Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter: 390

Ariana was perplexed by Jayson’s attitude. She stopped him and asked the question he had just dodged. “What makes you think that I’m here to buy the script? Did anybody want to do that already?”

Repulsed, Jayson answered, “Absolutely! Jasper offered to purchase the script from. me two months ago, but | turned him down.”

Ariana became serious when she heard that. She was caught off guard when Jayson said that Jasper had contacted him about it. Given his ambition, she assumed Jasper only preferred popular movies because they made good money. It turned out that he was interested in the same script as Ariana.

“You and Jasper are agents of the same firm. Besides getting the script, why else would you need to see me? You two are competitors, so naturally, you want to get what your rival doesn’t or won't get.” Jayson was not the least bit shocked. He even considered Ariana and Jasper to be the same kind of people with the same goal.

Ariana collected herself and answered, “Although | like the script itself, Mr. Spears, | admire your talent much more. Plus, | had no idea that Jasper had stopped by to see you before.”

If Ariana had only read the script without knowing more about Jayson beforehand, it was possible that her visit was for the same reason he assumed; to purchase the script.

But after studying his earlier works, she changed her mind and was certain that Jayson would be the perfect director for this movie.

“you admire my talent?” Jayson didn’t exhibit a lot of change in his demeanor. He just forced a smile. “Please don’t flatter me. I’m not even close to being a good director. For the last five years, I’ve been in the workforce, and all I’ve produced are duds. You need not use such honeyed words.”

“Mr. Spears, you don’t need to lower yourself to that level. Your artistic abilities are clearly shown in your creations.” Knowing that Jayson was on high alert, Ariana stopped speaking any formal rubbish and began giving her critique on all of his works.

The initial motivation for Ariana’s interest in Jayson’s works was purely strategic; she hoped that by learning more about him through them, she would have greater leverage in any future negotiations. After reading all of his works, though, Ariana couldn't shake the thought that this man’s accomplishments were underrated.

“The film language and narrative modes you use in your works clearly show your talent. Even if you call it bad, it still would not erase the time and attention you've put into each of your works. Your skills shouldn’t be disregarded, in my opinion.”

Jayson’s demeanor changed somewhat when he heard this. From that point, he started taking Ariana more seriously.

Ariana said with a bright gleam in her eye, “Mr. Spears, | feel like | put in a lot of prep work for this meeting. | hope you'll see it as evidence of my sincerity. | really hope that we can work together. ‘The Missing Body’ is a good script. When | first read the script, | immediately saw its commercial potential.”

Jayson’s expression relaxed and he smiled for the first time. “For paying attention to it, | am grateful. In fact, while in the ward just now, you were ready to wait patiently and spoke in a gentle manner. With that, | knew that you weren't like Jasper, therefore | felt okay with selling the script.”

He then took a moment to collect his thoughts before saying, “But two hundred thousand dollars is the least | can do and it must get to my account upfront!”

A hint of anxiety could be heard in his voice as he said, “You’ve seen how sick my wife is. We need treatment money immediately, but we don’t know where to get it!”

Ariana was confused. “Given that you want to sell the script, two hundred thousand dollars is a reasonable amount to spend ona quality script. | bet that Jasper would make a generous offer. | don’t get it, sir. For what reason did you first decline Jasper and are willing to sell itto me now?” ©

Jayson was quiet for a while before explaining, “Because it was my wife who wrote this script based on her father’s life, 1 had no intention of selling it. We both can’t wait to see that script turned into a movie.”

Ariana remained silently attentive to what he was saying.

“lm assuming you looked into my information before making the trip here. | am only an unremarkable graduate of a minor institution. My unconventional approach to shooting is seldom acknowledged in comparison to that of students from prestigious colleges. The entertainment business hasn’t made me a household name. Julissa, my wife, is the one who has always kept me company.”

“But | don’t think your camerawork is any worse than that of the mainstream directors.” Ariana tried to reassure him, but all Jayson could do was grin helplessly.

“No need to reassure me. | am well aware of the subpar quality of the films and dramas | have produced in recent years.”


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