Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Chapter 196 Truth(V)

Chapter 196 Truth(V)

"Oh so you are saying that I can take Andrew away if you are dead?" Semion questioned him.

Frederick narrowed his eyes and glared at him. He knew Semion wouldn't shut up until he took Andrew from them. He would make their life living hell. The man had the power to do it.

But he wouldn't allow it. Until and unless he was alive and breathing, he wouldn't let them touch their his family.

How could he continue living after pushing his son into the hellhole? He would rather die.

"Fred, please go inside," Lisa begged as tears rolled down her cheeks. She knew he wouldn't back out nor would her father.josei

"No, not this time," he stated.

"Please—" She buried her face on his chest. She felt helpless and the fact that everything was happening because of her made her feel very guilty. Only if she hadn't been selfish and dragged Frederick into the mess, maybe he would be living a different, healthy and safe life.

Frederick wrapped her arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry, we will not let him take our son away as long as we both are alive."

He then looked at Semion. "You were never a good father, at least try to be a good grandfather. Andrew is not even thirteen yet and you are thinking of taking him away to make him one of your kind?"

"Isn't the woman you are holding in your arms also one of our kind?" Semion raised his brows.

"You fell in love with her didn't you?" He added. "You sleep with her every night in the same bed. You have been seeing her every single day for the last fourteen years, haven't you?"

"After being with my daughter for so many years, you might have realised that our kind isn't normal, but extraordinary," Semion remarked. "And I want to make your son extraordinary too."

Walking towards them, he continued, "You know Frederick, I never liked you. For fourteen long years, I have been waiting to rip your heart off. You took away my daughter—"

Semion sighed and gently caressed Lisa's hair. "The only daughter I had, the only child I was proud of. I was very fond of her and she was very fond of her father too. But when you came along, she forgot everything. Her father, her family and how much I needed her."

"Dad it's not Fredericks fault," Lisa looked at him. "I was the one who walked away, I was the one who decided to leave your side. It's my fault."

"Okay—" Semion sighed and pinched her cheeks. "Now your husband will pay for that."

Just then a group of men dressed in black entered the mansion and surrounded them.

Before Lisa could do anything, Javier grabbed her hand and pulled her away from Frederick.

"What are you doing? Let me go." Lisa struggled but he refused to let her go. Instead, he tightened his grip around her hand.

"Now what were you saying again?" Semion smiled and placed the revolver on Fredericks chest. "I can take your son away only after you die—"

Frederick did not say anything, he just stood there looking straight into Semion's eyes.

When Semion did not see any fear or panic in his eyes, he raised his brows and looked at Lisa. "Well, he is a brave one, isn't he?"

"Dad, please—" Lisa begged.

"You don't care about your life I see but—" He pointed the gun at Lisa.

"Don't—" Frederick was about to move when a man grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"That's it—" Semion chuckled and pulled the gun back. "I wanted to see that panic and fear in your eyes."

He then walked towards his original seat and sat down. "Let both of them go."

"Dad—" Javier frowned.

"Let them go, let them be together for the little time they have."

When Javier let go of Lisa's hand, she quickly approached Frederick and embraced him.

"I am sorry—It's all my fault," she sobbed as she hugged him tightly. She didn't know how much time they had left, she wasn't sure if she would be able to hug him again. The uncertainty of their future scared her.

"It's not your fault honey—" Right after saying that, Frederick tightened his grip around her and flipped their position.

Before Lisa could understand what was happening, a loud gunshot followed by another echoed in the living room.

"No—" Lisa yelled as she tried her best to support Fredericks limp body. But her legs soon gave way and both of them ended up collapsing on the ground.

She grabbed his shoulder and quickly flipped him over. "Fred—" She vigorously shook his shoulders with her hands which were covered in his blood.

When he did not say anything, she screamed, "Frederick—"

"Dad—" Andrew ran towards them. "Dad, wake up—" He shook his arms, trying his best to wake him up.

When he did not move, he glared at his grandfather with his tear stained eyes. "What did you do?"

"Bring me the boy." Semion ordered his men.

When a man stepped forward, Lisa swiftly got up and kicked him in between his legs. When he groaned and kneeled down, she took the opportunity to grab Andrew's hand and run towards the nearby room.

When the other men tried to chase them, Semion stopped them. "Stop—" He then got up and gestured only Javier to follow him.


[Inside the Room]

"Mom, is dad dead?"

Lisa knelt in front of him and cupped his cheeks. "Ssshh, everything will be okay. You will be okay."

She wiped her tears away and tightly grabbed his hand. "Listen to me honey, your dad and I are not going to be around anymore—"

"No—" Andrew broke down. "Why are you leaving me alone? I don't wanna live without you—"

"Andrew—" Lisa grabbed his shoulders. "Listen to me very carefully. Your grandfather will take you away from here and you have to go with him."


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