Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 816

Chapter 816

Chapter: 816 After ending the call, he stood, addressing Ariana, “I have some business to attend to. You should rest.” She ignored him, turning her back to him without a word. Sighing, he exited the room, leaving Ariana alone.

Once the door closed behind him, Ariana’s resolve crumbled. Overwhelmed by the situation, she couldn’t hold back her tears. She had expected Theodore might suggest an abortion, but the reality of it was harder to accept than she'd anticipated. She loved him, and these children were a product of their Love, not a pawn to be used. She had been Looking forward to the birth of their children.

Theodore’s ruthlessness was something she couldn’t reconcile with.

She felt a sharp ache in her heart. She had told herself that if Theodore didn’t want the children, she’d leave with them. However, the thought of leaving him was equally painful. She was lost, unsure of what to do next.

Meanwhile, Theodore arrived at a private mansion where Devin awaited him at the entrance. It was the day Aldus was to return to Mistlyn, but he had been ambushed en route.

Upon seeing Theodore, Devin walked up to him. “Mr. Fredrick is safe. He’s in shock but resting after taking some medication.” Hearing this, Theodore nodded. “I’m going to see him.” He then went to check on Aldus.

After ensuring that Aldus was unharmed, Theodore exited the room.

“What happened?” he asked. He’d rushed over after receiving the call but was still unaware of the details.

Devin explained, “We were scheduled to fly to Mistlyn today. On our way to the airport, several cars chased us, seemingly intending to ram us. It looked Like they were trying to stage a car accident.”

“Have you Looked into it?” he asked calmly.

“Yes, Darian was behind it. However, we don’t know who tipped him off about Mr. Fredrick’s flight details and our route,” Devin admitted.

He then added, “Mr. Fredrick traveled with minimal security to keep a low profile.”

Seated on a sofa, Theodore sank into his thoughts. Devin continued, “Darian is behaving like a madman now. He’s hell-bent on fighting us.“

“Well, he won't even be able to put up a fight,” Theodore sneered.

Devin knew Theodore’s capabilities, but he still felt the need to caution him. “Darian has managed to bail Jasper out of jail. He’s pulling all the strings. Young master, you need to be careful. He'll probably come after you soon.”

As evening descended, Theodore concluded his affairs and returned to the hospital. Upon reaching the sixth floor, he noticed a nurse stationed outside Ariana’s room. Filled with concern, he approached her, and

she promptly relayed the distressing news.

“Miss Edwards has not eaten or drunk anything for an entire day. She’s been confined to her bed. Every time we try to approach her, she becomes aggressive and throws objects. To prevent further agitation, we’ve been maintaining a distance. When the doctor came for rounds earlier, she was already asleep,” the nurse explained.

Theodore’s heart clenched as he absorbed the information. Nodding silently, he gently pushed open the door to Ariana’s room. There she lay, her back turned to him, her figure curled up on the bed.

Quietly, Theodore approached, making his way towards her until he reached the bedside. Tear stains glistened on her eyelashes, evidence that she had fallen asleep while crying.

Even in her slumber, she instinctively shielded her stomach with her hand. Theodore’s heart ached profoundly at this sight, piercing him with a mix of emotions. His fingers reached out tentatively, aching to caress her cheek, but he hesitated, his hand retreating.

Awave of guilt washed over him as he realized the cruelty of his past actions. He had never given her the opportunity to make a choice, and now he understood that she Likely resented him for it.

Desolation etched across his face, the weight of his pain almost suffocating him.


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