Undefeated God of War

Chapter 702 – The Battle on the West Route

Chapter 702 – The Battle on the West Route

Chapter 702 – The Battle on the West Route

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

Initially, Ben Sen had wanted to speak a few words in front of everybody, who were all from the big families of theSin Domain, and people who did not conform to it and instantly started attacking were viewed as ignorant people.

~Truly a boorish man.~

Tang Tian was extremely fast, between his blurred afterimages, his ghost face mask became extremely ghastly, theinitial spirited and calm eyes were blazing with flames, his fighting intent had been released! The incoming waveformed by his kick seemed to have become hot.

Ben Sen squinted, but did not move. The other party was filled with a determination, and had even showed that hewas comprehending laws on the road, he was an opponent that was definitely filled with unquestionable willpower.

~But, do you think that you can win just by relying on your willpower? Too naive.~

Ben Sen stepped back, his hands callus covered hands opened up, and streams of air started to flow towards hispalm. Bang, he suddenly clenched his five fingers, the air distorted and an illusionary object appeared, a blade handleappeared in his hand.

Ben Sen’s aura immediately changed, the originally quiet and stoic figure had become vigorous.

Clang, it sounded like a blade being unsheathed, the illusion came down from above and slashed down at Tang Tian.

Tang Tian’s eyes constricted, the illusion flashed down like lightning, but Tang Tian’s fighting intent was at its peak,his entire body was like a volcano with endless lava flowing out as though it could erupt at any moment.


He roared in his heart.

~Come on! Come on!~

The thunderous roars seemed to echo out endlessly.

He did not have any intent to dodge the illusionary blade, he welcomed it instead, and in mid air he suddenly turnedhis body, and lifting his right leg up like a heavy ax, he slashed down.


The two powerful forces collided, a visible shock wave exploded out and swept the entire West Route!

The shock wave was as&nb

sp;congealed as an opaque wall, the whistling was extremely sharp, causing everyone to beoverwhelmed with shock, all of them activated their own defenses. The more powerful martial artists only trembled,while the weaker martial artists were all pushed back seven to eight steps.

Ping Xiao Shan saw the shock wave and his body flickered, he jumped up 21m and avoided the shock wave.

But when he lowered his head to look, his face turned pale, wherever the shock wave passed, it left behind countlessof scars all around the flat West Route, as though sharp sawtooths had swept past the place.

Too terrifying!

Ping Xiao Shan who was afraid retreated back 20m before stopping.

His gaze landed on the two in the distance fighting, he could not believe his eyes, Tang Tian was actually not at adisadvantage. Although he had lost to Tang Tian the night before, he knew that Tang Tian’s strength was notordinary, but although he reckoned he was powerful, he figured that the disparity was not too much.

~To be in the same level as Black Ben Sen? That is such wishful thinking......~

But, watching the scene before him did not make him laugh, Tang Tian’s display of strength proved everything.Unknowingly, his mentality started to change,

he suddenly thought of his thoughts to rise, and became somewhatnervous.

If Tang Tian was a nameless hero, he still felt that he himself had some value. But in the eyes of people like Ben Sen,he was just an ant and was practically worthless.

The battle on the West Route began to intensify.

The raging streams of air were extremely sharp, they whistled past the West Route, causing countless of the purplerattans to break and spin into the air. Upon colliding with other streams of air, they would split into pieces and falldown like rain, covering the entire street.

In the scene of the pouring rain, the two figures flickered around like lightning, chasing each other and colliding withone another.

The explosions caused from their collisions resonated out through the entire Purple Cuckoo City.

Tang Tian was completely engrossed in fighting.

One of the reasons was because the fighting intent in him had been brewing for a long time, with nowhere to drainit. Adding the suppression from the state of enlightenment, it had exponentially increased to an unprecedentedlevel. Just a small spark was enough to ignite him.

Another reason was because Ben Sen was powerful.

Ben Sen trained in a unique set of laws, congealing Wind Laws as blades. After immersing himself for over a decade, his blade techniques had become saturated with Wind Laws. Suddenly light and gentle, suddenly heavy and strong, suddenly torrential and destructive, suddenly thin and sharp, it could change at any second.

The Wind Blade in Ben Sen’s hands was one that he could change on a whim, he could dissipate it or congeal it at anysecond. Tang Tian had suffered from it a few times, with many cuts all over his body.

Tang Tian’s personality was staunch and tenacious, he met strong attacks with strong attacks, the stronger the opponent, the more his fighting intent would soar and be unafraid.

In terms of strength, Tang Tian was not Ben Sen’s opponent, Ben Sen’s Wind Blade’s control was profound, unlikeTang Tian who was an amateur that had just grasped Laws. But Tang Tian’s inquisitive mind and his powerful stateof mind, adding his fiery willpower that combust to his maximum allowed him to be on par. He had trained in theZero Energy Body for a long time, and was extremely comfortable with the Sin Domain, allowing him to beextremely free. Adding his enlightenment, he was truly like an agile sailfish.

Adding all this together, Tang Tian became equally scary.

Chi, a violent wind arrow stabbed beneath Tang Tian’s ribs, transforming a blood mist, and before it could dissipate,it was blown into a mess.

Tang Tian ignored it, his eyes were fixated on Ben Sen, a long hissing sound came up as he punched out, red flamesenveloped Tang Tian’s fists, surging outwards like a dragon with its head raised up high.

Ben Sen’s eyes shrunk, it was a fist made from the fiery red spear!

He snorted, the wind blade in his hand became invisible, as though it had scattered into the air.

In the next second, an illusionary figure smashed into the fiery red fist aura.


The fire scattered, long dim black lines came out from nowhere, coiling around Ben Sen’s wrists.

Hidden spider web!

These degree of laws were naturally incapable of binding Ben Sen down, he snorted, the wind blade in his handdissipated again, transforming into ten minute and slender blade pieces, like ice crystals, they coiled around hiswrists and broke the spider webs.

Ben Sen squinted his eyes, the crystallized streams of air that coiled around his wrists suddenly shot forward.

Ding ding ding!

A collision occurred, causing an invisible sword to tremble in the air, becoming faintly discernible in the sparksformed by the collision.

It was Captain Huo’s most proficient invisible sword!

It was Ben Sen’s first time seeing such a strange opponent, all three moves were the ultimate techniques of CaptainHuo’s team, but in just one exchange, he actually learned them all! Although the degree of control was shallow, buthe had still learned them, and he was able to change the laws that he used so quickly, making it hard for hisopponents to defend.

Both parties engaged in an intense battle of over a hundred moves, their techniques were never repeated, showingthat their enlightenment on laws were not shallow and weak.

If not for Ben Sen’s rich battle experience, he would had become flustered fighting such a strange opponent.

If it was just that, it could at most make him flustered. Other than time, spatial, life and death, the three mostfundamental and great laws, the merits and drawbacks of the other laws did not have that much differences.

The most important thing was not what law was learned, but how profound one had comprehended the law. As longas the comprehension was deep enough, a law could break into millions of different laws, and that was the reasonbehind it. In history, it was a common occurrence for someone to comprehend a law and become a powerful martialartist.

Ben Sen’s wind blades were not from a highly profound law, but in his hand, it became extremely powerful.

The other party looked to have touched upon a few laws, but because it was heterogenous, very rarely would therebe people doing it. All these transformations were just petty tricks, to Ben Sen, the other party had walked thewrong path.

Since it was that, he was not afraid.

But to be able to tangle with Ben Sen for so long, not only was he relying on his shallow comprehension of laws, buthe also showed his powerful physique.

Ben Sen had received extremely harsh training since young, his physique naturally surpassed many people. But personally fighting, Ben Sen knew how strong the other party was, it was really inconceivable.

All of those extremely different laws, utilized by such a strong physique was thus able to release such power.

His wind blade could easily shatter the fiery red fists, but no matter how strong it was, it still made him shudder, that was purely an attack using the physical body.

The frequency of attacks were extremely high, the changes in techniques were extremely fast, far beyond anyonecould comprehend. In the time that it took to strike a match, there were already many variations.

The spectators were all intoxicated by the fight, it was not easy for a powerful martial artist like Ben Sen to takeaction. Whoever wanted to challenge Ben Sen meant that they were completely breaking ties with the Mu’er family.

Since it was such a rare opportunity, everybody had their eyes opened wide, afraid that they would miss something.

The West Route became the arena for the two men, the ground was littered with big pits, shattered rocks andboulders, occasionally there would be chaotic gales surging forth, cracking the walls by the side, and the purplerattan which were dragged into the chaos were all heavily damaged, not one was left hanging.

To fight to this extent, who would care about the street?

Like two lightning bolts, they chased each other relentlessly.

“This man’s will to fight is truly uplifting.” A swordsman muttered, he floated in the air and observed the intensebattle quietly.

To this point, the ghost face mask’s man was still extremely imposing, blazing with passion like a fireball that wouldnever extinguish. All of the injuries he had sustained seemed to have no effect on him, as though his physicalstrength could not be depleted.

Strength could not last, that was something all experienced veterans were well versed in and knew.

A full force attack could not be sustained for long. Once a person’s stamina was depleted, it meant that they wouldhave lost the initiation to engage.

Ben Sen who was fighting had subconsciously started to save his physical strength, their collisions were mostly headon, meaning that the consumption of stamina and physical strength was immense. But the ghost face mask seemedto not know fatigue.

Constantly attacking with full force was not an intelligent move, even with an astonishing physique, he would startto feel tired after a period of time.

In the air, a few people watched the battle intently.

On the battlefield, Tang Tian began to suppress ben Sen, Ben Sen continued to retreat under Tang Tian’s torrentialattacks. But to the experts who had experience, they would notice that although Ben Sen was retreating, his stridesand rhythm were not in a mess.

Ben Sen was like a crafty hunter, patiently trying to ambush, waiting for his chance.

Ben Sen was extremely calm, he could feel that the opponent’s attack was becoming even more fearsome, but healso knew that it was the final radiance of the setting sun, and was the sign where the other party’s strength wasfinishing. The dread after the physical strength was used up, made the other party feel the urge to end the battlequickly.

But little did one imagine that it would consume physical strength even faster.

Ben Sen remained calm, he secretly stored his strength, waiting for the opportunity when the other party wouldfinish up all of his strength and reveal a flaw.

Just one flaw was enough. josei

After the long battle, he was rather clear of the ghost face mask man’s strength, as long as a flaw was revealed, hehad confidence that he could kill him!

Suddenly, he noticed that the other party’s leg kick revealed a momentarily slow.

~It is now!~

Ben Sen erupted with vigor, the wind blade in his hand was raised up high, and the wind around them stopped.



His stern voice sounded like a heavy bass drum, thumping into everybody’s heart.

The wind blade in his hand thawed like ice, and transformed into an invisible gale.

The gale had locked its target, an intense sense of danger surged through Tang TIan’s entire body.

The ghost face mask remained cold as usual, the young man’s eyes turned indifferent, as though all of his strengthhad been used.

Behind the mask, a silent laugh came out.


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