Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 442

Chapter 442

Chapter: 442

Jasper sneered and spoke for Edgar. “What’s the use of being stubborn? Making money is the most important thing. What qualifications does a no-name like Jayson have? Can he be compared with Edgar? He is such a loser he can’t even get his film funded! To think he hopes to make a splash with you, an unknown new agent.

Come on, stop daydreaming! No matter how good your script is, it won’t have any success in your hands.” After saying that, Jasper glanced scornfully at the two people in front of him.

Ariana was furious. Just as she was about to say something, Jayson suddenly spoke.

“There’s no need to argue with them, it’s not certain who will win.”

His words managed to calm Ariana. She smiled again and sneered at Jasper. “Let’s wait and see. We will know which director is the best after the winner of the short film award is announced.”

Ariana then left with Jayson.

Jasper stood there speechless. These two had also made a short film for the film festival?

Looking at Ariana’s receding figure, Jasper frowned. How could this woman be so confident? Was their short film really special? Edgar noticed that Jasper was worried and he confidently reassured him, “Mr.

Anderson, don’t worry. I’m confident my short film would definitely crush Jayson’s.

“Are you sure?” Jasper asked calmly. He actually thought Ariana was probably bluffing. This film festival rewarded films of the greatest quality. If Ariana and Jayson won the award, Jasper would be humiliated.

“Jayson’s life is ina mess now. His wife’s illness and the pressure to pay her medical bills are way too much to take and with that, | doubt he could be able to concentrate 100% on making a movie. I’ve had someone to investigate the short film they submitted. They’d shot the film and done the editing in just two weeks. Do you think such a project can be of any quality? You really shouldn’t mind them.” Edgar clearly didn’t take Jayson seriously. ©

Jasper felt a little relieved. However, he was still a little worried when he thought about how Ariana had miraculously made Sarah popular before. Jasper let Edgar into the hall first while he went backstage to talk to the chief executive of the film festival.

The chief executive was a lean, easily influenced man. When he saw Jasper, he dared not hide anything and told him all the information he knew about Jayson’s short film.

“Are you sure the two actors who starred in Jayson’s short film are new in the industry?” Jasper asked seriously. Jasper thought it was so funny. He would have laughed out loud if it weren’t for the staff coming and going. Ariana was really so full of herself! Did she really expect to defeat him with such a script and ordinary actors? That was such a big joke!

The chief executive adjusted his glasses and confirmed again, “Yes, they are new in the industry. I’ve never seen them in any movie before. The leading actor is someone called Tyler Brewer. As for the leading actress, the name was left blank.”

Upon hearing that, the smile on Jasper’s face froze and he felt something was off. He asked to have a look at the short film and was stunned to see that the leading actress was actually Ariana. © This time, he couldn't hold back his laughter. Those poor guys were probably broke.

That was the only explanation as to why they let a new agent like Ariana, take on a lead role in a movie when she knew nothing about acting.


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