Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 240 Show no mercy at all

Chapter 240 Show no mercy at all

The afternoon wind blew through a vast field causing the grass to sway in motion.

Laying in the middle of the field was a young man. He stare up at the clear blue sky with both his hands behind his head.

The white clouds slowly move in one direction and the image of a man and woman appears in his view.

Like a dream come to life, he reach a hand out with his fingers spread apart. His gesture as if he was trying to hold on to the two people.

"Dad.... mom..."

He gulp with great difficulty. Closing his eyes slowly, he also close his hand into a tight fist.

"I am doing fine. Please continue to guide me in the right path of life...."

When his last word fell, his eyes slowly flutter open. His hand dropped back down as the image of his parents slowly fade with the moving clouds.

"This is where you were?"

Hearing the sudden voice, Gu Ting turn his head to the person then back to the blue sky. His expression returned to expressionless, as if the boy earlier was never missing his parents.

Standing at the side was a boy three years younger than Ting. He looks at him then tilt his head back to look up at the clear blue sky too. He takes a deep breath and slowly sits down on the grass.

"You know, if you want to talk about anything, no one here will judge you."

Ting glance at the boy and he sits up. Without replying, he prepares to leave.

"Don’t let your own sorrow take control of your heart."

Hearing the sudden words, Ting pause in his steps. He clench his hands tightly into a fist and pulls himself together.

Without looking at the boy, he spoke in an almost choking voice.

"You don’t know how it feels to live every day knowing how tragically your parents died."

Ting lower his head and smiles and smile that did not reach his eyes. josei

"You still have your grandfather and sister."

He finish his words and strides away. There was nothing more to discuss about.


Sitting on the grass, the cool breeze of the wind blows again. The boy stare at the sky then down to the vast field in front of him.

"I know that same loneliness...."

Ting heard the words, but he did not stop. How can someone who still has family know what he had gone through? He doesn’t need anyone’s pity.

Watching Ting’s back, the boy stood up and he thought of the him back then. He and Ting may be three years apart in age, but they share the same experience in life.

He turn his head and looks back at the field that was once unfamiliar to him.

This field that is now home to him.

"You say I don’t know that feeling, but I do..."

His head turn to Ting and his words continue.

"Not just me, but also everyone you’ve been training with."

Ting suddenly felt his feet glue to the ground. He couldn’t find the strength to move or unknowingly say anything.

"We all have our own tragic past, so don’t assume because we don’t show it."

The boy lift his head and walks towards Ting. He stops next to Ting and pats his shoulder.

"Just because we all smile everyday, doesn’t mean we aren’t hurting in the inside."

Ending his words, he didn’t wait for a response or reaction. He calmly walks away.

Every soldier here may look like a bunch of idiots, laughing and living each day full of life, but...

Behind closed doors, they all have their own scars deeply engraved in the deepest depth of their hearts.

As the boy’s figure further into the distance, Ting remained standing in the same spot. He thought about the boy’s words for a long time.


He scoff a sarcastic laugh at himself. How foolish he must have been to assume without knowing anything.... To think, he needed someone younger to talk some sense to him.

When he first trained with everyone here, he thought no one knew the kind of feeling he did.

He had assumed because everyone looked so carefree and got along well with each other.



The boy stops in his steps and turn to the owner of the voice. Seeing who it is, he nods his head.


Liangcai walks over to Jingxu and a foolish smile was on his face. He pat the kid on the back and gesture with his head.

"Everyone’s having lunch, let’s go."

"Mm." Jingxu nod his head and walks with Liangcai to the eating area.

Entering the room, he takes a plate and start to pick out the dishes he wanted to eat. Like usual, he sits next to Liangcai, Xue Yi and Ye Fei. Just as he starts to eat, one of the soldiers calls out to someone.

"Ting! Hurry bro, we’re going to eat without you!"

Ting stopped and looks at everyone eating and laughing together. His hands clench to tight fists again as he ponder in thought.

When he first came here, he was welcomed and treated no different from anyone here. A few fights broke out between them, but at the end of the day, they forgave each other. He had thought maybe it was their time serving in the military that made them this way, but....

’Just because we all smile everyday, doesn’t mean we aren’t hurting in the inside.’

Jingxu’s words slowly float in his head. It showed him that not everyone is happy like how they seem.

He looks at Jingxu then to the soldiers again. Straightening his posture, he bends forward and bows unexpectedly to everyone.

"I, Gu Ting am sorry for ever doubting anyone here. I hope that you all will still accept me as a brother again."


Everyone stops what they were doing and turn to look at Ting. Just as confused as the others, Liangcai looks around and stands up from his chair.

"When did you ever say anything about doubting us?"


Ting shook his head, "I never did, but..." he lower his head, "I had thought about it."

Liangcai arch a brow, then he turn to look where Jingxu was sitting.

Feeling eyes on him, Jingxu looks up and seeing Liangcai looking at him, he shrugs his shoulder.


Like a dumbfounded person, Liangcai didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. After their morning training, he had seen the two boys out in the field. When Jingxu returned just now, he didn’t bother to ask what had happen. Yet, Ting suddenly says this?

Thinking of the situation and Ting’s words, he sighed inside. So these two kids had a small quarrel.

Not hearing a response, Ting straightens himself and looks attentively at Liangcai.

"I will accept any punishment given to me."


Liangcai’s eyes narrow and he takes a step forward.

"Any punishment?"

His height was taller and he was more toned, making him look more intimidating, but Ting did not falter one bit. He stare right back at Liangcai and answered.


Hearing his answer, everyone didn’t bother to care about eating anyone. They are prepare to see a live action of the famous Liangcai and the rookie Ting.

"Liangcai, give him a good beating for doubting us!"

"Yea, punch him hard!"

"Show no mercy at all!!"

An uproar rose louder and louder. Fists were punching air in demonstration and so were kicks. Everyone were motivating Liangcai to fuel the oil.

Hearing the shouts from his brothers, Liangcai’s lip curl upwards. He slightly change his posture and move his right arm in a punching stance.

"Don’t blame me then."

Seeing this, Ting still did not show a change in his expression. He slowly close his eyes to welcome the punch. His small movement wasn’t because he was afraid to get beat up, it was to let Liangcai and everyone know that he’s willing to accept any punishment.

Liangcai’s smirk widen and he did not hesitate to advance forward. His eyes locked on Ting and he swiftly swung his arm to punch Ting.

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