Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 285 Giving it away

Chapter 285 Giving it away

Thousands of glowing lanterns fill the night sky illuminating a magical vision over Imperial. The scene looks as if the stars from afar had zoomed in. The clacking sound of the lanterns can be faintly heard from above.

Lu Tian was at a loss for words knowing that the ring he had chose was the ring his wife’s first love had once given her.

Thinking about it, Lu Tian takes a step back and he pinch the space between his brows.

It’s not that he is angry at the fact that the ring was created by Shin. It was the fact that he had reminded his wife of the person who is no longer here.

If he wants his wife to be happy, how can he give her something that will remind her everyday of the decease.

Seeing Lu Tian’s reaction to her words, Yue Ling sigh a smile.

She touch his hand that is pinching the space between his brows. Bringing it downwards from blocking his face, she gently squeezes his hand.

"Tian, I want you to hear me out."

She turn her head to look for a place to sit, but seeing that there is no bench in sight, she pulls him down and they sit on the cold grass.

Turning her body to face him, she sighs again.

Where should she start?

"It’s true that L’amour de ma vie was Shin’s gift to me."

She looks down at the ring on her ring finger and her words continue.

"When I heard that someone wanted the ring, I held mix feelings inside. For a long time I held onto this ring because it was the last thing that Shin gave me and for the longest time, I also wanted to let it go, but I could never bring myself to. It wasn’t just a ring, but a sentimental item to remember him even after death."

Yue Ling tilt her head back and she looks up to the sky. The glowing lanterns were slowly getting further from view.

"It’s not that I am a greedy person.... I didn’t want the last memento of someone who was part of my life to be taken away. For three years, I knew that the feelings I had held for 10 years were no longer the same, but... I just couldn’t bring myself to throw away something that was part of my life for so long."

Saying this, she looks at Lu Tian and she caress the side of his face.

"After our encounter in City Z, I finally found the courage to give up this ring. I came to realize my feelings for you and I found the courage of finally let go of the ring."

Her fingers trace the side of face before she move her hand away. Lowering her head, she looks back at the ring.

"Giving it away was what I did, but I never thought the person who wanted L’amour de ma vie was you."

Hearing her words, Lu Tian didn’t know what to say. He felt like the biggest idiot in the world. Before he bought the ring, he had a weird feeling that kept telling him to do a research on H International’s CEO, but he didn’t.

He never thought that his wife was the mysterious CEO.

Thinking of this, he glance at his wife and seeing her expression, he let’s out a sigh.

Without a care, he falls back to lay on the cold grass and stare up at the sky.

"I never thought that you were H International’s CEO."

Yue Ling smile a small smile hearing his words. She looks out to the faint view of Imperial in the distance.

"H International was my father’s. After his death, I couldn’t allow it to fall into the hands of evil people, so I took over. However, outside of the employees, no one knows that I am the CEO."

Yue Ling looks down at the ring again and she slides the ring out of her finger. Lifting it up, she stares at it.

"L’amour de ma vie is only a ring to me now."

Seeing what she is doing, Lu Tian quickly sits up. He reaches for her hand and takes the ring from her.

He let’s out a sigh and slides the ring back on her ring finger.

"Even if it is only a ring now, it is meant to stay with you."

Hearing his words and seeing his straight forward expression, Yue Ling felt her heart tinge. She place her other hand over his and she stares deeply into his eyes.

"Tian, I know you are trying to be reasonable, but it is not fair to you if I keep this ring."

Lu Tian did not look at her, but stares down at her hand and his thumb caress the diamond on the ring.

She is right... it isn’t fair to him if she keeps this ring, but....

"Fair or not, this ring will be the witness of my love to you. Let it be the proof that I really do love you."

Yue Ling couldn’t help but smile a light chuckle.

She really does love Lu Tian.

Staring at him, she leans in closer to him and her lips seal his.

If it had been anyone else, they would probably flip out over this, but because this is Lu Tian, he weighs the pros and cons.

Feeling her sudden kiss, Lu Tian was taken back by surprise, but he did not show it.

Her unique scent assaults his senses.

His large hand clasps her slender waist, while his other hand presses the back of her head.

Ravaging and sucking, it was after a good while when Lu Tian loosen his hold on his wife.

Lu Tian steadied his breathing, while Yue Ling tries to catch her breath. Both people has their forehead touching one another, but neither spoke a word. Only the sound of their breathing could be heard.

After calming himself from going any further, Lu Tian was the first to speak. He stood up from the grass taking his wife’s hand. josei

"It’s already late, we should get going or Inu will worry."

Yue Ling allow him to help her up, but when she heard what he said, she was dumbfounded. She cast a side glance at him and roll her eyes.

Inu will worry? Really? If that was the case, why did he plan so many surprises.

Shaking the thought away, the two individuals leisurely makes their way back inside the house.

While walking back, Yue Ling couldn’t help but take another look at the night sky mix with the faint vision of the lanterns.

Her mind wonder off to something before she finally looks away.

She rest her head on Lu Tian’s shoulder and without helping it, she inhale his manly fragrance.

"Tian, when we have time, let’s look for a new ring together."

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