Undying Warlord

Chapter 115 Snow

Chapter 115 Snow

It was already late afternoon when Dilan found himself on the rooftop of the hospital’s first tower.

Leaning against the railing, he looked down at the city.

Rian had been devastated by the raging storm that had occurred just before the Primordial Ascension. But that was not everything because the real destruction happened only afterward.

Dilan had yet to see monsters that were able to cause true destruction, but it looked like quite a few buildings had been severely damaged.

Owing to the influence of something extremely powerful, the top few floors of some skyscrapers had collapsed.

At least that was what Dilan could tell as he saw weird cuts, places that had been frozen, and burned spots all around.

Not a single car was driving through Rian, which caused him to shake his head in disappointment.

“I wonder how many Survivors are currently trying their utmost to survive in Rian…”

He didn’t even want to imagine how many humans had died in Rian. As such, thinking about the casualties that must have occurred in the rest of the country, continent, let alone Milarn was something that caused chills to run down his spine.-.

Never in his life had he thought that he was a good person, but he was not heartless to not feel pity for all the people who were currently suffering.

While grasping the railing, Dilan didn’t even notice that he was bending it. He was just staring at the entire city from their elevated position.

After some time, his gaze diverted from Rian as he looked at the horizon.

Far in the distance, he was able to see the blurry outlines of monsters flying through the air.

They were flying past Rian at a distance of several kilometers away from them.

However, even then, Dilan was able to see them, and their terrifically high flying speed.

His interest in the horizon didn’t cease, but he noticed that Kathrine appeared next to him.

Next to her was Yvonne, who was also staring far in the distance like him and trying to figure out what type of flying monsters could fly so fast.

But after only a few seconds passed Yvonne turned her head to the right, just to see that Kathrine was looking at Dilan.

Her expression was filled with concern as she stared at Dilan. He kept his mouth shut and grit his teeth while looking at the once flourishing but now destroyed city and staring at the ruins left behind.

Not a single sign of human life was in his sight, neither planes flying through the sky, nor driving cars. Not even the lights of some building complexes were working anymore.

It was a sad sight that clearly showed how weak mankind became in a matter of 12 days!

And the most frustrating was the fact that there had been no news about the military, let alone the government.

Either, everything had been razed to the ground, or Rian had been abandoned.

Oddly enough, Dilan didn’t think that either of these possibilities was the truth.

There had to be something more, something he was missing that turned the illogical situation into a more bearable, reasonable scenario and outcome of the calamitous effects of the Primordial Ascension.

Time passed slowly, and the last rays of the sun peeked over the horizon, making him realize that the day was nearly over.

Even if he wanted to change the given situation, there was nothing for him to do.

He was too weak to change the life of everyone. And even if Dilan were to be strong enough, he was not sure if that was the best for everyone.

Looking up at the sky that was slowly turning dark, he could only smile bitterly.

However, it was just a few moments later that confusion spread through his body as a single snowflake floated right in front of him.

Dilan’s hand reached out instinctively and the snowflake landed in the palms of his Clawed Gloves.

Melting in the following seconds, water trickled down his gloves, just for more snowflakes to sweep in his face.

“It’s snowing…” Yvonne mumbled, a faint smile on her face as she looked at her sister, who returned her smile.

The tension they had been feeling for the last few days seemed to be released at the sight of the snowflakes.

Even the former gang members and Dilan calmed down quite a bit as the cold snowflakes landed on their faces and clothes.

Earlier, nobody had truly noticed how cold it was, but with the appearance of the snowflakes, they slowly noticed the drop in temperature.

However, even though Dilan’s tension was released to some extent, he could only frown deeply as a particular thought flashed in his mind.

“It looks like the next few months won’t get easier…”

At first, Kathrine and Yvonne didn’t understand what Dilan meant, but when Williams joined their discussion they slowly grasped what was going on.

“If streets freeze, we will have problems moving within the city, let alone the mountainside… And that doesn’t solve the heating issue either. We might need more gas for the hospital’s heaters to work…”

New problems cropped up with the appearance of the Snowflakes.

But that was not something Dilan was overly worried about right now.

As long as they achieved everything he had in mind, everything should be fine.

At least that was the only thing Dilan could hope for, only for a thought to manifest in his mind.

‘Even if we’re fine, the other Survivors will freeze to death, won’t they?’ Even if the weak Survivors who had nobody to rely on didn’t starve, they were likely to freeze to death.

Dilan thought about taking a megaphone before inviting everyone to the Rian mountainside hospital.

But that was simply stupid. The loud noise he would create was bound to lure monsters and hostile groups to the hospital.

As such, one could say that it was dumb to do something like this…for the time being.

Once he was strong enough not to bother about the strength others had, Dilan would be able to do whatever he wanted to.

Unfortunately, this was certainly not the case for now.

There were too many powerful existences and unknown variables that existed in Rian.

With that in mind, Dilan could only bite his lower lip before he came up with the next task at hand.

“Let’s hold a meeting. I think we have a few things to discuss…”

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