Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Chapter 111 A Rebound?

Chapter 111 A Rebound?

Andrew sneered and did not say anything. He kept sipping his drink, pretending to be unbothered by what Samuel had just said.

Not getting a response from anyone present in the room, Samuel sighed, "This is weird."

He looked at Owen. "You have more experience with women than them, you will agree with me right? '

"I will never agree with you on anything even if it's a white truth," Owen stated.

"Oh come on," he frowned. "Okay forget about Rachael and you agreeing with me, but a rebound relationship is a thing right?"

"It is." Before Samuel could get excited about it, Owen added, "But what you are assuming about Rachael is wrong. She isn't the kind of woman who would look for a rebound relationship."

"Well, maybe you are right, maybe you are wrong." Gulping down the entire content of the glass, Samuel got up. "I have to see someone so I am gonna take a leave. Thanks for the drink."

After he walked out, the room became exceptionally quiet. No one said a word.

"You are not a rebound," Owen broke the silence. "That guy is talking shit."

"Yes boss," Ben added. "You are too handsome to be a rebound man for any woman."

"I agree with Ben," Justin remarked. "Usually women look for men who are inferior to the man they used to date for a rebound. And you are definitely not the inferior one even if we try to compare the two of you."

When Andrew did not say anything, Owen said, "Don't let that man get into your head. You know how toxic he can be. Your relationship with Rachael is going very smoothly without any problems so be happy."

"And even if you are a rebound, who cares? She is already your wife," Justin stated.

Without saying anything, Andrew poured himself another glass of whiskey and chucked it down in one go.

Owen and Justin looked at each other without saying anything. They had no idea what was going on in Andrew's mind.

After sharing a very close relationship with each other for years, it was still very difficult to figure out or even assume Andrew's thoughts and feelings. He was very good at concealing them.


[Collins Mansion]

"So you are going?" When Rachael did not say anything, George frowned, "Are you f*ucking out of your mind? I am not letting you go anywhere near that man."

"Stop shouting," Emma snapped at him. "You need to calm down, okay?"

When Rachael told her that Oliver had called and wanted to meet her, Emma quickly rushed over. Unfortunately, she was with George at that time so she had no other choice but to drag him along.

"Then tell her Emma," George yelled. "Tell her that its stupid."

Keeping quiet for a while, Emma said, "I think she should meet him—"

"What?" he snapped.

Ignoring him, she looked at Rachael. "Did he tell you where and when?"

"High point cafe at 7."

"Alright, we should leave." She glanced at her watch. "It's almost seven."

"Emma I—" Rachael pursed her lips. After the unexpected phone call from Oliver, she felt very weird. If she had received this call a few months back, maybe she would have felt something different but now things had changed, she had changed and everything around her had changed.

"Rach—" Emma placed her hand on Rachael's shoulder. "We both know you need this, even Tina will agree with me. Just meet him and close this chapter forever."

"But Andrew—" Rachael grabbed her phone. "I need to tell him first."

"You really wanna tell your husband that you are meeting your ex-lover?" George sneered. "Don't crush a man's ego so hard."

"But I don't wanna lie to him—"

"Then don't f*ucking meet him." With each passing second, he was getting more and more annoyed.

"George—" Emma glared at him.

When he grumpily sat on the couch, she looked at Rachael. "Go and change, we will go with you too."

Contemplating for a while, Rachael rushed upstairs.

Emma pinched the space between her brows and sighed. Though she warned Oliver not to bother Rachael anymore and kicked him out of her house, she knew he wouldn't stop. He told her that his sole reason for coming back was to meet Rachael.

,m She was planning to warn her about it beforehand but who would have thought Oliver would make a move so fast and directly ask her to meet him.

Looking at George who was sitting on the couch with a very stern expression, she approached him.

"I know you don't want her to meet him but I think it's necessary." He was about to retort but she stopped him. "Listen to me first."

When he calmed down a little, Emma explained, "When relationships end and I am talking about serious relationships, a closure is very important."josei

Pausing for a while, she added, "Rachael never got one."

"George—" She grabbed his hand. "I know she is very happy with Andrew, I can see it. The old Rachael who was always happy and cheerful is slowly coming out. But I know she is still very hesitant to give her all in this relationship and maybe it's because she never got any closure from her past relationship."

"And you think meeting that scum will help?" George mockingly smirked. "I don't like this idea but I am not letting her go there all by herself."


[Rachael and Andrew's Room]

Pacing back and forth in the room, Rachael nervously picked up her phone to call Andrew. She didn't wanna keep him in the dark.

When he answered the phone, she froze and couldn't say anything.

"Rach? Are you there?"

"Y-Yes," she gulped in nervousness.

"What happened?" he inquired.

Keeping quiet for a while, she said, "Oliver called, he wants to see me."

Her sentence was followed by a long heart wrenching silence which made her feel very restless.

After keeping quiet for a really long time, he asked, "Are you going?"


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