Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Chapter 93 Shy

Chapter 93 Shy

Scooping her into his arms, he walked out of the study room.

When Rachael kept her face buried in his neck, he chuckled, "Are you shy now?"

When she looked at him, he faintly brushed their lips together. "No point being shy now, we have already done it."

"I am not shy—" she pouted her lips.

"You are not? Then why is your face all red?"

"It's because we just—" She stopped midway and frowned at him. "It's your fault."

Her red face was the result of a heated intimate session they just had in the study room.

Andrew smiled and gave her peck on her lips as he entered the bedroom.



As soon as they entered the room, he sat on the edge of the bed while Rachael cradled in his lap.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I was so worried when I couldn't contact you." She slapped his chest. "Don't ever do that again."

"Sorry—" he placed his hand on her bare thigh. "I wanted to surprise you."

As soon as they were done with the work they had gone to Russia for, Andrew forced Justin and Owen to fly back home the very same day.

Justin agreed immediately but Owen was very reluctant saying he needed some rest. But later due to peer pressure, he complied..

Cupping his face, she smiled, "I really liked your surprise."

"If I knew this is how you were planning to greet me, I wouldn't have wasted so much time," he remarked.

"I really missed you Andrew," she leaned against him. "Don't you ever again leave me alone for so many days."

He nodded and caressed her cheek with his thumb. "I won't—" He brushed her lips against hers.

Rachael grabbed his collar and pressed her lips against his.

Lifting her up, he flipped her around and pinned her on the bed.

She gasped when her back hit the soft mattress.

His lips travelled from her mouth, to her neck followed by her shoulders while his hands caressed her bare waist.

Rachael whimpered when he nibbled her skin. Her toes curled up in anticipation when his hands slowly moved away from her waist towards her breast.

She interlaced her fingers on his hair and arched her neck to the side, giving him more access.

"Rachael?" Elsa knocked at the door. "Are you inside?"josei

"Andrew—" Rachael muttered as she tried to push him away. But he refused to let her go.

"Elsa is….mmm—" she was forced to swallow the rest of her words when his mouth attacked hers.


When Elsa knocked again, she placed her hand on his shoulders and tried to stop him.

"Andrew…stop…Elsa is outside—" she managed to mumble in between the hot kisses.

And this time, he listened to her and pulled away.

"Can't you just ignore her and focus on me?" He frowned as he pinched her waist.

"She is already outside." She cupped his face and tried to coax him. "Open the door, okay?"

"No—" He buried his face on her neck.

"Andrew—" Elsa knocked again. "Open the fu*cking door."

"I think something happened—" Rachael pursed her lip and tried to get up. Elsa's voice sounded more anxious than the first time.

This time, even Andrew did not retaliate. He quietly got up and opened the door.

As soon as he opened the door, Elsa's tear stained face greeted him.

"What happened?" He frowned.

"I-I got a call from the hospital, Justin got into an accident."


[City hospital, Emergency room]

When Elsa, Andrew and Rachael arrived, Justin was getting his wound dressed.

On the way to his place, his cab met with an accident. Though he didn't suffer from any serious injury, he had many cuts and brushes along with a deep torn skin on his left arm.

As soon as she saw him, Elsa quickly rushed towards him. "Are you okay?" She pursed her lips when she saw the cut in his arm.

"I am fine."

"Are you sure?" Before he could answer, she added, "Did you get hurt anywhere else? The wound looks really deep, does it hurt? Did you hit your head or—"

"Elsa—" He grabbed her hand and assured her, "I am fine."

"How did this happen?" Andrew asked as he approached him..

"My cab met with an accident," he answered without taking his eyes off the woman who was on the verge of crying.

"What about the cab driver? Is he okay?"

"Yes, he suffered some minor injuries too," Justin answered. "It was the other car's fault."

"How can you lie like that?" Samuel, who was getting his wounds treated in the other bed, scoffed.

When all four of them looked at him, he defended himself. "It was his cab driver's fault. He was clearly driving in the wrong way."

"For the last time, you were in wrong way and it's your f*ucking fault," Justin snapped. The car which had clashed against his cab happened to be Samuel's.

The day he returned back to the city, he met with an accident with the person he resented the most. How could his luck be so awful?

"Okay fine—" Samuel shrugged. "I am new here and the traffic system is a little different but that doesn't mean I will let go off that stupid can driver of yours."

"We will see who will not let go of whom after the police investigates this matter," Andrew remarked.

"Oh look who is back in town—" Samuel grinned. "It's been a while Andrew."

Just then Owen entered the room.

"Dude what happened?" He quickly approached Justin. He had just reached his hotel room when he got a phone call from Elsa about Justin's accident.


"What the f*uck is he doing here?" Owen frowned when he saw Samuel.

"Excuse me—so many people are not allowed inside. Only one person can stay with the patient. Others please wait outside," the nurse who was treating Justin asked them to leave.

"We will be outside." Owen, Andrew and Rachael left, leaving Elsa with Justin.


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