Holden, deeply engrossed in his video conference, failed to notice his phone lighting up repeatedly.

Entering the room with a glass of juice in hand, Sadie paused, her gaze shifting between the drink and Holden. Her heart raced, and a nervous sweat tingled her palms.

Zayden had given her the contents mixed in the juice. Even though he had sworn it would be undetectable in any liquid, a nagging doubt kept Sadie on edge; what if Holden sensed something off?

Taking a steadying breath, she set the glass down next to Holden, her movements deliberate and gentle. Walking over, Sadie spotted the incessant blinking of Holden's phone. She noticed that Holden remained completely unaware.

So, she took a closer look, and her expression tightened. A surge of anger bubbled up within her when she saw the caller ID: “Baby.”


Sadie couldn't resist a closer look. Spotting the number, a sense of familiarity tugged at her. She memorized the number in a heartbeat.

As Holden concluded his video call, he found Sadie near, her demeanor a shade too secretive.

“Anything wrong?” he queried.

“No, not at all,” Sadie replied hastily, her voice tinged with ehintoP m renqudneds the content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

“You've been on that meeting for

ages. You must cee kmade thought it

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ight help.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!

She lifted the glass, offering it to him.

Backing away a tad, Holden

ieee “Just CC (sowe. dyliget t it vase yokit gs to wrap up.

You er head out now.” The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!


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