Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 227 - Luna Was Kidnapped

Chapter 227 - Luna Was Kidnapped

Luna sat alone in the garden. She felt was no longer in the mood to do a photoshoot again. The beautiful model saw many children laughing happily with their friends, parents, brother, or sister.

Slowly Luna remembered that when she was pregnant she was always accompanied by Ethan, precisely before Edward was disturbed their harmony.

"God ... I'm too stupid, I've hurt Ethan's heart. even though he has tried to fix his mistakes, he has fulfilled all my wishes, loves kids more than me. I am a sinful wife, let his dissolve in sorrow, even I do not fulfill my duties as a wife."

Luna started to sob remembering every time she ignored Ethan when she got angry backstage when she didn't give him a chance to touch her. "I'm so ashamed that I've been fooled by people who don't like our togetherness. Is there still an apology for me? do I deserve to be with you? I'm just a rebellious wife who wastes a husband as good as you!"

Luna continued to curse herself until a middle-aged woman who visited the park approached her.

"Dear, why are you crying?" she asked.

Luna immediately wiped her tears roughly and shook her head. "It's okay, I was just remembering something," she replied.

The middle-aged woman sat right beside Luna, looking at her with pity. "If there is a problem, resolve it with a calm heart and consider choosing a wise decision, a decision that does not harm yourself or others," she said.

Luna lowered her head, trying to digest what the woman said. "I don't feel right for my husband, I've gone too far to ignore him and hurt him." Finally, Luna spoke.

"Is he angry?" she asked.

Luna just shook her head, because Ethan always bowed to her.

"Then why not try to fix? Do you have children?" the woman asked, watching Luna who was looking down.

"Yes, our children are twins and not even four months old," explained Luna.

The woman sighed and rubbed Luna's shoulder. "Then go back to your husband, I'm sure he is very happy and accepts you with grace," she coaxed.

"I feel inferior," Luna sobbed again.

"Don't be so inferior, pity your children if you are not together," the woman coaxed.

Luna recalled the advice she had received from her mother, in-laws, Viona and Shandra. Almost everyone was advised to get back with Ethan for the sake of the kids. She also wanted to come back and feel homesick.

"I'll go back to his house later," she said.

"Well, then don't repeat the mistake, try to be a good wife," the woman advised. "Well, I want to go home first, my grandson must take a bath."

The middle-aged woman pointed to her two grandsons who were about six years old playing with other children.

"Yes, I hope we can meet again, thank you for enlightening me," said Luna with a friendly smile.

"Yes, Dear, I go home first."

The woman immediately got up from her seat, while Luna took her smartphone from her bag, then called Ethan.

until several times contacted, Luna finally connected with Ethan.


Luna started to sob.

"Honey, where are you?" asked Ethan over the phone.

"I'm at the park," replied Luna. "Ethan I'm sorry, I'm too bad as your wife," she sobbed.

"Why say that? You are a perfect wife for me. Honey, hurry home. The situation isn't safe." Ethan's voice sounded very weak.

"I already know everything, Ethan. Evelyn and Bastian work together to keep us apart and always misunderstand," said Luna.

"Honey, listen to me. We won't be apart and I believe you love me, only love me. The thing is now that Edward is out from the jail, he could hurt you."

"Really?" Luna confirmed, wiping her tears.

"He's been free and is now on the loose. 

hurry home, take care of Keenan and Keyra."

Luna nodded quickly and got up from the chair. "Yes, I will go home as soon as possible, I am waiting for you at Shandra's house."

Luna immediately hung up the phone before finding out that Ethan was injured. She walks back to the parking lot where her car is.

"Why does Edward always throw a tantrum when I'm just trying to make peace with Ethan?" Luna grumbled as she got into her car and then drove to Shandra's house.

just driving a few km and crossing the deserted streets, Luna heard someone calling.

"Hi, Dear ex."

Instantly Luna looked back and saw Edward smirking at her.


Luna immediately pulled the car over and turned to face Edward, looking at him intently but her heart was very scared.

"Why are you here? You should be imprisoned!"

"Don't be so mean, Honey. Weren't you always nice to me? Come on, don't be like this." Edward teased and moved to the front seat right next to Luna.

Luna swallowed her saliva, glanced in horror at Edward who looked like a terrible monster to her, his gaze was warm but his movements were really scary because he had committed a crime.

"Edward, don't do evil again, let me be at peace, don't bother me continuously," Luna said pleadingly.

"Of course, we'll live peacefully alone, Luna. Just like we promised." Edward smiled at Luna, then took her hand.

Luna frowned, then pulled her hand from Edward's grip. "No, I can't be with you, Edward. You know, I'm Ethan's wife!"

Luna moved to open her car and wanted to just leave, but when she was about to get out, Edward immediately grabbed her and covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

"Mmmhhh... mmhhh!!" Luna struggled, but Edward's grip was strong enough and she was so helpless that She slowly passed out.

Edward sighed, glancing at Luna who had passed out in his lap. "You shouldn't have to fight back, because I don't like seeing you suffer," he said later.

Edward moved Luna to the back seat by lying down, then he took over the wheel. the man is driving his ex's car a far away from Ethan's or Shandra's house, who knows where he will take her. I hope he doesn't intend to kill his ex-girlfriend.


At the hospital, Ethan was relieved that Luna had realized everything. He smiled and kept smiling as if he had just received his love. "Hopefully, nothing bad will happen to our family after this. Hopefully, Edward will be caught soon."josei

Ethan rushed to call Andrew, to inquire about the safety of Keenan and Keyra, and to make sure Luna had arrived home.

"Hello, Drew, how are all assignments, have you done well?" asked Ethan as he hooked up with Andrew.

"I've asked the police to pursue Edward. The kids and security at the office are also guaranteed safe, but I haven't met with Luna. I came to the photoshoot, but she wasn't there."

"Where are you now?" asked Ethan starting to worry.

"I'm at Shandra's house," Andrew replied.

"Luna should have arrived. Oh God, I'll call her again and you try to find her until you find her."

Ethan immediately disconnected the phone, he switched to calling Luna many times but there was no answer.

"Oh God, I hope he's okay," worried Ethan, who was still sitting on his bed, because he was still very weak and the doctor had not let him go home. the man couldn't do much at the moment other than order Andrew and his midwife, he was really weak and helpless thinking about his wife's condition.


Edward was driving Luna's car at high speed towards Bandung, he heard Luna's phone ringing continuously. the man took the phone and saw an incoming call from Ethan.

"You will never see your wife again because she will be mine forever." Edward threw Luna's phone out the window.

I don't know where Edward will take Luna? he must have been insane because of his obsession. Sarah or Viona meant nothing to the man, even though he had made love many times on hot nights, he still wanted the Luna who he had never touched. Oh God, I hope Luna doesn't get tainted by that crazy man.

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