Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 487

Chapter 487

Chapter: 487

Holding the stunning bouquet of diamonds, she was surrounded by curious onlookers, all trying to pry out the identity of the gift giver.

Meanwhile, Brielle’s face was twisted with envy. Those aqua-blue diamonds were not ordinary rhinestones; even the wealthy might struggle to afford such a lavish gift. Brielle had previously urged Jasper to buy her a one-carat aqua-blue diamond ring, but he had refused.

Seeing Ariana receive such an extravagant gift undoubtedly made Brielle feel humiliated.

With gritted teeth, Brielle whispered to Ariana, “Is this from Theodore? He’s so ostentatious, always flaunting his wealth. Is he afraid no one knows he's rich?”

Ariana responded coolly, giving Brielle a sidelong glance, “Does it concern you in any way?”

Brielle was feeling agitated. Even though it had nothing to do with her, she couldn't believe that Theodore would suddenly lavish so much attention on Ariana. How could that cold and ruthless man fall so easily in love with a woman, even though she was his. legally wedded wife? Moreover, she had heard that Ariana had moved out of the Anderson family’s mansion. Was she forced out by Theodore?

Brielle couldn't help feeling even more upset at the thought that Ariana had another suitor whose family was as wealthy as the Anderson family.

To Brielle, Ariana was nothing but a pretty face. She couldn't fathom why all these men were pursuing her. It was absurd.

As a black van slowly pulled up, Tyler emerged from the back seat, his face completely obscured by sunglasses, a cap, anda mask. He was accompanied by Kody Brooks, the male assistant assigned to him by Theodore.

Tyler had recently become a bit of a celebrity. He always covered his face, as if he were a thief trying to remain incognito.

As Tyler stepped out of the van, he was greeted by the sight of Ariana clutching a bouquet of diamond flowers that threatened to swallow her whole. Luxury cars filled with baby’s breath were parked all around them, and the excited chatter of onlookers filled the air. He was momentarily speechless.

Was this some kind of festival celebration? Tyler heard whispers that Ariana’s pursuer had come to court her.

On the other side of the crowd, Ariana spotted Tyler and immediately grabbed his hand, pulling him away as the throngs of people clamored for their own bouquets.

Back in her office, Ariana locked away the diamond bouquet in her cabinet, pulled out her phone, and fired off a message to Theodore. “What the hell are you doing? | warn you not to act impulsively!”

If he continued to act this way, Ariana feared that her relationship with Theodore would be exposed. Everyone in the office was smart, and even a hint of gossip could spread like wildfire. She preferred to keep a low profile.

‘As soon as Ariana hit send, a red system prompt popped up, “The other party is not your friend. Please send them a friend request first and resend the message.”

Damn it! Ariana cursed in her heart, realizing that she had been deleted. That man hadn’t even passed the friend request she sent this morning.

What was his deal? Did he actually want to pursue her again? When did he, a busy CEO, become so idle? Was the Anderson Group going bankrupt or something?

Ariana was annoyed and wished time could speed up so she could confront Theodore tonight.

She put her phone away and marched into the meeting room next door. Tyler was lounging in his seat, browsing through websites on his phone. As soon as he spotted Ariana, he gave her a mischievous smile. “Ariana, who sent you those flowers today? It was such a spectacle.”

Ariana strode toward him and gave him a sharp look. “None of your business, kid.”


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