Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 247 Vision on humanity

Chapter 247 Vision on humanity

Yue Ling stepped out of the room and closed the door. As she did so, she looks at the Nuo family before shutting the door to give them some privacy.

Her eyes gently close and she takes her phone out from her handbag. She dials a number and waits for the other line to answer.

["Hello Boss! What can I do for you?"]

"Hack into Imperial Military Hospital. Check every CCTV and find everything related to Doctor Xie. I want to know what he was doing and where he’s been within the last 48 hours till this very moment. If you have have to hack the cctvs outside, do so."

["Got it."]

Yue Ling ended the call and scrolls through her contact list. She press on Lin Hui’s number and puts the phone back on her ear.

The call rang two times before the other line was answered and Lin Hui’s voice came through the phone.


"I need you to secure the premises at Imperial Military Hospital. Keep a close eye on Doctor Xie and the Nuo Family."

["Nuo family? What happened?"]


Yue Ling sighed at the thought of how Liu Shan and Lin Hui were so different. One listens to her order and gets straight to the job, while the other always asks so much question. However, they were both her trusty subordinates, so she never keeps anything from them.

"Nuo family is being targeted and Doctor Xie seems to be a part of it."


The call quickly ended and Yue Ling sighed again. She place her phone back inside her handbag and decides to go find Lu Tian. After what happened, she knows she has a lot of explaining to do.


The door behind Yue Ling suddenly opens. She takes two steps to the side and turn to look at the person.

It was Uncle Nuo’s daughter. Yue Ling smiles to the girl, "Hello there."

The girl looks at Yue Ling and her eyes glisten with light of fireworks. Her cheeks flush shyly and she takes a step out of the room and close the door behind her.

"I’m Nuo Hui Ying. Thank you for helping my family."

Looking at the girl, Yue Ling was reminded of Jingxu and Ting. To be so young and already have to face the harsh life of reality... How can anyone continue to see this world as a better place....

Nuo Hui Ying looks up at Yue Ling and her cheeks flushed even more red. Never did she think the ’Diao Chan’ her grandmother kept mentioning was her role model and idol, Han Yue Ling. She promised to never forget how Yue Ling and Lu Tian helped her and her grandmother that night. If it wasn’t for them, who knows what would have happened to her.... even worse, her grandmother...

"I won’t tell anyone about this..."

Hearing this, Yue Ling looked down at the girl and she chuckle. Out of habit, she lift a hand and pat the girl on the head.

"Thank you, this will be our little secret."

"What secret?"

A sudden deep and cold voice interrupts the woman and girl. The both of them turn to the person and seeing who it is, Yue Ling smiles to the man. However, unlike Yue Ling, Nuo Hui Ying felt fear and takes a step to hide behind her idol. The coldness in Lu Tian’s eyes could be seen from thousands of miles away.

However, when they were in the room, she knows the man loves Yue Ling. Lu Tian’s eyes may look coldly at people, but when he looks at Yue Ling, his eyes held the same affection and doing her father has for her mother.

She gulped with great difficulty and softy tug Yue Ling’s shirt, "M-Miss Han, I think I heard my mother call for me."

Nuo Hui Ying didn’t waste another minute. She turn around and as fast as a rabbit, she enters back inside the hospital room with the door shutting.


Yue Ling stare at the door and she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Although Nuo Hui Ying had said that, it was clearly an excuse to run. She looked at the sudden intruder and shook her head.

"Tian, what are you doing here? You scared her away..."

Lu Tian shrug his shoulder and walks up to his wife. He took her by the hand and he kiss the back of her palm.

"Similar reason to yours." ’I only need you not to be scared of me.’

He spoke his words but kept the remaining parts in his mind. If he had actually spoken those words, he is sure that she will be scared of him.


Hearing his words, Yue Ling tilt her head and stare up at him. Lu Tian is here for a similar reason? Did something happen to his family or someone he knows?

Knowing what his wife his is thinking, Lu Tian didn’t hide anything and answers his wife.

"My younger brother was admitted to this hospital."

Younger brother?

Yue Ling furrow her brows at his words. She narrow her eyes at him as she tries to imagine how Lu Tian’s younger brother would look like. Would he be cold and aloof too? Scare people? Weird?


Inside the private room at the far end of the hall, Lu Han sat up on the bed and sneezed his lungs out. He glares a Xu Long who is still in the room with him then he frown.

Who dares to talk about him? Can’t they see that he is already in a bad shape and is currently in the hospital?

Oblivious to Lu Han’s existence until now, Yue Ling didn’t think much of it and she hold Lu Tian’s hand.

"Tian, theres some things I need to tell you. I—"

*Ring ring*


Lu Tian’s phone ringed multiple times. It echoed loudly inside the hallway making him frown. He looks at Yue Ling and his expression told her to continue her words.

Seeing this, Yue Ling sighed with a deep breath, "It’s alright, go ahead and answer the call. It might be important."

Lu Tian thought about it, then he reach for his phone. His brother is in the hospital and his parents are still worrying. What if something bad happened to Lu Han or his parents.

Looking down at the screen of his phone, the space between his brows creased into three lines.

’Lu Han’

He slide the phone unlocked and answers the call.


["Bro! It was you huh?!! I know it was you!"]


Thinking that it was serious call, he didn’t prepare himself well enough that the other person would suddenly shout into the phone.

"What are you talking about?"

["Don’t lie to me! I know it was you! You cursed this noble one huh? Don’t say you didn’t because if you didn’t, I wouldn’t have sneezed so loud just now! How can you? I’m already in great pain, how can you talk ill about your handsome younger brother? *sob*."]


Lu Tian was struck dumbfounded listening to his younger brother. He looks at his wife and his eyes narrow in suspicion, but it was only a quick second and his eyes returned to normal.

"Han, do you really want to feel ’great pain’?"


The line turned silent as the sound of crickets chirp in the distance. The howling whisper of a quiet wind blew into imagination before a sarcastic laugh escapes the phone again.

["Hah hah, bro what are you talking about? What great pain? This Noble Han was just kidding. Hah ha, don’t forget to come visit me again! Bye!"]

*du du*

The call ended the call right away, leaving Lu Tian dumbfounded even more. He glance down at the phone and puts it back inside his pocket. Sometimes he cant help but wonder why his younger brother is so different from him.

Standing quietly next to the aloof man, Yue Ling acted as if she was not there at all. She swore Lu Tian’s expression changed so many times within that one phone call, however, she cant say it to him. If she did, it would probably destroy the man’s image.

"Mr. Lu, Miss Han."

From the side, Doctor Dong stood in the distance. He nod to the couple and gesture with his hand.

"The diagnose report has been investigated. We can discuss about it in my office. I will have a nurse send for the Nuo family."

Yue Ling looks at the tightly shut door to grandmother Nuo’s room, then to Lu Tian. She had wanted to discuss something with Lu Tian, but it seems theres something more important to do. For now, she will go and listen to what Doctor Xie has to say.

Of course, she is still waiting to hear from Liu Shan and Lin Hui. Well, more like, she wants to see if Doctor Xie is truthful as a doctor.

Lu Tian held his wife’s hand and guided her to Doctor Dongs office. He knows that its not his place to get involve in other people’s business, but this involves his wife.

Anything about her involves him.

As the couple leave the hallway towards the doctors corridor, inside the room at the far end of the hallway, Xu Long sat in a chair and his lip pursed at the man sitting on the hospital bed. His head stood straight for one second and then in the next second, his head drop to the side like his neck couldn’t hold his head in weight. This continued for a long minute before he couldn’t take it anymore.

"Lu Han, why do you keep doing that? Are you in great pain as you say? Should I inform the doctors to come check on you?"


Lu Han, who had just gotten off the phone with his older brother couldn’t stay still in bed. He laid down for one second and then sat up with a sigh, he kept repeating this without realizing that he was hurting Xu Long’s neck.

His mind was cursing his brother for acting like he never cursed him. If theres anyone in the world who will talk about him, the noble mundane Emperor, it would definitely be his Heavenly Emperor brother.

However, his thoughts were disrupted when he heard the assistant, he glares at the man, then decided to lay down. No, laying down was not comfortable, he quickly sat up. Actually, sitting up is better.

He cross his arms over his chest and looks at Xu Long with squinting eyes, "Ya, Mr. Assistant, what are you still doing here? Did humanity turn it’s back on you?"

Hearing the question, Xu Long’s eyelids turned heavy. He could already see that his boss must have said something to make Lu Han act this way. So like every other time, the man always change the subject. He sighed inside and shook his head.

He sat in his chair with a straight spine and lift his legs up. Crossing his legs, his right foot rest on his left calf as he spoke in a deep low voice.

"If heaven made him, earth can find use for him," Bring both his palms together to his chest, his head bow forward, "Amituofo."


Seeing this unfold, Lu Han swore he turned into slime. However the moment he saw Xu Long bow, his face turned into the meme face of Yao Ming. Both his hands shade his eyes due to the bright light reflecting from Monk Xu Long’s shiny bald head. josei

"My eyes!!!!!!"

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