Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 185 No longer my home

Chapter 185 No longer my home


"Ting, wait here for a bit. I have to meet with someone."


Sitting in a bench in the hallway, Ting nods his head. His eyes were puffy and red from all the crying. He looks at Yue Ling’s figure as she disappears into a room.

After he finished saying his farewells to his parents, Yue Ling drove them here. From what he knows, this place looks like a hospital. It’s not as big as Imperial Hospital, but since it’s inside the military base, it’s definitely more high tech.

Reaching for his crutches, he use them to help him stand up. Slowly, he makes his way through the hallway. Looking out at each passing window, he was amazed. He’s never been inside a military base before, let alone near one. Everything was far more structurally built. Coming to a window at the end of the hallway, he sits down on a bench and stare out the window.

Outside was a small courtyard with a beautiful tree right in the center. It was a very simple view, but to Ting, it reminded him of the tree at home.

The tree he and his mom planted....

Remembering his mom, his eyes couldn’t help but tear up again. He no longer have a mom or dad...

He has a home, but without his parents there, it isn’t home but an empty house...

Now he has no one....


Inside a hospital room, Yue Ling sat in a chair across from the doctor. Her face was as pale as a ghost and in disbelief. She came in just to get a check up, expecting it to be a minor migraine, but....

"Are you sure? Are you really sure?"

The doctor looks at Yue Ling and then she sighs. glancing at the paper in front of her, she slides the paper to Yue Ling.

"Miss Han, from the test we just did, I’m 100 percent sure."

Yue Ling sat still in her seat. Holding the test result paper in her slightly trembling hands, she could hear her heart beating to win first place in a marathon. Slowly, she move her right hand and softly place in on her abdomen.

’I really am.....’

The doctor smiles at Yue Ling.

"Miss Han, please take care of your health. From now on, your body is not only yours."

Yue Ling looks up at the doctor and nod her head. Getting the check up she came for done, she stood from the chair and leaves.

As her hand grab the door knob, she looks back at the doctor.

"Please don’t let anyone know about this."

Hearing this, the doctor frowns in confusion, "Not even General Ji?"

"Definitely not him."

Sighing, the doctor nods her head in understanding. She is one of the very few people who knows that Han Yue Ling is General Ji’s granddaughter. She respects the old man, but she is only a doctor and her patient’s decisions are theirs to decide, not hers.

"Alright, I won’t let anyone know."

Stepping out of the room, Yue Ling closed the door and puts the paper in her bag. Turning her head, she looks out to the window next to her.

Her mind drifted to two people.

Lu Tian and Lee Shin.

Reaching into her bag, she takes her phone out and dials Liu Shan’s number. josei

["Hello Boss! How can this noble one assist you?"]

"Book me a flight to City Z in the morning."


"Just do it."

["Alright, I’ll get to it."]

Hanging up the phone with her assistant, she touches her abdomen again. A part of her was happy but another part of her held thousands of questions.

Would Lu Tian be happy? Will he stay with her after she tells him? How should she tell him? What if he gets angry? What if he isn’t serious about this relationship? What if....


Ting sat on the same bench as he stare out the window lost in thoughts. His expression looked like lost soul wondering the world.


Hearing his name, he slowly turn his head to the side. Seeing who it was, his expression remained the same.

Yue Ling smiles faintly at Ting and walks toward him. She knows that deep down, the boy is still in extreme pain. Not physically as before, but mentally inside, he is.

Stopping by his side, she reach for his crutches and hand them to him.

"If you don’t mind me asking, what were you looking at?"

Subconsciously, Ting’s eyes followed all of Yue Ling’s movements. When he heard her question, his heart tightens as if someone squeezed it.

Looking down, he takes the crutches and stood from the bench. He looks out the window again and he felt his heart tighten more.

Looking away, he lower his head and whisper in a low whisper.

"My home... it is no longer my home...."

Standing at Ting’s side, Yue Ling’s expression softens with a mixture of sadness. Lifting her hand, she pats Ting’s head.

"Come, we have one more stop."


As Yue Ling and Ting leave the military base, Lu Tian remains oblivious to what his wife is doing.

Sitting like a noble king behind his desk, he held a sulking expression.

"Still no words?"

Xu Long’s head shrunk like turtle going into its home, he glance nervously at his boss.

"N-Not yet...."

Lu Tian sighs and pinch the space between his brows. Why is this small assignment so difficult to deal with?

All he wanted was the perfect ring to go with the perfect woman in his life. Was that too much to ask?

Sighing again, he looks indifferently at his assistant.

"Book a flight in the morning. I’m going to City Z."


Xu Long’s eyes plop out of their sockets and his jaw dropped to the ground. Just how many time is his cold and almighty boss going to shock him?

If the members of Wolf Team were here, would they be in as much shock as him?!

"Have you found any movements on TB Corps’ side?"

Lu Tian’s deep voice broke Xu Long from his shocked daze. Looking at his handsome godlike boss, he lift his hand. Touching his chin, he close his mouth and lifting it higher, he puts his eyes back in place.


Seeing this, Lu Tian stare with heavy eyes at his assistant. So much for maturity of a grown man. How is it that he, a cold and ruthless man known throughout society have such a weird assistant?

Oblivious to his boss’s thoughts, Xu Long smiles at the cold man.

"Boss, so far there’s no movement on their end. However, I did find that they tried to form a contract with Zi International but was turned down."

Lu Tian nod his head. Ning Xingyu has been scheming in the dark to over throw Lu Corps, but the man doesn’t know that Lu Tian already knows.

Not only that, Zi Yifan is one of his good friends, so there is no doubt the man would turn Ning Xingyu’s proposal down.

Thinking of something, he looks at Xu Long.

"Keep a close eye on them."

"Yes, Boss."

For now, he’ll let the Ning siblings enjoy their last remaining days.


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