Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 36 BMW x5m

Chapter 36 BMW x5m


The long night pass by in a quick second as the sun rose in the sky, bringing it shining light to welcome Imperial.



Yue Ling grunt in bed at the loud sound of doorbell.

She reach for her phone on the side table;


"Ah! Who is it so early in the morning?!" She grunt angrily and stumble to get out of bed.

She wrap her knitted cardigan from last night over her body and slip into her slippers, walking out of her room grumpily.

Standing in front of the security camera screen, Yue Ling press the answer button to see who was at her door at 7 in the morning.

["Boss!! Hurry!! Open the door for me!! Please!!"]

Liu Shan’s voice cried through the speaker.

His hoarse voice made him sounded like a dying animal.

Yue Ling frown and press the unlock button. She then forcefully drag her legs to her couch and sat down in a slouchy position, pulling her oversized cardigan over her body like a warm blanket.

At the same time, Liu Shan bolted inside, slamming the door shut.

He leaned against the door and pat his chest.

His face was as white as a piece of paper and his breathing like something was out to get his life.

Yue Ling looked at him with one raised brow. She thought, ’This... why does he look like the grim reaper was out to get him?’

"Did you get chase by a ghost?"

Liu Shan calmed his beating heart by patting his chest again.

"No, it was... Ah, nothing."

He swallow his saliva and wobble over to the couch next to Yue Ling with trembling legs.

His body dropped onto the couch in a S shape. He stuck his right hand out while his face laid flat on the couch.

"Here. Keys to your new car."

He slightly turned his head, revealing only half his face so he can speak.


Yue Ling at this moment was too speechless to say a word. She just grab the keys in Liu Shan’s hand.

It was a black and silver key with the BMW logo in the middle.

She arch an eyebrow, "BMW?"

Liu Shan gathers all his strength and sits up.

"It’s the newest BMW x5m, sports model, white with tinted windows and black rims."

Yue Ling: "Price?"

Liu Shan: "Not much. It’s a good low key car."

Yue Ling: "How much?"

Liu Shan: "*cough* 730,000 yuan.."

Yue Ling: "....."

Liu Shan: "Boss, don’t give me that look. I tried, okay. Besides, think about it, with all your other cars, this tiny x5m is nothing in comparison."

Yue Ling: "...."

She rolled her eyes at Liu Shan.

She had specifically said ’low-key’ yet, his idea of low key is always too eye catching.

Remembering something, she narrow her eyes and cross her arms over her chest, "Why were you so scared just now?"

Hearing his boss’s question, Liu Shan quiver at the remembrance of what he just went through.

He mumbled nervously, "n-nothing."

Yue Ling squint her eyes suspiciously at the quivering man. She knew he was scared, but since he wouldn’t say, she won’t force him.

Liu Shan sighed in relief knowing that his boss wasn’t going to force it out of him.

He leaned back on the couch and wipe the sweat on his forehead away.

Truth was, after he picked up his boss’s new car from the dealership and drove it the car here, he was so excited.

He had chosen the most ’low-key’ car in his eyes. josei

And couldn’t wait to show it to his boss.

But, when he arrived at Jade Condos, his excitement was ruined the moment he stepped out of the elevator.

He saw the one person he feared to meet.

The man who is known for his ruthless ways in the business world.

The man who deals with the dark and cold underworld for the government.

The man who’s name alone could shake one’s soul.

The man who’s name is Lu Tian..

Ahh!!! It was still early in the morning! How could he be so unlucky to run into the devil?!!

Liu Shan gulped in fear when he accidentally made eye contact with the cold man.

Just from looking at those dark eyes, he felt his soul leave his body without hesitation.


He realized that Lu Tian had just stepped out of his penthouse door and his eyes shot open when his brain processed!

His boss’s neighbor is the man she had offended at the airport when she first arrived!!

Dear lord! What’s going to happen?!!

Suppressing the fear creeping inside of him, Liu Shan walked in long strides to his boss’s door. He even lunged forward like Superman to press the doorbell.

As he rung the doorbell, the air become so heavy it felt like he was suffocating.

Suddenly, he felt a murderous glare on him.

Was it all in his head?

He shivered and turn his head to take a small glance to his side.


This was the worst mistake he ever made in his entire life. Why did he stupidly decide to steal a glance at the man? What gave him such courage?!!

The Lu Tian at this moment looked so terrifying, like he could kill at any time.

His eyes were even more dark and Liu Shan could see a dangerous aura emitting from them.

As if sending laser beams to end him.

Liu Shan gulped in fear and press the doorbell vigorously.

’Boss! Open the door for me! I don’t want to die! I’m too young! This subordinate is scare of your neighbor!!! Boss!!!’

After who knows how long, he finally heard the the door unlock and bolted inside.

He didn’t dare to look at the devil with the deadly glare.

Liu Shan thought, if looks could kill, he, a pure and innocent man would have died at the eyes of the almighty Lu Tian!

"Liu Shan, did you hear me?"


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