Unexpected Love: Mr CEO wild baby

Chapter 96 - Sarah Will Verify

Chapter 96 - Sarah Will Verify

In the afternoon, Luna was still at Shandra's house. She was reluctant to go home and chose to stay at her sister's house. During the day, the pregnant woman was alone in the room. Sometimes she still cries lamenting the fate of her love affair with her husband.

Feeling that it's not right to let Luna stay at her house without Ethan's knowing, Shandra tries to persuade her to just go home. Especially when it was already evening.

"Luna, just go home. Ethan will be looking for you later," Shandra persuaded. Because she wanted to call Ethan, but the number is no longer active. maybe her brother-in-law hasn't had the chance to buy a new smartphone after was slammed by Luna.

"I'll just stay here, Sis," softly Luna.

Shandra sighed and then stroked Luna's hair. "It is not good for a wife to leave without saying goodbye, even staying overnight Ethan must be confused looking for you later," she said.

"Leave it, I don't care!"

"I will be ashamed if you do not respect your husband. Solve problems with a calm heart and do not use emotions. Be more mature in dealing with situations." Shandra tries to persuade her. Because that's her duty as a sister who always looks after her younger siblings since they are overseas.

Luna did not flinch for a moment, then looked at Shandra who nodded assuring her to go home and all would be well. Because Ethan was not cheating.

"Okay, I'll go home," said Luna sadly.

Seeing Luna looking weak, Shandra couldn't bear to let her go home alone. Especially when it was almost dark, of course, it would not be good to let her drive the car alone.

"Let me take you," said Shandra.

"I can go home alone, Sis," replied Luna as she got out of bed. sometimes she held her head which felt tired. Because all day, she still cried a lot.

"Don't be nagging, I will still take you." Shandra gets out of bed and walks towards her room. She changed into a more polite outfit because earlier she was only wearing a t-shirt and thigh-length jeans.

Luna waited on the living room sofa while playing with her smartphone. She stared at the photo of herself and Ethan stored in the gallery.

"If I see your peaceful smile when you are with me, it seems impossible for you to cheating on me. But what is in the photo seems to be contradictory, you are intimate with another girl." Luna made a monologue with herself. She still believed the photo he saw yesterday.


Andrew stopped the car in Sarah's yard. He's going to fetch the alluring girl according to Ethan's orders. The man immediately got out of the car and walked towards the main door, then knocked on it.

Tok ... knock ... took...

Until a few moments of waiting, the door opened. seen, Sarah stared lazily at Andrew who was staring at her with a flat expression.

"Come with me," said Andrew as he pulled Sarah.

"Hey, where are we going? Don't pull me like this!" Sarah grumpily waved Andrew's hand away from hers.

"The point is you have to come." Andrew forced Sarah to walk to his car without caring the girl struggled to refuse. The man immediately got into the car and drove towards Ethan's house.

Sarah glanced at Andrew's annoyance who forced her to come along. Even though she did not know him and did not know what his purpose was.

"Where are we going?" asked Sarah.

"To Mr. Ethan's house," said Andrew.

Instantly Sarah didn't flinch and remembered what Edward had said last night. 'Is it because his wife has misunderstood and is angry? It meant that what Edward wanted was going smoothly. I also have to move on to make him helpless after this,' she thought with an evil grin. It turns out that Sarah already has a plan to entrapped Edward.

"You have to explain to his wife, that you are not an affair with Mr. Ethan," said Andrew.

"On what basis did she accuse me of having an affair with Mr. Ethan?" asked Sarah in an indignant feat.

Andrew, who was focused on driving, took the envelope in front of him and gave it to Sarah. "Look at the photo in the envelope," he exclaimed.

Sarah frowned, then took the envelope and immediately opened it. She didn't flinch at the picture of herself and Ethan.

"I don't understand all this. He was true with me yesterday. But just helping me. And I don't know who took the picture of us?" She said with all trickery.

Andrew sighed, then glanced at Sarah, who looked innocent. "Then tell his wife honestly that you guys have nothing to do with anything. It's a shame if his wife keeps misunderstanding and gets a lot of thoughts. Because she's pregnant," he said.

"Yes, I'll explain the truth later," Sarah replied.


When he just got home from work, Ethan headed straight to the room. He wanted to see Luna immediately because he felt homesick and worried. However, he did not find his wife there.josei

Ethan looked for Luna in all the rooms around his house, but he did not find her.

"Ira, do you know where Luna is?" Ethan asked when he met Ira at the side of the house.

"Mrs. Luna left this morning, sir," answered Ira.

Ethan frowned and asked again, "where went with who is he? Toni and all the bodyguards are home."

"He's alone, sir," answered Ira, then remembered the time when Luna left without saying goodbye. "Suddenly she just walked away in one of the cars in the garage," she explained.

"Jeez! She's driving by herself, what if anything happens? She's not been driving in a long time, what if she's uneasy and ... " Ethan chuckled irritably as he clenched his fists. He was worried that Luna would be in danger.

Ethan immediately walked to his car, about to find Luna. but his steps stopped when his red luxury car entered the courtyard. he immediately walked over to the car.

Luna and Shandra got out of the car. Ethan breathed a sigh of relief, for his wife came home fine and with her sister.

Luna went straight into the house, ignoring Ethan, who had welcomed her. She was still reluctant to look at her husband because the shadows of the photos and messages seemed to disturb her mind.

seeing Luna just pass by, Ethan's heart felt as if it was hurting again like a few months ago when Luna ignored him and did not accept him as a husband. 'Oh, God. Do I have to go through that time again?' he thought.

"Just let her. you have to do is prove that you do not betray her love," said Shandra.

"Yes, Sis. I'll prove it soon," replied Ethan.

From the direction of the gate, Ethan saw a car entering the yard. It was Andrew who had brought Sarah. Ethan smiled at them because soon all of Luna's misunderstandings will be explained by the girl he helped yesterday.

"Who is she ?" asked Shandra while squinting at the girl who just got out of Andrew's car.

"She's the one who's accused of cheating on me," Ethan replied.

Shandra continued to stare at the girl with a probing gaze, then asked again, "what did she want here?"

"Sh's going to explain all the truth to Luna," Ethan replied.

Shandra nods in understanding, then immediately walks into the house. while Ethan was still on the lawn welcoming Andrew and Sarah.

"Just go right in. I want you to make it clear that we don't have any relationship," he exclaimed, staring flatly at Sarah. Because he regretted helping her. because that's the thing that makes Luna misunderstand.

"Sorry. Because of me, your wife misunderstood. I don't know who took our picture yesterday," said Sarah with all her innocence.

"Yes, you just need to explain so that my wife doesn't get it wrong again," Ethan replied, then walked into the house followed by Andrew.

Sarah followed Ethan and Andrew into the mansion. She glanced around the living room which was decorated with luxury items and various artistic wall hangings. There is also a large wedding photo plastered beautifully on the wall.

"Oh, that's his wife. It's beautiful. No wonder you weren't tempted by me," Sarah whispered. She admitted that she was not prettier than Luna.

Sarah sat on the sofa while waiting for Ethan, who was called Luna. 'Ethan is rich, but still. I just want to have Edward, not him,' she thought, who still hailed Edward as her ideal man

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