Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 911

Chapter 911

Chapter: 911

Thankfully, the man before her was not Holden. Dealing with Holden directly would have made their negotiations even more challenging.

Furthermore, if this middle-aged man was indeed Holden, Ariana couldn’t help but feel her past self from five years ago was profoundly naive.

Riding the private elevator, Holden rushed to the top floor, where he was greeted with chaotic scenes. Adoctor and Devin encircled Adele, while Sadie sat beside them, weeping incessantly.

Holden hurriedly rushed forward to embrace Adele. Her face was a fiery red, marked by small rashes, and she struggled for breath.

Witnessing this scene, Holden’s heart wrenched in anguish. He held Adele close, his heart heavy with concern.

Sorrow filled Sadie’s voice as she uttered, “It’s entirely my fault. | was heedless, failing to watch over Adele diligently. Otherwise, she wouldn't have inadvertently ingested that mango-laced drink, leading to this allergic reaction.”

In that moment, Holden found himself unable to spare her his attention.

He lacked the inclination to allocate blame or to decipher the nuances of right and wrong. Furrowing his brow, he turned to the doctor and commanded, “Swiftly prescribe the medication needed to stabilize Adele’s condition.”

The doctor promptly handed him the prescribed medication, sighing, “Moments ago, Miss refused to take it when we attempted to administer it.”

“Adele, be a good girl, okay? Daddy will feed you.” With gentle arms, Holden embraced Adele, and only then did she agree to take the medicine. The doctor swiftly readied himself for the intravenous infusion.

“Get out.”

The instant Sadie’s voice reached him, Holden delivered a cold directive, commanding her to depart.

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For a fleeting moment, Sadie stood stunned, her teeth clenched, before rising to her feet and taking her leave.

Staying by Adele‘s side, Holden waited for her to stabilize and her fever to subside before he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Don't be afraid, Adele. Daddy is here.”

Adele's tiny hand rested in Holden's grasp as he offered gentle solace.

Yet, she remained silent, her gaze harboring fear as she lay upon the bed.

Witnessing her distress, Holden experienced a profound pang of unease, unsure of his course of action.

His days were often a whirlwind, Leaving him Little time to spend with Adele. Moreover, her return to the family fold had transpired merely a year ago. Until then, he had been unaware that he had a daughter.

About a year ago, Holden took the reins of the BRD Group after Aldus’ passing. It was in this period that Sadie unexpectedly appeared at his doorstep, holding Adele in her arms.


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