Undefeated God of War

Chapter 933 – First Probe

Chapter 933 – First Probe

Chapter 933 – First Probe

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

As expected, Sadra and the rest made the same choice. Especially after they saw the gigantic and terrifying cyclone,they had no other alternative thoughts.

Their predicament left them no choice, the families’ alliance was already destroyed. Each family had huge losses, atleast more than 30% of their forces were gone. Such a huge loss was not enough to destroy the few families, butmost importantly, they had no way of retreat, they were in a position of despair, and the families who chose to leavewould only die even faster.

The painful losses was a terrible experience for any of the families.

But the place where it was harmed the most was the morale and confidence.

In the past, the reason why Sadra and the rest were unhappy about their situation and dared to contend withTemple for authority was mostly because of their confidence, and was the ambition of the various heroes of thePrestigious Families. They firmly believed that they were the true masters of Honorable Martial Continent, andbelieved that they had the qualifications to share the power over Honorable Martial Continent with Temple.

This ambition did not come from nothing or from their profound accumulation of wealth, but from their ancestors who used their own hands and blood to build a powerful and strong foundation, through the generations of victories, through countless glories, through the countless days accumulating their beliefs, that formed their identities as Prestigious Families.

But this time, all of their beliefs and conviction were completely destroyed. In the face of the Great Clan Elder, theywere rendered weak and helpless like children. The casualties of the various families increased, and they realizedthat they were unable to change the situation. They had nowhere to run, and the fear of waiting to die nibbled awaytheir courage, their vitality, and like that, even their hope started to dwindle away.

Their decision to join under Tang Tian meant that they had completely gave up their pride as the top of the foodchain, and from then on, they would be treated as mortals on plain earth.

Sadra and the other Patriarchs knew of it, but compared to the complete destruction of their families, what waslosing their pride? At least their families could continue surviving.

Sadra and the rest had no other choice.

They finally realized that they were just mortals, and the battle they were in were fought by monsters. At such atime, they no longer had the luxury to blame themselves for the foolishness, their strength had determined that theycould only be supporting roles in the battlefield, which included the strength that supported their ambitions.

Sadra and the other Patriarchs saw the glimmer of hope that was glowing on their family members’ faces, and thepain in their hearts lessened. All of the Holy Flames around Snow City were being drawn in by the Sword TempestCyclone, allowing all of the soldiers who had overstretched their brain activity to quickly fall into deep sleep.

Finally, they were able to have a safe rest.

Everyone hoped that their monster would win, and prayed towards the gigantic cyclone. josei

Time continued to pass, and the atmosphere in Snow City became even heavier. The soldiers responsible forobserving the fourteen pillars at Temple returned to report the changes.

Everyone immediately became alert. Sadra and the few other Patriarchs personally went to visit Temple.

The fourteen pillars at Temple had started to crystallize at its base, and the golden fiery pillars were congealing intogolden crystals. The fourteen terrifying auras were completely different from what they had experienced the fewdays before, every one of them had become even more violent. The monsters inside the fiery pillars started to growin strength and heartbeat, which sounded like drums, every beat resonated and caused the sky to ripple. Even fromthe distance, they could hear the impatient breaths.

Sadra and the rest had a premonition, that when the monsters inside the fiery pillars had completelymetamorphosed, and could appear at any moment.

They were afraid, the cyclone was still growing without any signs of completion. But if the Great Clan Elder and thefourteen monsters were to appear first, they would instantly be in danger, and the situation seemed to be turninginto the direction that they did not desire for.

What they did not know was that in the sky behind them, Du Ke was observing the fiery pillars with a solemnexpression. Since he had mimicked the Holy Flames and cheated the seal in the sky, he was able to fly wherever hewished.

Du Ke was able to sense the terrifying auras inside the fiery pillars, and the Holy Flames were unable to block hissight, allowing him to see through the fiery pillars clearly.

Countless of golden silk that resembled a human’s veins, and converged towards a Spirit General from various partsof the fiery pillars. Du Ke instantly realized, ~Spirit Generals, those strange flames were prepared for SpiritGenerals.~

Du Ke’s expression remained serious, he was able to sense the strength of the Spirit Generals, and they were at anunprecedented level that he had never seen before. It was not an unfathomable realm, but just the accumulation ofpower. In his eyes, there were no techniques that purely accumulated power, but the uncountable store of powerwas forcing the Spirit Generals to metamorphosize again and again.

Du Ke never thought that the world actually had such a simple and violent method to grow powerful martial artists.

That’s right, the Spirit Generals inside every Fiery Pillar released auras that were like monsters climbing out fromuncultivated floods. Even from the distance, he could sense the terrifying auras of the Spirit Generals. They did noteven conceal their auras, every Spirit General felt as if they were formed by the oceans of Holy Flames. The ripplesformed by the compression of the huge volume of power was simply unconcealable, and he was able to clearly seethe Spirit Generals inside the fiery pillars distorting as Laws were in chaos.

It was the pinnacle of power compression, one never seen in history.

Du Ke squinted his eyes, his heart overwhelmed with shock. He finally understood why Temple required so manyHoly Flames. He could feel that through the fiery screen flowing in the sky formed by the unknown connection ofthe other fiery pillars, the fourteen pillars were able to continuously absorb the Holy Flames floating in SaintContinent.

~Truly terrifying.....~

When anything reached its pinnacle, many things could happen.

Every single Spirit General posed a threat to him. His enlightenment of Laws were at the pinnacle, and the Law Domain he had was a matchless power, but the power accumulated inside every individual Spirit General was much larger than the power he could utilize.

Just the pure power was sufficient to pose a threat to his laws.

Right at that moment, suddenly, the Spirit General inside the middle pillar opened his eyes, with his cold andindifferent glare, he looked at Du Ke.

Du Ke’s heart was shocked, ~The enemy discovered me!~

He quickly calmed down, although the enemy was powerful, but he still had absolute confidence in his own strength.Yes, even with his Law Domain, the enemy could still pose a threat to him, but at the same time, no matter how vastthe enemy’s power was, his Law Domain was also a threat to his enemy.

It was just that the situation was not advantageous for him, but he was not alone.

The Great Clan Elder could sense the threat from Du Ke, and was inwardly shocked, his eyes gleamed with a light:“So you are a surviving member of Sin Domain!”

The Great Clan Elder’s voice shot out from the fiery pillar, and the Holy Flames in the sky suddenly became agitated.Du Ke felt as though he was in a torrential storm, winds blew against him, and the Holy Flames all pounced towardshim ferociously, as though they wanted to burn him to ashes.

Du Ke remained calm. The air around him turned sluggish, and no matter how violent the Holy Flames were, theywere unable to enter a 30m radius of him.

The Holy Flames in the sky transformed into a wave, which flowed towards Du Ke with an earth shattering power,causing the entire sky to tremble.

“Temple treats its citizen worse than pigs and dogs, and slaughtered all of them just to nourish your own bodies,your sins are beyond redemption, even with a hundred deaths, you can never redeem yourself!”

The Holy Flames covered Du Ke’s figure, but Du Ke’s voice came out clearly from the Holy Flames, in which therumblings could not conceal.

Du Ke’s figure was revealed once more, he was like a rock situated in the middle of a stream, while the Holy Flameswere like the water, that flowed around him. He was unharmed, and remained indifferent, but his tone wasresounding and powerful.

The Great Clan Elder’s face turned dark, he knew that he was unable to do anything to Du Ke, and sneered: “You canspeak all you want. History is written by the victors, the losers will become the evil one, I want to see whether youwill still be able to smile when we come out.”

With that, he no longer cared about Du Ke, but his absorption of Holy Flames increased.

Du Ke also knew that he was unable to do anything or stop the enemy, all the Fiery Pillars and the fiery screen in thesky were of one entity. If he tried to attack one, it meant attacking all of it, which he held no chance of winning.

And when the Spirit Generals completed their metamorphosis, their bodies would undergo qualitative changes, atthat time, they would no longer need to enter the fiery pillars, and would no longer require the power of the fierypillars.

~These Spirit Generals are almost completely metamorphosed.~

Du Ke looked at the pillars, then turned towards another direction, as he could sense a portion of the Holy Flamessurging in the other direction. Furthermore, he could sense a familiar aura from the said location.

~Tang Tian!~

Du Ke instantly became excited, no matter how powerful the enemy was, Tang Tian would not sit idly either. Seeinghow plenty of Holy Flames were surging towards Tang Tian as well, Du Ke’s mind instantly worked, ~Could it be thatTang Tian is also using the Holy Flames?~

The more he thought, the more possible he felt that it was, and he became curious. Tang Tian was a man not held bycommon sense, and could always perform extraordinary and strange things, this was something Du Ke hadconcluded of Tang Tian. And if Tang Tian did not do anything strange, Du Ke would feel that that would be strange.

He immediately increased his speed, as though he was skiing on the Holy Flames, he flew extremely fast. Theterrifying Holy Flames were unable to do anything to him.

Below, Sadra and the other Patriarchs were dumbstruck, they did not recognize Du Ke, but when they saw how hewas able to fly despite the restrictions in the sky, and could still fight against the Great Clan Elder, they saw how hewas not at an disadvantage.


All of them had the same feeling, as the moment they went closer to Temple, they would already be terrified. But theattack of the Holy Flames were so violent, yet they were unable to harm Du Ke. Sadra and the rest felt as thoughtheir knowledge of the world was being toppled, as one after another, random powerful existences were appearing.

The only clue they had was the term “Remaining Survivor of Sin Domain”. ~But, since when did Sin Domain havesuch powerful people? He is too powerful, and looks young.~

~Wait a minute!~

They suddenly reacted, ~Isn’t the direction that the powerful Sin Domain martial artist, towards Snow City?~

Everyone looked at each other, and frantically sprinted back to Snow City.

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