Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 413

Chapter 413

Chapter: 413 “What has she been up to these past few days?” Theodore asked Horace, turning to him.

Horace knew exactly who he was referring to, so he answered almost immediately, “Mrs. Anderson has been working with the crew recently, but I’m not entirely sure because you told me not to monitor her this time. So | didn’t keep an eye on her.”

Theodore nodded in response. He got into the back seat of the Rolls-Royce.

“Where are we going, sir?” Horace turned around from the front passenger seat and asked.

“BRD Group.”

The car engine rumbled to life. Theodore patted his forehead, his mind a mess. All he could think about was Ariana.

It bothered Theodore that he wasn’t aware of what she was doing when he was away. Did she miss him? Or was she living a happier life without him?

Theodore’s eyebrows furrowed at the thought of it. No, he couldn't let that happen. He couldn't let her get used to living her life without him.

He began to bitterly regret agreeing to give her space. Sometimes, the calmer she was, the farther she would drift away from him.

“Here’s your phone, sir.” Horace handed him his phone and continued, “Last week, Mrs. Anderson wanted to talk to you and asked where you were.”

“Why didn’t you tell me that earlier?” Theodore snapped furiously, grabbing the phone in a hurry. He checked his call log, and, as expected, there were several missed calls from her.

Horace pursed his lips, avoiding eye contact nervously. He didn’t dare to say anything. It was indeed his mistake. At that time, he didn’t reach out to Theodore because he was worried he wouldn't want to be disturbed. Horace regretted that decision now. He should have followed his intuition and told Theodore as soon as possible.

Theodore had become irritable. If he had known he would receive calls from her earlier, he would have brought his phone with him.

He swiped the screen and brought up his contact list. He was about to call Ariana back.

But Horace handed him a yellow envelope before he could. “We received this today.

It's an urgent document that came from the same city.”

Theodore begrudgingly put his phone down and took the envelope. It was very light and thin. “Have you seen what's inside?” Horace answered honestly, “I dare not, but it seems to be related to Mrs. Anderson.”

Theodore briskly ripped open the envelope after Horace mentioned Ariana and emptied out the contents of the envelope.

There were two photographs with dates on the back. The dates indicated they were taken two days ago


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