Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 660

Chapter 660

Chapter: 660

Horace was equally anxious.

However, Mitchel merely glanced at them before solemnly declaring, “The patient needs to speak with me alone.” “Dr. Chadwick...”

Horace attempted to speak further, only to be rudely cut off by Mitchel, “Hospital protocol dictates we only disclose patient information to immediate family members. And you are...?”

Caught off guard, Horace fell silent. Mitchel continued, “I need to consult with the patient directly. Once done, I'll update you on her examination results.”

Without options, Horace resignedly stayed back.

Upon seeing Mitchel’s insistence on a private discussion, Ariana breathed a sigh of relief, assuming he would help her in concealing her pregnancy.

But as soon as she stepped into the office with Mitchel, a sense of unease washed over her, making her realize that things might be more complicated than she had initially thought.

Because of Mitchel’s long face and his majestic white coat, Ariana even thought that he would say something like “You’re dying” the next second.

All of a sudden, Ariana straightened her posture, feeling a surge of nervousness as she anxiously awaited Mitchel’s words. Could something be wrong with her body? Was her leg beyond repair?

The further her thoughts ventured, the greater her distress grew. She couldn’t resist posing her question, “Dr. Chadwick, is my leg beyond healing?”

“Don’t worry. Your leg can be treated. We're in the process of outlining a surgical plan.” Mitchel responded without lifting his gaze.

Hearing this, Ariana breathed a sigh of relief. Then, Mitchel continued, “Have you not informed Theodore about your pregnancy yet?”

She froze momentarily. Considering the unresolved matters between Theodore and her, Ariana gently touched her stomach and shook her head. ©

Suddenly, a pregnancy test report was tossed her way.

After a brief pause, Ariana picked up the document. Seeing the image on it, her fingertips quivered slightly.

The paper held an ultrasound image of the fetus. The last time Ariana had seen it, the baby’s organs were yet to take shape, but now a clear form was evident.

It was the first time that Ariana had seen her own child. A surge of excitement washed over her as the reality of becoming a mother hit her. Simultaneously, the fear from the events of the night before gripped her heart tighter.

Her fingers delicately traced the ultrasound image. The shape appeared a bit peculiar to her, causing a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes. She struggled to comprehend what seemed amiss.

Despite her best efforts, Ariana wasn’t medically trained and found the ultrasound image confusing. She rotated the image, trying to understand why the fetus seemed disproportionately large and why something appeared to be attached to it.

An unsettling thought struck her.


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