Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Chapter 95 Elsa And Justin(I)

Chapter 95 Elsa And Justin(I)

[Outside the emergency room]

"Hey, what happened?" Owen quickly approached his sister as soon as he saw her tear stained face.

"Nothing—" Elsa looked up and wiped her tears away before taking a deep breath. "I want to be alone right now, I'll be outside."

"Yeah sure, just let us know if you want anything." Owen gently caressed her arm. He knew she wouldn't say anything even if he asked her. He knew his sister very well. So he had no choice but to give her the space she wanted.

"Can you ask the doctor if everything is okay with Justin and if he has to stay in the hospital or he can go home?" When Owen nodded, Elsa excused herself. She needed some fresh air to clear her head.

"Will she be okay?" Rachael was worried about Elsa.

"She will be fine, we just need to give her some time." Looking at the direction Elsa left, Andrew sighed. "Relationships can be so complicated."

"Hmm, they can," she nodded. "But what Elsa and Justin have can be easily solved with a normal and simple conversation."

Rachael looked at him and said, "If in the future we have any misunderstandings between us, let's solve it as soon as possible." She hated unnecessary complicated things and Andrew was the last person she wanted to have a complicated relationship with.

Andrew smiled and pinched her cheeks. "How can I stay mad at this cute face for a long time? The max I can go is two days and maybe four if I am very mad."

"Oh for God's sake give each other a break," Owen scoffed as he grumpily sat down. He was surrounded with two ridiculously different types of couples. One who couldn't keep their hands and cute words to themselves and the other ones who were dying without each other but wouldn't give in.

'Thank God I am single." He thought to himself, mentally appreciating the great choice he had made of not looking for anything serious or love.

Just then Justin came out of the room.

"Oh you are out already?" Owen inquired.

Without even bothering to answer, Justin looked around but when he couldn't find Elsa, he panicstrickenly inquired, "Where is she?" He had to see her as soon as possible.

"She stepped outside for some fresh air," Rachael answered.

"What happened?" Andrew frowned when he noticed Justin's bleeding hand.

"Sir, you can't just pull your I.V and walk out—that's dangerous," a nurse quickly approached him but Justin couldn't care less.

Without answering anyone, he rushed outside.



Sitting on an empty bench outside the hospital, Elsa was trying very hard not to cry but her tears did not stop streaming down her face.

She had tried to stay strong for three years but this was it, she had reached her limit.

After Justin ended their relationship, she tried to sort things out with him, she tried to talk to him. But when nothing seemed to work, she decided to accept her fate. She decided to accept the unexpected breakup and move on.

But she could never get past the breakup, she couldn't get past him. She couldn't forget him no matter how hard she tried.

"Let's go inside." When Elsa looked up, Justin added, "It's cold outside, you will catch a cold."

"What do you want now?" She looked away. "Just leave me alone."

"I can't leave you alone." He wanted to talk to her but not outside a hospital. "I want to talk to you, let's go somewhere else—"

"What do you wanna talk about?" She wiped her tears away and got up. "Are you here to tell me that I shouldn't continue to linger around you and move on?"

Before he could answer, she snapped, "If that's what you wanna say then save your speech because I don't need it. I don't want you telling me what I should do with my life."

"El, listen time first—"

"No, I have listened to you enough," she retorted. "Now it's time you listen to me."

"Three years ago when you left me like I was nothing to you. I didn't ask you why because you were going through a lot at the time and I wanted to respect your decision," she added. "And also because I was sure you would definitely come back to me after things get normal again. But when you never came back, I realised you were very serious about the breakup."

She stepped closer and grabbed his shirt. "I tried to talk to you so many times but you kept shutting me out. It was like I am nothing to you anymore."

​ "Do you have any idea how I felt? The only person I have loved my entire life suddenly stopped loving me, do you know how miserable I felt?"

Justin did not say anything, he just kept staring at her. After their breakup, this was the first time Elsa was opening up to him. He knew he had hurt her alot and he wanted her to take all her frustration out on him, because he deserved it.

"I tried, okay? I tried to move on and I am still trying but nothing seems to work." Over the past three years, Elsa had tried dating other people but it never worked. No matter how great the guy is, in the end she always ended up comparing him to Justin and later lost interest.

Pausing for a while, she added, "Do you have any idea what a great Robby Gazelo is? That guy is crazy about me and is willing to do anything I tell him. But I had to break up with him and it's your fault."

"You broke up with him?" Justin was surprised.

"I had to—I couldn't play with his genuine feelings when I knew I was just using him to get over you."

"Elsa—" he tried to touch her but she stepped away.

"I wanted things to work with Robby because I know that guy would keep me happy but how could I make things work when you are everything I could think about when I was with him?"


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