Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 132 Assemble the troop

Chapter 132 Assemble the troop


*beep beep beep*

Inside a private room in the military hospital of Imperial, a young man lays on the white bed. From his head to toes, bandages covered every inch of him.

He was hooked up to a breathing machine with countless medical tubes and wires attached to him.


Suddenly, like he is suffering from a horrible nightmare, the space between the young man’s brows crease into three lines. He groans in his unconsciousness.

A fair slender hand reaches out from Jingxu’s side and holds his bandage hand.


The soft soothing voice floated like clouds into Jingxu’s unconscious mind. His expression relaxes.

Even if the bandages on him were thickly layered, he could feel the warmth bring transferred to him.

It was the warmth he loves the most.....

Yue Ling looks at her younger brother. She was in guilt for not saving him on time. If she had gotten there early, Jingxu wouldn’t be in this condition.

Neither would Ting have to lose his parents...

"Jingxu... forgive Jie for not coming in time...."


Suddenly, the door abruptly opens.

Yue Ling quickly stands up from the chair. Her posture turned into one on guard. After they left the warehouse, they didn’t follow up on the unknown group. If they followed or not, she does not know.

"Jingxu! You brat! What did you go do—-"


Old man Ji was pouring in rage. He had been trying to find his ungrateful grandson, not only that, he even flipped Imperial upside down!

Just when he was about to mobilize the army troop to search, Housekeeper Hu notifies him of something. It was that his granddaughter had been informed and will search for Jingxu.

Knowing this, he relaxed a bit. If it’s his granddaughter, he knows she can find Jingxu. They were close kins, even if they were not blood related.

Just a while ago, Liu Shan had personally called him that they found Jingxu and have taken him to the military hospital.

Old man Ji was angry, that grandson of his actually disappeared to get himself in trouble only.

Arriving at the door, he had purposely kicked the door open to scare the boy, but.....

His eyes at this moment stare in disbelief at what is in front of him. Like someone had ruthlessly rip his heart out, tears form in his eyes


*beep beep beep*

The sound of the breathing machine answers Old man Ji. Jingxu did not move as he lay unconscious.

Old man Ji stumbles his way towards the bed. His mouth open and closed, however, every word seemed to be stuck at his throat.

His beloved grandson is this person on the bed? Jingxu looked like a person who’s on life support....

Like a person who’s life will end if the machines connected to him is pulled off...

He stops by the bed. Not once did he move his line of sight from the boy. He stretch his trembling old hand and holds Jingxu’s.

"Ya... you brat! Wake up! Stop pretending. Wake up so grandpa can bring you home and hit you!"

Tears slowly fall from Old man Ji’s wrinkled eyes.

"Am I not your grandpa? Why didn’t you call me? Wake up and tell me who did this to you! Grandpa will make that person perish from this world!!"

Old man Ji lower his head and put Jingxu’s hand on his forehead as he wails dreadfully.

Where is the boy who always acts tough and argues with him? Where is the boy he is proud of? The boy he loves with all his heart?


Yue Ling couldn’t bare to keep watching her grandfather cry. She knows he loves Jingxu like his own. They may argue like water and fire, but her Yeye loves Jingxu just as much as he loves her.

Whether if it’s her or Jingxu, if they are in pain, yeye is in pain too.

Seeing how Jingxu still hasn’t woken up and her Yeye crying, she suddenly regrets not killing Ti Lung.

Hearing Yue Ling call him, Old man Ji lift his head and stares unblinkingly at Jingxu.

"How did Jingxu become like this?"

"Ghost Gang."

Yue Ling told him the truth. She is not one to keeps secrets from her loved ones. If they ask, she will tell.

Hearing the name, Old man Ji’s eyes darken as blood boil to his brain. His brows crease together and lip press into a tight line.

As the General, he’s helped aid along side the Lu family to take down gangs from the underworld. He’s also heard stories about this Ghost gang. It was said, the gang is one of the most ruthless gang in the underworld.

They will kill in the most torturous way, even a newborn baby is not spared.

"Zhong Yang!!!"

His voice raised like thunder for his assistant.

Outside the room, Zhang Yong’s old body jolted when he heard his master call for him. Cold sweat starts to form on his forehead.

Was the young master really in trouble? What happened?

He didn’t follow Chairman Ji inside, because he couldn’t bare to watch the young master get lecture.... swallowing his saliva, he wipes the sweat on his forehead.


Zhang Yong takes a deep breath and enters the room.

"Y-Yes Chair—"

Taking only one step in, his eyes widen in shock. Is he seeing things? How....

His young master, who is the sweetest boy he’s known, is the person laying on the bed? As if he is in a coma.....

"Zhong Yang! Assemble the troop! I’m going to make sure this puny Ghost Gang become ghosts! No! I’m going to make them perish without a soul to reincarnate!!!"

Old man Ji ignores his assistant’s shocked expression, his heart at this moment is too angry to care. His breathing was rapid and both his hands swung all over the place.

"Inform the troops right now. We will show this Ghost gang who they chose to cross lines with! I want everyone to know what it’s like to cross me!!"

"Yes, Chairman!"

Zhong Yang was also angry. He could guess what had happened to Jingxu. His young master is like this because of Ghost Gang.

It’s only fair that they all get their retribution!!! josei

Zhong Yang quickly turns to leave the room. The old him now looked like the strong soldier he was back then.

"Yeye. Uncle Zhang."

Yue Ling’s soft voice stops the two old men. Both Old man Ji and Zhang Yong finally turn their heads to look at Yue Ling.

"Ah Ling! Why are you stopping Zhang Yong? Don’t you want to get justice for Jingxu? Look at what those low lives did to him!!"

Old man Ji huffed and puffed as his chest move up and down.

"I will make them suffer one thousand... no one trillion times more than Jingxu! I will make them die with no grave or soul!!"

"Yeye, Ghost gang has already become ghosts."

"Hmmf! Ghost? The shouldn’t even be left with any soullll—- what?!!"

The old man was pissed, but hearing his granddaughter’s words, he was rendered speechless.

She had said Ghost gang is no more...?

Meeting Yue Ling’s bluish green eyes, he slowly nod his head. She wasn’t lying... just one look at her was enough to tell she was speaking the truth...

How could he forget.... His granddaughter is also a Han and she was raised by Old Han.

His heavy heart is at ease a little.

Steadying his old heart, Old man Ji close his eyes. He is ill and too much can give his deepest secret away. Yue Ling isn’t stupid, one false move of his and she will know that he is dying....

"Tell me exactly what happened."

Yue Ling looks at her grandfather. Taking a few steps towards him, she holds his hand and help him to a chair.

"Yeye, I won’t keep anything from you, but...."

She pause. Her expression turned dark remembering how she found Jingxu and Ting in a bloody mess.

"You have to stay calm at what I’m about to tell you."


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