Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 391 - Unexpected Fact

Chapter 391 - Unexpected Fact

In the afternoon, Keyra came home from the boutique accompanied by Keenan and Jasmine. Incidentally, at that time Jasmine visited his boutique until the afternoon.

Even though the boutique is open until nine o'clock at night, Keyra wants to go home immediately because she doesn't feel well. Keenan who wanted to pick up Jasmine also took Keyra home because Aaron couldn't be reached. Hmm, where did that guy go?

"Keyra, should I call a doctor to examine you?" Keenan asked while looking at Keyra who went straight to the living room sofa when she arrived at the house. His twin looked pale and limp as if she didn't have the strength to lift her head.

"No need, I'll ask you to take me to the doctor when Aaron is home," Keyra answered.

Jasmine, who felt sorry for Keyra, sat down beside Keyra and massaged the nape of her neck. "What do you feel?"

"Just tired and dizzy."

Keenan exhaled roughly. "Then we'll go home when Aaron arrives," he said, glancing at Jasmine.

"If you want to go home, that's okay. I'll rest in my room. Besides, there's Ani who will accompany me," said Keyra with a look full of confidence.

Keenan sat on the couch opposite Keyra and Jasmine. He looked pityingly at his twin who looked thinner since they got married. The woman also rarely gathers with her family.

"Keyra, I'm worried that you are seriously ill or something is wrong with you. Moreover, your body is getting thinner. You seem to have lost five kilos of your weight after marriage. What's wrong Keyra? Doesn't Aaron make you happy?" Keenan looked at Keyra with a probing look.

"Don't think anything weird. I'm happy with Aaron. What's more, he gave me freedom, of course, I'm happy? and I'm thin because I've been on a diet," Keyra explained with a reassuring smile. Then she glanced at Jasmine who was no longer massaging her but instead leaned back while holding her waist.

"You'd better go home...I feel sorry for Jasmine, I've been accompanying me at the boutique for a long time and now she need a break," she exclaimed later.

"I'm fine, Keyra. We won't leave you until Aaron comes or at least you get checked by a doctor," said Jasmine, straightening her seat again.

Keyra took a deep breath and massaged her forehead. "Okay then. Call the doctor to check me out."

"I'll call a personal doctor for our family," said Keenan then reached into his trouser pocket and tried to contact a doctor who had become a member of his family.

Keenan and Jasmine waited for about an hour until the doctor came and examined Keyra. They were relieved that Keyra was not seriously ill because it turned out that she was pregnant. Wait! Sonia is pregnant and the woman is also pregnant? None of them could escape Aaron.

When Keenan and Jasmine had gone home, Keyra just gasped in silence while sitting on the bed leaning against the head of the bed. The woman touched her belly which was still flat and did not feel her tears just falling.

."Oh my God, I don't understand how my marriage with Aaron is going? I'm so tired of being a wife who only gets hurt, but I also can't blame you for this child in my womb. Maybe I'm not allowed to be separated from Aaron with this child. But I'm tired of continuing to learn to understand what he wants." In her tears, Keyra imagined her husband who didn't want to touch her anymore even their household was very tasteless marriage is like a status. She had doubts about being able to continue living any longer as the wife of that heartless man.


There was a knock on the door. Keyra who was lazy to get out of bed just shouted, "Come in!"

The door opened and what came in was Ani, the housekeeper who is a middle-aged woman in her 40s, wearing a calf-length blue dress combined with a long-sleeved gray top. She approached Keyra who was still leaning on the bed.

"Mrs, there are guests who want to meet," said Ani slightly looking down at Keyra's puffy eyes.

"Who, Mrs?" Keyra asked.

"He said it was Mr. Aaron's grandfather," Ani answered.

"Grandpa here? What for?" Keyra didn't move and wondered because Hans usually didn't want to visit her house because it was a gift from Ethan.

"How about it, Mrs. Did I tell you to just come here?" asked Ani.

"Let me meet them," said Keyra then got out of bed. Limply she walked out of the room followed by Ani.

Keyra crossed the stairs and saw that on the ground floor, in the living room, there was already Hans and a beautiful woman with an eccentric appearance. 'Who's she?' She thought.

Arriving on the ground floor, Keyra immediately approached her husband's grandfather who had been watching her with a cynical look.

"Make a drink for them," she exclaimed while glancing at Ani who was still beside her.

"Okay, Mrs," Ani replied, then immediately walked to the kitchen.

"Where's Aaron?" .asked Hans with a straight look.

"Not home yet, Grandpa," answered Keyra.josei

"I'm not going to linger here. I just came to warn you, you must leave Aaron immediately!" said Hans curtly.

"Grandpa, I've asked for a divorce for a long time but Aaron always refuses," said Keyra occasionally glancing at the woman who stood staring at her cynically.

"Yes I know, but this time you have to be desperate to leave him because he will become Sonia's husband completely," replied Hans while glancing at the woman beside him.

Sonia smiled triumphantly, then glanced at Keyra sarcastically. "Better leave Aaron, let him be my husband completely!" She exclaimed then.

"Your husband completely?" Keyra looked surprised and did not understand what the woman named Sonia meant.

"Just so you know, Aaron is already married to Sonia and will make her his only wife after divorcing you!" explained Hans curtly.

In an instant, Keyra was weak and her lips were unable to speak anymore. Her heart seemed to be getting shattered by the fact that she just knew. Imagine! What woman's heart doesn't ache when she finds out that her husband has another wife after his rudeness, deceit, and physical pain? She couldn't feel the tears falling from her eyes.

Keyra was getting weaker and unable to support herself. She fell on the floor while Hans and Sonia were still standing in front of her.

"Leave Aaron immediately. Because I'm the only one who will be his legal wife, I'm even pregnant with his child," Sonia exclaimed with a cynical smile glancing at the crying Keyra.

"Pregnant?" Keyra looked up at Sonia.

"Of course, because I'm his wife and we've been married for two months!" Sonia explained.

Hans smiled triumphantly seeing Keyra so hurt by the fact that he had planned long ago. 'At least you feel what Sarah felt when she saw Edward had another woman in his heart, Luna! But this seems more painful,' he thought with a satisfied smile.

"You guys have been married for two months?" Keyra looked even more devastated. Tears couldn't be helped to roll down her cheeks.

"Yeah, we even spent a lot of time behind your back together. Instead of you being lied to all the time, that's why I came to tell you the news." Sonia exhaled sharply and looked at Aaron and Keyra's wedding photo hanging on the wall.

Hearing Sonia's explanation, Keyra's tears grew louder. Her eyes closed at the thought of how Aaron had been rude to her, tricked her, threatened her, and now doubled her. 'Aaron, why are you so outrageous?'

"Leave him, because I know that there is no harmony between you and him!" cried Sonia.

"If you don't leave Aaron soon, maybe you will only suffer more. Return to your family with unmarried status and your family will be very disappointed. You stupid woman!" Hans said very scathingly, ending with a cynical smile as if he was happy for Keyra's condition that went awry.

"Let's just go home, Grandpa. Maybe Aaron is already at home to meet me," Sonia shouted out loud as if wanting to make Keyra's heart hurt even more.

Hans nodded in agreement.. He immediately invited Sonia to go home while Keyra was still on the floor crying.

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