Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 830

Chapter 830

Chapter: 830 After a long while, his phone finally rang, breaking the silence. Theodore immediately answered the call, asking solemnly, “Jasper?”

Amocking Laugh sounded through the phone, and the other party said, “What? I’m not Jasper. Don’t waste my time. Is the money ready?”

“Fine, I've prepared the money. Promise me you wouldn’t harm her,” Theodore replied seriously, his eyes dim.

“No problem,” answered the other party while smiling. He then said in a sinister tone, “But you must place the money in three different locations. When we have the money, we'll let her go. By the way, don’t even think about calling the police. And tell your men to stop searching. We are monitoring your every move. If you want Ariana to return unharmed, you'd better do as you're told.”

With that, the call disconnected.

Theodore’s hand trembled with anger as he put down the phone. His eyes burned with a desire for vengeance. In order to calm himself, he took deep breaths and managed to keep his emotions under control.

His face remained emotionless as he took out a pill and swallowed it.

However, his hand was shaking and almost deformed the pill bottle.

Soon, Theodore received the first location.

He looked at the address resentfully and instructed Horace to recall everyone in the search team. He then got his men to deposit the money at the designated Location as ordered by the other party.

Theodore couldn’t afford to lose Ariana, so he did as he was told. He instructed his men to leave the first two Locations immediately after they deposited the money.

However, the message with the third Location never came.

Theodore couldn't help feeling anxious. He was worried that something might have happened to Ariana, but he was helpless. He couldn’t even sleep well these days.

Just then, Horace brought a cup of coffee for Theodore. When he saw Theodore’s bloodshot eyes, he couldn’t help persuading, “Boss, you must take care of your health. You haven’t rested for several days.”

However, Theodore was not in the mood to care about his own well-being.

“I'm fine,” he replied calmly.

As he stood up to take the coffee, his vision suddenly blackened. Staggering, he accidentally spilled the coffee onto his phone, soaking the charm attached to his phone. Horace rushed to support him, but Theodore was more concerned about his phone than his own health.

He anxiously tapped his phone, but it was completely soaked and unresponsive. Panicking, he immediately transferred his SIM card to another phone.

As soon as Theodore switched on the phone, the kidnapper called again.

“Deposit the money at the pier tomorrow. But only you may come. Once you are finished, | will release Ariana.”


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